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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I like remixes and rap songs like this:
  2. @Carl-Richard 'Language creates your reality.' so to speak.
  3. The long awaited body language analysis and verbal analysis of Mr. Girl. Before that, here's my short conclusion of my analysis of Destiny's side of this drama here: Destiny is mostly distressed and defensive. Likelihood of deception is high, considering the rubbing of nose and blocking/shielding of the face when mentioning Mr. Girl and certain charged words. Destiny has sociopathic traits, which also increases likelihood of deception. Moments of performative emotion or performative anger. Feels very fake. Destiny's framing and narrative control is manipulative, and not matter of fact reporting, but titling his video 'Destiny addresses Lav allegations and exposes Mr. Girl.' due to statement analysis. Questionable intro to video about a serious topic like Destiny being accused of sexually abusing younger female streamers, sexually manipulating them. about several minutes in and Destiny states 'I'm going to be more candid in my impressions now.' already confesses that Destiny wasn't as honest or straightforward to the viewers, which implies deception early on. The normal, decent moral thing to do, is to take Mr. Girl to court and sue for slander and defamation, but Destiny instead turns this into another content making opportunity instead is deeply immoral. I also find him threatening to shut down Mr. Girl's website, as if to hold his website hostage, is even more immoral. Honestly lost all respect for Destiny as a human being, and now believe far likely he's an actual sociopath. You can't have it both ways, or all ways, when you decide to narrative control and story tell this drama instead of factually reporting what happened. Sorry, no matter how you 'become even more candid with your impressions now', you are lying and smearing this person. As the idiom goes 'truth tellers tell, deceivers sell.'. Without further ado, here's Mr. Girls side of this story: https://fb.watch/mY9o13n7HL/ So already, first 10 minutes a lot of lip compressions followed by some lip retractions and instinctive gulping. These non-verbals are strong indications of distress and nerves. Also often furrowing brows, which means the following: frustration, anger, confusion, concentration/focus. In context, likely the eye brow furrows are more concentration with few moments of confusion, and when Destiny is brought up and his 'sexual abuse', eye brow furrows also followed by micro expression of the universal emotion of disgust and maybe anger. Also lots of verbal and some non-verbal internal processing, lots of 'um's and lots of sentence changing. Now in body language analysis part of detecting lies is partly looking for incongruent verbal to non-verbals, especially for internal processing. However, I intuit that his cognitive processing is more the stress and betrayal of Destiny discrediting him rapidly and thinking about the sexual abuse topic. A comparable example is when someone is grieving and they're still processing, cognitively, psychologically and emotionally the loss of the loved one, well, I get that similar vibe from the first 10 minutes of Mr. Girl's, AKA Max Kharson's story telling of his side of this issue.
  4. @Carl-Richard Sorry I was taking the mic. Yes on the relative level there's distinctions between mental illnesses/health/fitness and disorders, compared and contrasted to those mystical, spiritual, supernatural and paranormal experiences or even psychedelic and hallucinatory experiences. Closer to the absolute existential level, there's little distinction, hence that saying that 'the crazies swim in the mystic waters.', to paraphrase.
  5. @Hardkill Elon Musk is the reincarnation of Griffith from Berserk, it's to be expected he's that egotistical and power hungry. Billions of dollars and a deep belief in your vision, ambition and drive unchecked with reality can lead to something like a Narcissist billionaire.
  6. @Jodistrict I partly agree. The USA still hasn't learnt it's lesson with the aftermath of the Iraq war.
  7. @How to be wise Not necessarily, it's too simplistic. Actually the Russian culture wants Ukraine to be at stage blue and belong to it, not let Ukraine be a sovereign country with western values and western cultural ideas.
  8. @StarStruck Not even a giant 4d chess board, it's a Chinese Go/Baduk board, with multiple parties vying for power and control.
  9. @martins name Just remember, if you expect and apply a vision of justice to John Mearsheimer, apply that standard to Destiny and those similar to him too.
  10. @Leo Gura I agree, it's a literal culture war, it's not easy to solve when the power players, and the cultures as a whole have this collective ego that seeks to expand as far as it wants. I also don't see an easy solution, the western perspectives view this in an over simplistic way, some even think that deposing or killing off Putin would solve this Iraq war style, but again if Putin is a derivative of the Kremlin, and the people in the Kremlin are a derivative of the Russian culture, then it's ultimately the will of the Russian culture that wants Ukraine, or at least the eastern Russian majority part of Ukraine, meanwhile Ukraine wants to be it's own identity and have it's own sovereignty, even though the western culture is infecting it with it's ideas, and the western countries especially the USA does have it's own agendas, arrogance, exceptionalism and bias. Then there's the China issue still at large, and the USA finding itself involved in this Ukraine and Russia conflict is difficult. This multipolar tug of war is a difficult one to resolve.
  11. @martins name Do you expect every perspective to have a vision of justice? Especially when we have two superpowers on the collective level, with many groups pulling the strings, vying for cultural control of Ukraine, you expect a professor to have a vision of justice?
  12. Another interesting perspective similar to John Mearsheimer's own:
  13. @DefinitelyNotARobot Yes, I feel like we can both agree that Destiny in this particular 'debate' was acting immaturely like her little brother, and her being a bitchy older sister, Tony being the father figure they both really needed, and Alex...being an uninvited guest in the house.? I think we can also say and agree that Destiny also has sociopathic traits in him, developed over the 12-13 years of gaming/streaming and debating whilst being involved in so many dramas by his GFs and friends that certainly that can develop sociopathic traits as a coping mechanism, or that he just had them but hide them well enough. I also agree that lately Destiny's use of language can be problematic especially for meme making and for sound bits and views, but when it comes to more philosophical and intellectual debates, due to his more autistic logical mind he certainly biases for precise language use albeit if it maximizes his persuasion. Maybe on the relative levels we both could agree that debates and arguing bring out biases and contrasts. Sure, on a relative level, for conversations and entertainment value I could agree. On a philosophical level or existential level, is where I have to differ, if you think that arguing is the best method for truth gaining or truth seeking, I disagree. Other methods like contemplation, concentration, meditation technics, journaling, even taking psychedelics with intent to seek TRUTH, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS AND GOD REALIZATION, is probably more better than normal level debating and arguing.
