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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Consept Playing devil's advocate here: So, the majority of rapes are not reported, and a minority of rapes are? Does this justify making slanderous defamatory allegations that are yet provable, for the minority of allegation that are later proven false? And the reputational lose, most severe against men that are not celebrities? Witness testimony, and text messages, would be considered hard evidence? Including the text message shown in the documentary, and the one sentence most egregious as to slander Russel Brand's character? True, one woman did report and documented rape kit and took antibiotics, that does not necessarily mean that she was raped, what if she was having rough sex up against a wall? Or roleplaying a rape fantasy? Or under the influence of a drug/alcohol? Also, the text message itself is worded suspiciously, so can we consider the text message credible? How do we determine the credibility of the text message, by hiring a statement analyst? True that it's more difficult reporting against celebrities. How would a 16 year old go against someone like Brand? I don't know, you don't know, the readers don't know, yet we're skipping that and assuming we'd know a bit, that a 16 year old girl doesn't know where to begin, assume this 16 year old is like the victims of Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, Bill Cosby, Jimmy Saville, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and so on, with no evidence that she is like those victims exactly in body and mind. Does holding onto a revenge, and waiting for many years and decades, make it moral? Does that then make it premeditated, therefore there's intention and attention, onto an obsession of getting back, getting even, getting revenge, therefore far more harm is done long term by the victim themselves, fantasizing getting revenge over trying to heal, go to therapy, seeking help from psychologist/psychoanalysts/therapists of different fields instead? How do we square that circle, of 'he might not go to court yet is guilty?'? We don't know, but we could ask it in a different inversed order to help make more sense of this issue: How do we square that circle of 'he might be innocent, but his YouTube Channel is taken down, banned from social media platforms, taken to court, falsely charged? How do we make sense of this issue properly, so that in the future we can accurately solve most rape cases, while minimizing reputation lose, social ostracization, psychological harm of slander/defamation for the minority of men who are innocent? Believe me, there's a perverse incentive to jail men/women, even if allegation are false because sometime we deal with crooked cops/detectives that'll pressure you into confessing more than understanding the actual truth, and businesses related to prisons benefit with you being in jail, guilty or innocent because you'll be paying for a lawyer, sometimes out of your pocket, out of your retirement fund, or your family member pays, even for bail there's pay.
  2. @StarStruck Depends on if I go first or the materialist goes first I guess. If I go, I'd set the framing, and define what is materialism first, what a paradigm is first, and what GOD and consciousness is first. For example: GOD = EXISTENCE. GOD = EVERYTHING. GOD = INFINITY. GOD = TOTALITY and ONENESS, and that one perspective, in this case the scientist/rationalist/atheist and even the theist/priest, these human beings cannot have one without the other, that GOD and existence/everything/infinity are interconnected, interwoven and intricately linked together. GOD/DEVIL are the same. Atheism is the devil.(Guaranteed to piss off Atheists?). If the materialist goes first to set frame, I have two major choices: I can go the Jesse Lee Peterson route and just ask simple clarifying questions, with questions point out logical fallacies. Or, offer my definitions to re-define the framing of those words, and some appeals to some pathos/ethos/logos, and play the fallacy game more than them, more aggressive approach IMO.
  3. @VictorB02 I've been taught to think for myself, and not be gaslighted by 'big pharma' or 'anti vaxxers', and uphold my civic duty to my country and the world. I am a systems thinker of tier 2 cognition and I process far more than you presume, discerning counter perspectives and strange bad faith takes like you and other users here with anti vax talking points. The truth is that vaccines have saved more lives, and have destroyed other viruses, and even some bacteria and funguses, like polio for example. Also, the truth is that myocarditis from Covid-19 pre exposure without any Mrna tech vaccine, compared to myocarditis from a side effect of Mrna technology, is far worse. Here I can finally agree with you, that truth is more valuable to me than your approval. Are you leaving because this was a waste of time, or that you cannot win an argument and be humble in defeat?
  4. @Yimpa What if I valued altruism, and being a new ager that does alternative medicine, and I was indoctrinated, groomed and gaslighted into believing altruism, humanitarian values, and animal welfare, yet I realized after 5-10 years later that I didn't value any of that really, that I was just blindly believing them as my own values, and worse I sunk cost fallacy myself into making them a belief system, what do I do? What if I was told a narrative of how evil the western medicine world is, how corrupt big pharmacy companies are, yet when a crisis happened, and my family member's life or my own life is saved by big pharma medicine, what do I believe now?
  5. Let's all chill, calm down. Let's not make this some witch hunt okay?
  6. @LSD-Rumi , @Hello from Russia , @Consept and @zurew, calm down everyone, let's not make this a heated debate and personal attacks. Tone down the instigating. These are all just allegations, YouTube overreacted and canceled his Channel over allegations that are not corroborated yet. We still don't know an official investigation is launched, no official court date for Russel Brand. None of this is supported in the court of law.
