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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Clearly I think that there's more than women responding to violence in a date. It's very reductionistic of the dating situation.
  2. @Buck Edwards Nothing new here. In the streamer world, in onlyfans, some stream girls sell perfume bath water. Another reason why I hate and cringe at the internet culture nowadays.
  3. @Yimpa Agreed, mostly ideologically driven to defend some antivaxxer talking points because of anti establishment and anti mainstream, because of Russel Brand or Joe Rogan or Patrick Bet Dave. These people are a joke and should be boycotted. However, only 5-1 percent do have very weak immune systems, even a few that have a reaction to vaccines, actual negative reactions, so these minority does depend on the majority of people following Covid doctrine and taking the vaccine.
  4. @Bazooka Jesus For the comedy it was decent, although the writing could improve in some areas. Yes, some internet cultured right wingers who have red pill ideology and unhealthy masculinity will get triggered, but most conservatives and some traditionalists, nationalists are all grounded and have defent humour and can have fun. In fact and these two are the more extreme types that take their comedy farther, the Hodgetwins are a good example of being conservative yet being funny a hell. Believe it or not, most third world countries that are more conservative than liberal have most people being easy going, hard working and funny as hell, in the face of gruelling hardships. Can't wait for this year's Barbenheimer movie though, the poster looks really good. Can't see why it's so offensive for both the left and the right politics. Most people are soft too pandering and pampered by tbe online internet cultures, too much narcissism and false self images via algorithms, brain rot and ADD/ADHD via online games and too self entitlement and ideologically driven via chats and forums that echo chambers of ideology.
  5. @Jodistrict Very nice video, thanks for sharing. I might even add this and body language analyze the speakers. Also, like the format design, I feel ike it's inspired by rebel wisdom's, no?
  6. @Hardkill You can find out why I came to that conclusion of Destiny being a sociopath via body language analysis, verbal analysis, and some discourse and statement analysis. I catch everything that snake hisses, and in that drama between Destiny and Mr. Girl I'd say both exposed each other a bit. Find out more here: As to the Jubilee and the political stuff I can't give a deep reply to, but I think this source is worth checking out, a more balanced and economic perspective on the whole thing: And while I'm talking about Destiny, supposedly the best debater that'll talk to anyone, what's his response to a more intellectually grounded and reasonable view of a person that views the Ukraine/Russia conflict? to who know does podcasts like this.
  7. @D2sage That's cool, anime pic about a historic warrior. Okay, I'll assume that's your kid and he/she is healthier than I'll ever be. Curb down the salt? Sorry I don't lay salt on curbs, and it's not winter yet. Not relevant to this thread, although getting sick with Covid-19 will make it far more difficult to date or get laid for men I'd assume. One more reason to be vaccinated, and follow Covid policies for the men. Why are you always assuming I'm bitter or mad for following Covid-19 policies and taking the vaccination?
  8. @hoodrow trillson Agree with government officials listening to scientists, disagree with the bad faith characterization of forum users though.
  9. @D2sage Show us a vaccination proof people who praise it? Otherwise you are all antivaxxers? Take a picture of your certificate next to a paper with your forum on it? Would you like a proof reader to proof read your posts? I assume you are an exception though, as you changed your profile pic from some anime strange pic to a random baby sitting on and getting hugged by some adult with white shirt. Why am I worried for the baby? Is that baby already vaccinated from measles and small pox, and flu?
  10. @Consept Not only that, but out of left field claiming to donate 25 mil in the future, raises more questions and may be used to justify further investigations on Andrew Tate in the future, see where he may hide offshore accounts or further fraud and maybe money laundering. For a chess player he sure sucks at thinking forward into the future.
  11. @VictorB02 I'm not in disbelief of your alleged version of events of how you survived Covid-19,I was just asking proof of your claims you had Covid-19, as we're in an argument here, so claims ideally needs proof or evidence to support or corroborate your claims: argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ verb gerund or present participle: arguing 1. give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view. "sociologists argue that inequalities in industrial societies are being reduced" Similar: contend assert declare maintain state proclaim advance insist hold claim aver avow reason attest expostulate testify swear certify propound submit posit postulate adduce move advocate opine allege make a case for give reasons for defend explain vindicate justify depose represent asseverate 2. exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way. "the two men started arguing in a local pub" Similar: quarrel disagree row squabble bicker fight wrangle If you're not being an anti vaxxer, why behave and talk like one and use those behaviors to justify why you're not an anti vaxxer? By that logic, I could claim I'm not being a thief, but I mostly steal stuff, so evidence of stealing makes me not a thief? With that reasoning, I can claim I am not being a peeping tom, yet I do peep and tom here and there, and do pick up, so proofs of me peeping and doing pick up makes me not a peeping tom? By that sequencing, I can assert I am not being a murderer, yet kill some animals and people here and there, so evidence of my actions for killing makes me not a murderer?
