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I stumbled across these videos, and these are actually decent. Each video contains lessons of delusion, denial, distortion of actual reality, and differences and ignorance of developmental factors and other cognitive and psychological lessons, even though this channel focuses more on the cryptids and the paranormal a bit, I like his approach to them. The clash between the natural/normal and the supernatural/paranormal, a tale as old as time: All in all, these videos really make you wonder about the mysteries of this world we live in. What a time to be in. What are your thoughts about these, and what are your takeaways?
Danioover9000 replied to Mesopotamian's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is an interesting debate, which Hitchens later regretted supporting the Iraq war, but certainly at that time and moment it felt to him justified to do so. Is this because he's being influenced by the cultural zeitgeist of America's hate? Another example of why it's important to know and realize and be aware that there's so many developmental factors involved, from individual to collective systems. -
@something_else Oh yes, forgot the rape charge as well, along with tax evasion and human sex trafficking.
Danioover9000 replied to Mesopotamian's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Mesopotamian True, I do try to be open minded and learn from different perspectives, and even learnt a bit about game theory and the 48 laws of power, and a leadership book. Even study and learnt many development modals. Based on development factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, life experiences and other lines of development in life and society domains, ideological differences in beliefs from upbringing and culture, self bias and preferences, I won't assume what Saddam could have done or should have, as he already said and did what he did in history. What astounds me is the astronomical lose of life in comparison. From the start of the Iraq war, to the post war, the US leaving and the start of ISIS, total lose of life from America is about 1,000, about 200 from the 911 and plane crash. In comparison Iraqis have lost roughly 10 mil or more, and some women and children as casualties in war, and drone attacks. Saw the potential lose of life, and saw the justification of this invasion was due to some damaged real estate and a 100 or so USA people, even though the real motif is the oil, that is unjustifiable grounds for invasion. Also my specific critic is that the US army was downsized, a new doctrine of technology focused attacks, and higb mobility versus the older doctrine of mobilizing larger land forces for nation building and martial law, which later leads to long term issues of maintaining order, and look at what happened to when they took out Saddam? The US soldiers stood by as looters and rioters ran around, all because there where too few soldiers. All this was years after the fall of the Soviet union, so the USA went from the cold war, from a triad war between the USA and Russia, and the USA and China in the Vietnam war, to transitioning into a unipolar world, where the American hegemony is a superpower now, with nukes, after the collapse of the soviet union, and China not strong enough to pose a competitive threat to the USA, which made the USA arrogant and egotistical. -
Danioover9000 replied to Psychedelic seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Brandon Nankivell Is he Sam Harris? I think a reasonable reply, while remaining respectable and open minded and cool: The same reason why you'll eat breakfast, and eggs, even if there's lack of explicit evidence for a repeatable experiment with a clear outcome and time frame to the decimal for optimal outcome. How the eggs, black puddings, tomatoes, bacons, hashbrowns, beans, mushrooms, and toast is cooked, what temperatures, what timing, techniques, and many other varieties and variables will still vary your breakfast experience. Even if it's noticeable the same,that does not mean the chief has exactly cooked it to exact timing and temperature and amount of spices. What if you find out your breakfast was minus 1 degrees than usual, 20 grams of salt less, and some of the food items slightly charred? Would you throw up your meal, or continue the day and let your bodu convert that food into useable energy for the day? What is commonsense to do? I would posit that, as bad as the word faith is here for you Mr. Skeptical, you need more faith in the experience of the DMT, read the trip reports, take responsibility for the trip safety, and treat it like how you treat breakfast in the morning, don't expect exact results, enjoy possible variations. -
Danioover9000 replied to Husseinisdoingfine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Husseinisdoingfine It sure is traditionally speaking. If you can handle the grueling hours of meditation, prayers, reading, and a very strict stage blue life, maybe good for you, but think about it carefully. -
@Optimized Life Yes, I am evil because I want a tax evading human trafficking sex pimp who coerces, blackmails and threatens young teenage girls into a webcam business built on exploitation to face jistice and go to jail. I am a terrible person, may god forgive my sense of morality!
@SOUL It's a real thing historically you know? The early settlers faced cannibalism but also cocophagy.
@caelanb This whole situation reminds me of thos video, and what the academic and scientific community defined criptozoology and pseudoscience: I suggest watching this in full, very interesting implications.
@Extreme Z7 True!
