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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @LSD-Rumi I agree. It's similar to how Mr. Girl was canceled for fighting Destiny, and making content that's more mature, gets banned. Suspicious.
  2. I KNEW IT! Had a intuition of Russel's body language, and so does this guy:
  3. @Sabth At least get yourself a blow horn and a taser. Safe hike!
  4. @Sabth Those are real risks, but nevertheless keep safe in your hiking.
  5. @acidgoofy Never mind, those women were actors standing in for the women telling their stories, so discounting the body language analysis.
  6. @LSD-Rumi Not necessarily every gossip has truth. Just because you can tell a convincing and persuasive story, that doesn't mean it's true. 'Truth tellers tell, deceivers sell.', hence the need for liars to embellish their stories a bit more.
  7. @acidgoofy Yeah, that doesn't look good for him. Honestly if anyone is involved in politics, number one rule is to have no skeletons in the closet. Something like this is Russel Brand's skeleton in his closet, it's really bad. Having said that, I couldn't quite see all the women's faces or body, to do some body language analysis, so I had to do more verbal, discourse and statement analysis of what they're saying...mostly it's defensive, but I felt there's some degree of deception. Probably because of the documentary's portrayal and bias towards painting Russell Brand as a sexual predator, so most footage and edits will be geared to showing that, and telling that narrative. I believe the footages and their presentation has given me that feeling a bit. We'll have to see and wait for an official investigation into this matter, so far I won't be trusting his or their accounts from the documentaries.
  8. @LastThursday That doesn't mean he/she won't be encountering a wolf, a bear, a cougar, or worse, a big foot/sasquatch.
  9. @Husseinisdoingfine Which is what reminded me, even if the historical contents is different,the context is almost the same between the early European settlers and the Apache and comanche. There's a growing population of settlers, with a growing need for more land and buffalo meat or other things, which botb the Apache and Comanche also compete for too. In this situation the native American tribes and early settlers had sucb radically different world views, how could anyone get these groups to coexist peacefully? I suggest people look into this bit of history, it's actually very interesting. I think in regards to the Israel and Palestinian conflict, the resolution is going to be messy, one way or another, unless America's interest increase in this region and they decide to intervene, just how do they do so without putting either side at risk? Of course, Leo's or some other mystic's objections, of an oversimplified one, would be something like 'leave it be', or 'it is what it is for good reason, so let the conflict resolve itself between Israel and Palestine.'. Well, IMO, and view is that given the lead up and current pattern, Israel is taking and decreasing Palestinian territory, makint them live in smaller and smaller areas. Left unchecked, Israel's hegemony will drive out Palestinians out, or are forced to convert into Israel, both which are against Palestine interests. We also can't do this line because now we know that Israel is growing, and shrinking the Palestinians down, we now know this, so very likely no foreign country intervenes will result in Israel assimilating Palestine or driving them out. This option I feel shouldn't be delved into deeply. Which goes to the other option of intervention. How does America intervene? Or any other country then? I think this option is much worth considering, again, considering that Israel is now slightly more powerful than Palestine currently.
  10. @Yimpa Try to use a VPN and see if you can bypass the restrictions that way.
  11. @Zedman I'd say based on his body language and tonality, he seems to be telling to truth mostly, and genuinely believes in what he says, although the edits make this difficult to determine. However, since his past is that of a drug addict and heavy drinker, his baseline consciousness will get altered significantly enough that to him he maybe is dating the women and to himself seems like consensual sex, but in reality his behaviors to those women could have been more rough or bordering rape to them, so unfortunately an investigation might be the way forward here, especially if in those events Russell Brand was partying, high on drugs and alcohol, and the women were too, in which case because drugs and alcohol both sides may believe strongly in their version of events. I feel like the main issue is that this topic will be very charged emotionally, for more women and some men, and because of the charged nature both parties will feel very defensive and dodgy in telling their side of the events. There'll be some shame on both sides and risks on both sides, for Russell brand it's his brand image and public figure image at risk, his life, and many more being a celebrity figure himself. The risk for these 4 women and more, is facing the shame and embarrassment for telling what happened to them, if their story is true, or telling their coordinated story in a persuasive way and not being found out for lying. I see as this situation progresses both sides will sunk cost fallacy, both will commit more into their position, both parties will get desperate to defend themselves. It will maybe get heated quickly. Another Amber Heard vs Johnny Debt, a bunch of coordinated stories to attack Russell Brand? Or are they telling the truth?
  12. @Sabth A few questions before I give more specific advice for you: Where do you want to go hiking? Are you hiking or mountaineering? Why do you want to go hiking? Do you plan on camping for a night or more? Can you give a list of supplies, equipment and so on to take with you? Do you have a gun? Gun permits and training? General advice: I strongly advice to hike with other people, especially if you're hiking in the USA's National Park areas like Smoky Mountain or other areas owned by them. Yes, there's a probability that there are others hikers, hunters, mountaineers and other outdoors types, but depends on if you're at a popular area and it's the seasonal busy times. Safe assumption is that it's low you'll bump into others, which means you'll mostly be alone. Since you'll be hiking, stick to the paved and maintained trails, depending on where you're going there'll be very rough terrain if you plan on going deep into the wilderness which I advice against. If you do, take with you a gun, a survival knife, and more importantly, a blow horn, the type used in sports. The loud sound will scare away most animals curious and investigating you, or stalking you and seeing if they can attack you.
  13. @itsadistraction If I caused that blog post to be taken down, I didn't mean to. In the past some users here do start threads about some of the blog posts.
  14. @Lews Therin Sorry, tagging a user name is what I consider courteous as it let's me know someone is talking to me here. Sometimes writing medium to large paragraphs citing multiple modals is part of my writing style in this forum, I go meta levels and think in tier 2 to tier 3 cognition, so I think very broadly and sometimes deeply beyond normal binary levels, which can get complicated and convoluted, but that's me, and how I extrapolate multiple contexts into one. While body language analysis is not as rigorous as physics or chemistry science, it's a soft science, where 70-80 percent of analysis is likely correct and true. It's party fundamental to human beings being hardwired for being social, which is why sometimes with little body language analysis knowledge most people have a 'gut feeling', or an intuition that someone is stressed, or defensive, or lying, based on their baseline, their tonality, their expressions and mannerisms, and the congruent to incongruent signs, verbally to non-verbally. I don't know why you assumed that I think that I'm always true in my analysis, no it's just very likely to likely true. 1. In terms of stages of development, I think he's at hard stage orange with some stage green/blue, and tiny percentages of stage yellow in his thinking and views of situations. 2. His cognitive development is that he's got a neurotypical brain, and falls under the Asperger's or the autism spectrum, given also he's extensive categorical thinking, and hyper rational and transactional takes between men and women. This is also due to him being identified with determinism, science, rationality, logic, capitalism, and also valuing these as such. Since he also values debating and arguing political topics while multi tasking with video games and joking on the fly, I get a strong impression he's these things. Also gained this from some footages of him live interacting with people on location. 3. I think his moral development suffered a regression, in order to think very rationally and transactional. He's even risk looking questionable for the sake of a consistent logical argument and debate in his view. 4. personality types and traits, is similar to number 2, in that he's mostly introverted, close minded, disagreeable, orderly, and due to his career path, highly neurotic, this may also be from his childhood trauma of seeing his pets dogs getting euthanized by his grandparents in front of him, plus many complicated human relationships stemming from his first wife to many of his open relationships, I feel like he's got a very deep masculine shadow and doesn't quite know how to connect, but he's mostly THINKING his way into those relationships. The sociopathic traits stem from these areas. I don't mean to be bad faith and uncharitable, I do try to be good faith in viewing Destiny. IMO though, he's a sociopath and seeing him getting popular despite this fact does make me feel a bit concerned. Nevertheless, this is my view.
  15. Jubilee episode about Black conservatives versus White Liberals. Personally, big mistake to invite Destiny the friendly sociopath on, but nevertheless interesting video observe and see the asymmetrical comparisons here:
  16. @Lews Therin I've been a Destiny fan for 7 years, and had the privilege of watching and consuming his content, and his mannerisms and views, and know when he's lying or not. It's mostly intuitional. That video, titled 'Destiny Addresses Lav Allegations and Exposes Mr.Girl.', is one example when he's being both defensive and deceptive, I have a thread on body language in the personal development forum covering this.
  17. @itsadistraction No lizard people took Leo's blog post down. I made a thread here, and within 24 hours the blog was down:
  18. @De Sade Without mentioning spirituality, non-duality, solipsism, what would your solution be for the Israel/Palestine conflict, for a more peaceful resolution?
  19. @SeaMonster I understand that Israel was founded after holocaust and survival conditions, nevertheless it's a type of nationalism/ethnocentrism or religious nationalism yes? Without mentioning that dark past, what would you think is the solution to check Israel from shrinking Palestinian areas overtime?
  20. @Kuba Powiertowski What does chocolate have to do with descriptions of and definitions of love?
  21. @Osaid So if I'm not conscious of what metaphysical love is, and someone tells me about it, it will 100% be turned into an egoic idea? Does the percentage have to be always 100%? If metaphysical love is not an idea, yet @Leo Gura or Ralston, whoever, is careful about it, and all ideas are only communicated via language, why are we able to communicate about an idea of metaphysical love now, but not the 'real' metaphysical love? So teaching enlightenment throughout history consists of the teachers 'pointing' towards things, but don't tell you conclusions? What are some examples of the ego imagining enticing things with the word love?
  22. @Osaid So Ralston believes that if he doesn't talk about love, because it's enticing to the ego, that not talking about it would not entice the ego? By 'enticing the ego' is he thinking about sexual love? Does he assume that this love is like a romantic love? A Paternal/maternal love?
  23. So @BlessedLion, @Recursoinominado, @Osaid, @Carl-Richard, in summery, what does Ralston say about the metaphysical love?
  24. @Bobby_2021 Do you believe that critical thinking and the mind is optional? Did you know Aristotle discovered and formulized logic, in his mind and from observations? No he didn't see logic grow from trees. What would you deem is too little or too much transparency for institutes? What if too much gives their competitors an advantage, and threatens the more honest transparent company? The vaccine, for majority of history saved more than killed lives, like the polio outbreak, the vaccines killed off polio. Do you understand? What if the assumptions of that reasoning are faulty to begin with? IMO, for a vaccine to be useless it would have wiped out the majority of that virus strain. For example, today the polio vaccine would be safely considered useless because that vaccine destroyed all of polio, so unless the Covid-19 virus is wiped out, then vaccination is necessary as part of a healthy lifestyle and part of being a morally upstanding citizen.