  7. @Applegarden8 I do agree with Penguin guys take on the abuse in marriages but to be a bit pedantic, the problem with that whole debate and arguing, and Penguin's take, is that there's no attempt to define, in context, and to define and explain what the word 'abuse means, is, and what it means in the right context. Therefore, at best, in good faith and to be charitable, you technically can't comment or give an opinion based on a presumed meaning of the word 'abuse' in a relationship and marriage context, as the original video debate, and Penguin, has yet to elaborate on the word 'abuse' and it's correct meanings and implications within the context. For example, Daniel Schmachtenberger talks about 'how to mislead with facts' in his www.consilience.org page, an article on facts, and weaponizing facts, and talks about how you can take a fact out of context and contextualize it and reframe it into something else that generates a different meaning. For instance, we can look at USA's history, of the American war of independence, and factor in both the GB empire's side, and the American side, and within that situation, do we call the Americans 'freedom fighters' or 'terrorists'? That point is actually important because it highlighted the deep hypocrisy when America went to war with Iraq, calling them 'terrorists' after the 9/11 attack, yet in history in the war of independence America were terrorists right?
  8. @Applegarden8 It's a skill that can be developed for sure, however he's not the only role modal for this, and streamers for that matter, especially Destiny.
  9. @Applegarden8 Despite my bias and preferences against the streaming/react community, as well as other internet/online cultures like Tik Tok, Twitch, Twitter and others, I'll partly agree that Penguine20 guy here has good communication. However, he does have he's moments of negatives, like the following here:
  10. @Yimpa What if my own values I'm basing my action taking isn't responsible, because it's flawed? What if other people's/group's values are relatively right? What if owning that decision increases this sunk cost fallacy, gaslighting myself into this mistake, which might make me become my own victim and blame others?
  11. @StarStruck Are you referring to this blog post? https://www.actualized.org/insights/roger-penrose-vs-william-lane-craig
  12. @VictorB02 and @Yimpa , please chill and cool down the temperature, no heated debating.
  13. @VictorB02 So, because Fauci lied, and threatened others who didn't get vaccinated of losing jobs, that it justifies anti vaxxer talking points, and Covid-19 misinformation by MAGA right wingers? You do know that propaganda swings both ways right? Please tone down your name calling, trolling, and gaslighting of people who want to take the vaccine and act more responsibly for the whole of society. You are sounding like a conspiracy theorist right winger spreading misinformation.
  14. @LSD-Rumi I've followed some of his content, and he's not always this defensive, which is why it's already suspicious, plus him just briefly addressing this rape allegations, and scape goat to the mainstream media doing this psyop, it's an undercover thing, plus stay free and libertarian and all that anti establishment talk talk, already raises alarm bells for me.
  15. @newbee Does a person need to be a full time construction worker, work 8 hours a day, spent 5 years in trade school learning other tools, to do DIY work of nailing two pieces of wood using hammer and nails? So, my point being that I have broad world and cultural knowledge and some depth specific history knowledge, so I'm and you are pundits at best here and at worst speculating, therefore I didn't give 100 post pages of details of the Israel/Palestine conflict, but I told instead of the Native American tribes, the Apache/Comanche conflicts between themselves and the early European settlers, to briefly metaphorically convey the current state of the Israel/Palestine conflict. I don't know that much, some of the conflict, so I use an example to portray a theme here, of a culture becoming stronger and assimilating other cultures, get what I mean?
  16. Just because it's interesting to see how they argue they're points being rappers, not coming from streamers or the Sam Harris/Jordan Peterson types. From my side, I'm more pro vax and less anti vax with many conditions if I am to swing a bit more anti vax. I'll always say that it's your spiritual, moral and civic duty as a citizen to take the vaccine, and follow covid policy then because there are some who have far weaker immune systems than you, the children and the elderly with compromised immune systems. To me it just seems that if I'm sick with Covid, and I do a 50/50 with the policies, and I happen to spread this to a person with weak immune system and they died, then I'm guilty of being an accomplice to helping the virus spread. Also, I hate germs. Please be civil, open minded when discussing your take on this video, don't intentionally get this thread derailed thanks: Just interesting takes and insights, based on developmental factors.
  17. @Sucuk Ekmek Judging from that short clip, and his body language, he likely won't come to accept the consequences, even if proven guilty. A great charisma, personality, and persuasion rhetoric and success /=/ spiritual growth and integrity. *Rapists, not rappers.
  18. @Yimpa Isn't the projecting about the system is identical to his own psyche more psychological than spiritual, or vice versa? If kharma or incarnation/reincarnation exists, is this a karmic effect of Russel Brand's evil actions? A self fulfilling prophecy? Rape, in the legal and moral sense is a serious issue and clearly a wrong to me, but let's deviate briefly and talk about the spiritual territory, like having sex with incubi/succubae, demonic sex, or even rough sex role plays. What are your takes on these, and sex fantasies involving rape?
  19. @Israfil This is basically my position simplified down, albeit it's simplified more than mine.
  20. @newbee What hypocrisy? I did state that most anti vaxxers are a bit cold blooded and irresponsible, not stupid but ignorant and ideological, because they know that by encouraging others to not take the vaccine as part of a health preparation against viruses, they are putting their lives in greater danger. For example, look at Russel Brand(now canceled for being accused of rape and too much anti mainstream talk talk) and Joe Rogan and his simplistic takes of some Ivermectin drug, which is anti parasitic drug not anti viral, for horses to treat worms, being used for the Covid-19 virus, look at their subscriber count and views. In the millions and more view them, and many of them will develop an ideological stance of anti vaccine because Big Pharma evil. How many people have suffered more from blindly believing in their anti establishment rhetoric and anti vax points? This then makes anti vaxxers cold blooded and irresponsible, guilty by accomplice to helping the virus spread, and helping the virus infiltrate other human bodies not prepared for Covid-19 in that 3-6 months to first year of Covid-19 spreading from Wuhan Province into Italy and the rest of the world. This exactly like MAGA trump supporters who stubbornly won't follow Covid-19 policy and taking the vaccination for others who are weaker immune systems, they don't see how important it is to slow down the spread of the virus. What happened to some of these who parrot and strongly support anti vax? What do you think happens to an organization, or group, if they can't do their jobs and do a function within society well enough? What do you think happens to a group, or institute, that creates more suffering than good short to long term? They are destroyed early on in history, same thing with the French Monarchy, they pissed off the French people, didn't adjust and adapted, hence the French Revolution took place because the French Monarchy made the people suffer immensely. So, since big pharma has survived for more than 100 years and counting, do you agree that they're serving a function in society and are still providing some value then? After all, to you big pharma is the devil that's killing so many people, making them sick and all that...yet they're still here, treating physical injuries in trauma centers like putting casts and saving lives from severe physical damages, providing some relief with pain killers, making western medicine more widely accessible and better equipment. People often took a vaccine despite their gut feeling...because of medical tyranny? So you believe that doctors, and the WHO, are a bunch of dictators? My empathy is for the ones with immune system disorders, weaker immune systems, respiratory and heart issues that are more at danger to Covid-19, more so than to healthy fit young doctors that died due to the virus, because I'm a human being with finite time, energy, attention, and empathy, that I have to be selectively biased and preferential to some places and some groups of people. I don't have infinite empathy, and neither do you, so attacking me for limited empathy is a mute point. That point of bringing up that Chinese doctor that died young and fit is to show the other user how dangerous Covid-19 was in Wuhan province, with no vaccination in his system, no other health boosting practices, and he is very reasonably fit and healthy, yet he died of the virus with no protection, which undermines this herd immunity seeking and no vaccination from immature stage green hippies, new agers and SJW types. I mean myocarditis caused by the Covid-19 virus firstly, then a fraction by the Mrna technology. No, that's a straw man of my point, first yes it's bad to get myocarditis from the Covid-19 virus with no vaccination beforehand. Side effect of a vaccine is a fraction of the effect of the original virus it's based off of, so you're in fact ignoring proper cost comparison, cost of getting myocarditis from a vaccine versus cost of myocarditis from the real Covid-19 virus. The real Covid-19 virus is far worse than the side effect of a vaccine. Basically, myocarditis side effects from a vaccine is a derivative from the original which is far worse, multiple times worse than the vaccine and the spiked protein shell of the virus. It's basic mathematics, distribution, derivatives. and science. You do know basic mathematics and science right? Taking your logic and anti vaxxer logic, if anti vaxxers had their way, they'd block the polio vaccination because it's has side effects, don't take them, don't make them because big pharma evil. Therefore, people suffer with polio far longer because anti vaxxers don't take and stop pharma from making polio vaccine to save lives. That's why polio vaccines are made, distributed, and killed majority of polio, worked and saved far more lives than anti vaxxer denials and delusional takes will. This is why capitalism and pharmacy works, and anti vax delusions don't. Maybe try to be more good faith and charitable to my position first, and less cursing and name calling and trolling me with misinformation of the anti vax points, and less fear mongering big pharma boogeyman and bad points.
  21. @Tanz This is what all documentaries do mate. All documentaries are biased and preferential, designed towards a certain narrative and story telling of one side. All documentaries do that, and interviews do that, they all have a certain bias and story to align.
  22. @Optimized Life Consent is complicated, by Mr. Girl. Ask @Carl-Richard for the link of the video.
  23. @Leo Gura You are getting better at joking lately.?