Here's another video that shows Destiny's behavior and tonality, especially towards someone he was friends with but had a big drama that was emotionally charged, and some bad things were said between the two that this is worth analyzing too:
Danioover9000 replied to Enigma777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
You can hate on Trump and have an opinion, but please provide a solid explanation if someone questions you like this cuz you'll look looney and get clipped: -
This one's really good, look and observe the body language and tonality of the speakers. This is also why I don't like skeptics or atheists or those who deeply value rationalism too much, as it creates this hubris and aloofness and that arrogance and moral/intellectual superiority that makes open minded dialogue and humility difficult to do because the perspective is close minded and dogmatic in it's position and not open to correction or willingness to learn from an oppositionary point of view or even a different point of view: The definition of arguing: argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ verb gerund or present participle: arguing 1. give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view. "sociologists argue that inequalities in industrial societies are being reduced" Similar: contend assert declare maintain state proclaim advance insist hold claim aver avow reason attest expostulate testify swear certify propound submit posit postulate adduce move advocate opine allege make a case for give reasons for defend explain vindicate justify depose represent asseverate 2. exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way. "the two men started arguing in a local pub" Similar: quarrel disagree row squabble bicker fight wrangle
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill I agree that Destiny is a skilled debater, but due to various developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(Big five personality traits and Myers Briggs personality types modal), ego development(by Jane Loevinger),life experiences and other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences I feel that Destiny is dangerous and should not be trusted or blindly believed. Success, charisma, persuasion /=/ personal growth or moral character. Also did a body language analysis of him and Mr. Girl here: What do you mean it's sad that all black conservatives bought into the 'falsehood' of right wing talking points on big government? What talkiing points are they? -
Danioover9000 replied to Mesopotamian's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Tobia The main goal wasn't the official story from George Bush of freedom of Iraq people or fighting terrorism, the main reason why George Bush invaded was Saddam Hussein refused to negotiate and deal with the oil he has in his own land, which is an act against the American interests and it's hegemony. So when 911 happened, so instead accurately reporting that incident as down by a group of terrorists, Bush blamed all that on Saddam and his autocratic rule, and this artificial story justifies his declaration of war on Iraq. Furthermore, the planning of the war was a mess from the get go, as there was a changing doctrine of warfare, instead of adhering to traditional land invasion and securing an area for follow up nation building, the shock and awe doctrine was emphasized,with maximum use of technological advances in warfare, high mobility, small forces that strikes hard and disrupts communications with the enemy forces, AKA a doctrine like the blitzkrieg that Adolf Hitler did. A lot of arguing from the older generals to the newer guy that wanted to apply this new doctrine he ideologically believed would wirk, and it did work, but neglects nation building and martial laws and other phases of a mid to late invasion and occupation of a country, a state, even kingdoms. The Irag war was a mess, and maybe with better planning, with manpower enough to apply martial law after they deposed Saddam Hussein, and did some nation building was the best option but due to the stupidity, arrogance and exceptionalism of the western culture of the USA in particular the dumb Republican bushes, they just rushed in, did what their ego wanted, and lett Iraq in chaos to sort themselves out that it's ridiculous. The entire situation is crazy and should have been handled better, all because a piece of real estate with some people dead is justification to massacre millions of Iraqis. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Sidra khan From my perception, she appears to not have aged, or is aged slower than me. I've checked and visualized her body and it's dimensions, I think her general shape has mostly not changed that much other than her hairstyles, clothing, some new interests, pranks. Generally I don't hyper focus as much as in the past with her form into my waking consciousness as much, so whatever details I'm picking from her form and movements, her voice, her actions, is more passive than active focus if you know what I mean. Her opinion of foods and clothing in general, from where I'm at is generally stall, too restrictive, like most men and women need to release more, lose the inhibitions, party more, celebrate life a bit, make happy accidents more happier accidents(joking). Yes I can smell her, she mostly smells of earth, flora, and evergreen, as she typically has green hair and loves green colors. I've went into detail about this in the earlier pages. -
@Kksd74628 We miss the old @Leo Gura, please come back and make some new videos, it gets lonel...basically.