  14. @itsadistraction Okay thanks for clearing the misunderstanding. Watched the video and it's convincing enough. This verifies that we do need both a capitalistic and socialistic framework for economy and social living.
  15. I've watched most of the Confessions tape series, and Spidey guy covers this episode which verifies my intuitions at that time, my feelings about the investigators and those interrogated:
  16. Really good example of immaturity here. Body builder thinks he's better than the pro fighters, can't blame him, until he gets in a real fight:
  17. @Enigma777 Another good example of the differences in world views, and developmental factors like values systems, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, life experiences, other lines of development in life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences, and mind natures, especially the moral beliefs around religion and sexuality: Also the reactions of some with left leaning biases and incentives of being reactors, just shallow takes, but observe them, just note and observe the ideological differences here:
  18. It's also astounding to think that these YouTube podcast channels, these public figures morally feel okay with platforming this sociopath. Just unbelievable to me, when he's weaponizing his commentary and being a sociopathic manipulator, just astounding to see how foolish these podcast people are.
  19. It's also astounding to think that these YouTube podcast channels, these public figures morally feel okay with platforming this sociopath. Just unbelievable to me, when he's weaponizing his commentary and being a sociopathic manipulator, just astounding to see how foolish these podcast people are.
  20. A great example of immaturity, more from the female speaker here, some from Destiny and Alex, and maturity for Tony and how he handled these internet online addicts: I have my agreements and disagreements here as well, but I do feel like Tony's the most mature here in this debate, while Destiny is playing defense and weasel, similar with Alex, and the female 'therapist' is mostly making appeals and fallacies to ethos and pathos.
  21. @DefinitelyNotARobot I'll just preface by saying I don't trust Destiny anymore, given the various other developmental factors, and the body language analysis, verbal analysis, discourse analysis and statement analysis I did between him and Mr. Girl, AKA Max Kharson. I believe that that whole situation is not matter of fact and mostly narrative story telling from Destiny, and that most of his body language is mostly distressed/stressed and some likelihood of him lying to the viewers about the situation and Mr. Girl. Manipulation corrupts relationships, similar to influencing, controlling, persuading, convincing, and charisma, so at best, in good faith, I distrust Destiny and instead think for myself. He's too manipulative to blindly believe. Success /=/ growth or moral character development. Destiny being a sociopathic liar, growing in popularity in the podcast rounds and being that go to guy for online politics, shame on him as far as I'm relatively concerned, and shame on those falling for his lies. Preamble over, in this case Destiny has got some good points, as typical in these online debate and arguing contexts, but Tony's is slightly better in his views, definitely felt some insecurity from Destiny here. In fact Tony, despite some of his red pill views, is actually a down to earth proper Alpha male type, a more grounded masculine guy, maybe partly why Destiny felt threatened here.
  22. I find this video interesting, a debate between John Mearsheimer and the two NATO representatives. I find the Carl guy interesting, don't know if his reddening skin is from building anger or frustration at the professor arguing for the Russian side, I note some lip compression and licking, strong indications of stress more so than lying. Also when John was speaking, the camera did a quick cut to Carl and he is giving John that mile long stare. Now in body language a stare indicates that you're a threat or that person finds you unbelievable, it's another giveaway of being skeptical and doubting the other person. If you don't doubt and are skeptical of the other person, and you trust them or have a shared social connection, staring is far less likely at that trust worthy person as subconsciously and non-verbally you and the other are in the same wavelength. When you distrust and doubt the other person or their story, you'll likely stare at them, eye to eye or at their direction, with some tension on the face. Also lots of gesturing and emphasis with his hands and forced volume or projection on certain words. Cicilia is far more aggressive with her facial expressions, some jutting of the chin, emphasizing some words, tonality strong in certain words. I can conclude generally that both speakers don't like John and dealing with a person who appears pro Russia is like dealing with the devil to them, so lots of defensive non verbals and tensions.
  23. Damn, you really can't argue against facts. This John Mearsheimer guy really did he's research and speaks clearly and logically: And the speakers for the NATO side are the ones making less sense in this discussion and can't calmly argue back. Now I really don't like Destiny for slandering and defaming this guy in his stream, it's so criminal to do so. Guy that proclaims he'll talk to anyone, yet refuses to talk to John or watch a video requested by a viewer fully and give commentary, and makes bold slanderous claims about John. I loss all respect for Destiny he really is deluded. The scary thought is this guy is raising in popularity and doing these podcast rounds and being the 'political guy' to talk to, but this sociopath blue cockatrice really isn't worth it. Shows that just charisma, persuasion, influencing, manipulation and convincing only doesn't lead to growth or good moral character, it just leads to more convincing lies told to others and to the self.
  24. @Jehovah increases *Asmongold.
  25. @Salvijus @Jehovah increases WTF is this?! You guy's derailing and hijacking the thread or something?! Man, you both plus @Juan, @Recursoinominado and maybe @PurpleTree are top trolling users in Actualized forum. You guys add the rainbow to this forum, but damn tone down the derailing.