  12. @VictorB02 You can start by taking a picture of your Covid-19 test kit, blur your name and sensitive info, and show that you tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. This one way of proving you had Covid. You can even dm me that picture if you feel afraid to share here. I thought you said you were an Anti Vax? Also you repeat their talking points so often in other threads and posts. How is this statement: 'That might be the choice now, but no such choice is justified in the 3-6 months of Covid-19 pandemic' evidence of me guilt tripping you, when the majority at that time frame did the opposite of what you're doing now? Are there exceptions to when rolling like a spineless wimp might be the better option? That point about those contextualization, is to make you imagine that being and becoming an anti vax is not at all sustainable as a life and ego. Sometimes the worldly circumstances will pressure you into being flexible, sometimes being an anti vax or alternative medicine person is sometimes counter productive and dangerous, believing that chi gong can regenerate your lost arm, when you should get to hospital ASAP and get fixed is top priority. Same with vaccination, when polio broke out, nobody had a vaccination for polio and so many suffered greatly. When the vaccination for polio came out, polio was mostly eliminated by that vaccine. Can you at least agree on this bit of history? But big pharma and the US government is just like most businesses and institutions around the world right?
  13. Damn @Recursoinominado, @Schizophonia's claiming you have high estrogen, despite lack of proof and blood tests from @Recursoinominado, is basically a polite and nice way of calling you a beta male punk bitch. Are you going to tolerate that @Recursoinominado?
  14. @VictorB02 Who knew that in 2023 people would be rebellious by relying on healthy lifestyles to combat sickness, and why lol? Is it not obvious to you that health and fitness are complicated areas that may need changes beyond just changes to nutrition, diet, sleep, exercise, supplements, alternative medicine, and western medicines? You do know that without vaccination, that polio would have had decades more fatalities, and same with the Spanish flu right, and some percentage of the population have weak immune systems right? If you did have Covid-19, feel free to share with us some proof you did have Covid-19. You mean you were anti-vax before the Covid-19 virus pandemic? For how long were you an anti vax person? How am I gas lighting, guilt tripping, and being like big pharma and gov to you? I mean I'm not calling you a spineless wimp, you're calling yourself that BTW, I'm just questioning your statements and your position a bit. If anti vax to you isn't a right wing conspiracy theory, how do you explain that some are, like Alex Jones, Jesse Lee Peterson, and some right wingers? Yes, no such choice, like refusing to follow Covid policies like wearing masks, safe distancing, and taking vaccination, within that 3-6 month time period that Covid-19 was spreading like crazy. Think and contextualize this event. If you're a Chinese citizen in Wuhan, do you have a legal and moral choice in refusing the vaccine and following Covid-19 policy? If you're an Italian citizen, do you have the legal and moral choice to refuse Covid policies and vaccination? If you're an Australian citizen, do you have the legal and moral choice of refusing? Mostly probably not. It's the same logic and reason why 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 plus year old males, some females, conscripted and fought for their country in WW1 and WW2, sacrificing their comfy lifestyles to ensure their countries survival and sovereignty.
  15. @SQAAD Nice thread, although I think there's more than just 'stage orange is stupid', based on many developmental factors like other stages of development in Spiral dynamics, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development/Carl Jung's shadow aspects, life experiences and other lines of development in life and society, ideological beliefs indoctrinated into us by upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences. My argument here is that there's more than just stage orange values here, in the context of body building, as there's other body builders and there's a gym culture and a body building culture at large in the modern western world, I think that while stage orange does represent a more transactional views and relationships, capitalism, business, marketing, commerce, materialism, scientism, rationalism, atheism, secularism, modernism, left brain bias, stage blue value systems and sometimes stage green value systems. Even though Don Beck presented it in colouring code, there's definite overlaps between the value systems which is called 'transformational dilemma', think of this as a psychological osmosis/reverse osmosis at work, and who we are and what our biases are changes over time as we evolve further psychologically speaking. Also, disagree on your anthropomorphism of Stage orange a stupid, as that word is negative and used to describe typically people, some objects too but mostly people to infer inferior intelligence or greater ignorance, but Stage orange isn't ignorant, just individualistic and very logical in values.
  16. ELECTRIFYING NEWS!!!!! Myakka skunk ape photoes, point blank, finally reveals existence of Big Foot Entities!! Despite how the letter was written by this senior lady, I believe the later half that Bob Gymlan covers is mostly genuine, that smiling with full teeth followed by a big head tilt back, empty 'screaming' face, is DEFINITELY A PRIMATE FACIAL EXPRESSION! I may cover this in my body language analysis thread.
  17. @VictorB02 That might be the choice now, but no such choice is justified in the 3-6 months of Covid-19 pandemic, and how it effects China, Italy, and eventually the whole world. Because of history and time passage you get to play anti vax now, and you get to still point fingers and Pfizer and other companies tryjng to make a vaccine to slow the spread down and try to reduce overload of hospitals, but then in the year and month, it's far less moral to not do your part in slowing down the Covid-19 virus. And no, you didn't get the Covid-19 virus, you got a cold. Big difference.
  18. @Tenebroso First of all, great you lasted to 10 days. Unfortunately, NoFap shouldn't be the only solution to your porn addiction, as what actually happens is there's far more horniness and aggression, and a deeper craving for sexual release. Also, while porn induced erectile dysfunction is probably cured, depends, but if you're not careful in how you ejaculate, and you peek/edge, you'll get blue balls plus intense pain of the testicular chambers and tubes.
  19. @The Redeemer It's complicated and based on many developmental factors like Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's shadow aspects, life experiences, other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences that shaped your paradigm and worldview. The issues with pornography are mostly personal issues with broad and sometimes deep implications for other systemic issues that pornography covers for. The main problem I see when users here talk about pornography, is porn is mostly your personal experiences and issues at an individual level, entangled with issues like dating, relationships with the opposite or same sex, misunderstandings of the male/female mind, and sometimes even traumas and challenges unique to that one person. Every time pornography is talked here, almost everyone makes this mistake of projecting their negative porn usages onto the masses and collective, and assume they are suffering the same way as you do. Not really, for the average males out there, and unfortunately until you untangle yourself from negative narratives you tell involving your disempowered ego, struggling so much for dating and real life sex, what's lost is the global or statewide consequence if we straight out ban or make pornography illegal. That will be very similar to the alcohol prohibition, more shady types and the black market demand for porn will increase. Regardless of your individual challenges, there will be a collective market for sex, and a demand for porn. I could partly agree that hardcore stage orange porn, with some stage red values might be unhealthy, or even more than that is being in a state of getting cucked, just passively watching another male or female have sex with your ideal sexual partner. In fact if I had to make a guess, your hatred is more towards the men that get to have that real sex and not you yourself, and that turned into jeep jealousy, but whatever the reason, your mind turned that into sexually objectifying women or some story negative about women. I could be wrong, but it's my feeling reading some of your posts, it's actually a deep hate for those men, more so than women, and that feeling.
  20. To be clear, I do have family relatives that are gay, so I do have some insights into that lifestyle and livelihood.
  21. @Juan 1. Hard agree, especially in liberal dominant cities. 2. I agree that pride month is necessary, just don't forgot white history month. 3. Disagree a bit, as it's important to be inclusive no matter what. 4. Hard disagree in general, though depends on location. Maybe if in public streets and Drag Shows showing nudes, and children are with parents yeah don't take minors, especially into clubs at night. 5. Mixed, agree to disagree, all depends on attraction levels. 6. Agree and disagree, depends on how it's taught. 7. This actually depends on area, there's still some monogamous relationships even in the gay community, despite some areas where majority may be progressive/socialist and are sexual liberals. My thoughts are, that this is a complicated subject matter, many developmental factors at play, and gay as hell to be straightforward. No easy short term solution in sight, just gotta collect data, gotta survey, and gotta educate.
  22. Too much anti vax talking points and big bad pharma. Like please raise the quality of the discourse, almost triggered to argue with some of these points. Since we're on the medicine topics, what are your thoughts on pill forms of Marijuana?