Danioover9000 replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Someone here Yes, I think I'm getting this: You are slipping in this Neo Advaita epistemology into your justification mixed with some Confucianism and Daoism, and trying to resolve your confusion by giving up questioning and answering what is actual truth/existence.? Note that confusion isn't limited only to the age of the internet and information, and the coming age of knowledge via advanced A.I technologies, but every age of humanity has it's versions of collective and individual confusions. Think about this from a meta perspective, consider the other developmental factors like values systems from Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, diverse life experiences, other lines of development per life domain to societal domain, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, gas light and groomed by culture, and self biases and preferences. Also, typically confusion arises in the gaps, or in the grey areas between binaries like good/evil, right/wrong, black/white like the Yin-Yang, but most minds and ego doesn't like the grey areas, the exceptions to rules, the unexplainable, the unknown and unknowable, most ego and minds are biased towards more knowledge acquisition as knowledge=SURVIVAL and POWER. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Another interesting video, and one with a photo taken roughly 130 years ago. Despite the differences in time, some things seem similar: -
@toasty7718 Thanks to high quality parenting, they know how to lead Daniel into curiosity and allowed him to learn meanings of words.
@Artsu Not quite, that's a huge increase in parental responsibility, and an assumption that most parents can also take on the educational roles that teachers provide instead, even if most are regurgitated information it's unrealistic to expect and assume most parents can teach multiple education topics to their Children.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Christoph Werner The big majority of deaths from Covid-19 were either very sick or very old people, proving my point that the majority needs to be vaccinated and inoculate themselves from the virus, because again your own words is that the majority of deaths are from the very sick and very old, plus some children and some people with weak immune systems either born with genetic disorders, or autoimmune diseases, or some with respiratory complications or cardiovascular complications taken into account the myocarditis this virus gives you, which is why it's our civic duty to protect these minorities of cases that have a very high chance of a severe reaction against the Covid-19 virus. The USA's average health and other illnesses are irrelevant, the main problem is specifically about if we should have immediately follow Covid-19 policies and get vaccinated? We should have done sooner and quicker. No, the Covid-19 virus is also severe against healthy young adults as this is a novel severe virus that effects the lungs and then the heart and other systems in the body, and because of the novelty the virus can cause vast amounts of stress. In fact the first Chinese doctor that got the Covid-19 virus, very fit looking and young doctor, died within a week of getting the Covid in the Wuhan province area. Sorry, but I can't take your word that you 'had Covid-19 and survived it' without any vaccination beforehand, give me evidence you were sick with the Covid-19 virus or I'm assuming it's a typical cold. Sorry, your question is stupid, like what do you mean which is it? how does this statement: 'To me it just seems that if I'm sick with Covid, and I do a 50/50 with the policies, and I happen to spread this to a person with weak immune system and they died, then I'm guilty of being an accomplice to helping the virus spread' Which I'm making because I feel responsible for spreading this virus if I don't follow policies and take the vaccination, Contradicts this other statement: 'It's design is not to prevent or stop transmission', when this statement is to clarify the purpose of a vaccine, which is to strengthen the immune system's response by helping it develop anti bodies of a particular virus to help it recognize and mobilize the white blood cells to attack those viruese, therefore it's not designed to stop spread, but to slow down the spread and help the vaccinated person recover faster? Like WTF are you straw manning me for??? The difference between me and you, is that I don't weaponize my epistemology to justify anti vax talking points as I've briefly addressed some of their points before, but you weaponize this skepticism and doubt to then discredit those big pharma types from doing their job, which is the saving of lives as much as possible not just gaining profits and the bottom line, which in mass scale is so many billions of lives that it seems to us they're not doing so, but they are! To discredit them still to this day is crazy and insane, it's just common sense commonplace human decency to take the vaccine and follow policy. Myocarditis in a vaccine does not justify not taking the vaccine because MYOCARDITIS IS IN THE REAL VIRUS ALREADY!! Stop justifying the cold blooded and empathy less anti vax people for increasing the suffering of any other people with weak immune systems, the sick and the children and the old, that depends on the majority that is vaccinated to benefit from herd immunity. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@How to be wise Mostly stage orange capitalism, with some stage blue like the southern states and the blue bible belt, and stage green socialists/progressives/liberal cities and states. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I also like this video, he sounds a little bit like a systems thinker here with his use of diad dipolar to unipolar and multipolar, sounds similar to multipolar traps concept, I like this take: -
Danioover9000 replied to Enigma777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
OOh, such a catchy rap song, I think it really captures Jesses' view of the world a bit: