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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Optimized Life Then I've won the argument.
  2. @lostingenosmaze I do care because it's hard to ignore what the internet and online culture, these other social media platforms are doing to young minds of the next generation. It's predatory capitalism in digital form, from tech companies like Tik Tok and others using A.I program and algorithms to curate content to hyper specific biases and preferences, to lock the user into using longer and longer, among other mental health deteriorations that happen.
  3. @Yimpa You know what @LSD-Rumi meant, like it'll be hard on the wife and children being associated with a rapist. Just imagine if one of your family members or a distant relative was a rapist, how would you feel and think? What psychological and cognitive biases and dissonance would be triggered? Plus, dealing with that negative stigma, almost nobody wants to be close proximity to a rapist, let alone a mass shooter or a pedophile, the threat of social ostracization is real.
  4. @Leo Gura Just why? Is there something in the food or water or air in Las Vegas that makes men even hornier and crazier? Was it the radiation from the nuclear testing sites? Just what is up with that place? I don't know, Las Vegas is definitely a special strange place. Please stay safe Leo.
  5. @Princess Arabia What if he's one of those who sent a death threat, and feeling guilty?
  6. @Alex M This is why charisma and success /=/ personal growth and character.
  7. @Leo Gura Christ, that's just gross. No wonder we need some ethical framework for the PUA community!?
  8. @Seed It's very sad and unfortunate. He's no longer human.
  9. @LSD-Rumi It's disgusting to think he'd, if he did, rape those women while he was married with kids. Hope he gets merked! All mention of Russell Brand here should be ignored. We should cancel and censor mention of him here.
  10. @Seed Oh shit, I forgot that he's married, has a pregnant wife and two children?! Nah, fuck that effeminate gay Russell Brand, fake AF pandering pampering narcissist b**** pompous swine! That's it, any empathy or understanding I have with that feminine shit is GONE! And screw those anti mainstream anti establishment shills, zero integrity to show support for that rapey grifter! Sorry had to tap into my inner sailor moon. Like gross behavior, so demonic, what's the point of marrying when you behave like that. Diss track coming soon!
  11. This is an interesting and level headed take on the whole situation, actually this is a biased take that appears objective but weaponizes pathos/ethos and especially logos. Your thoughts? I do disagree with the framing, that subtle anti mainstream anti establishment bias, a bit bad faith and click baiting title and thumbnail to outrage specific demographics viewing this content.
  12. @Jodistrict What are the free speech implications?
  13. @Recursoinominado Weirdly worded question, better worded like this: *How does Jeffy's method work exactly?
  14. @Optimized Life For context, this is my quote you edited out and misquoted me on: and your misquote here: Why would you misquote me and engage with a straw man? Do you know that's bad faith and a fallacy? So, if we took this post, and instead of replying to your edited version but mine with full context, then I assume that you're not fine with rape and coercion and that they should be punished severely, but not tax evasion and scamming young boys into false bravado? Not illegal webcam business? So rape and coercion is not okay, but tax evasion and scamming young boys is okay for you? Keep in mind this was your past post here: Which also raises more question like: They were responsible adults, so it's when he coerced and pimped them because they're adults, so if you find out that he did pimp a 13 year old, would you change your position? Because I don't have any proof, nor experience of how operations went on, that it invalidates the frame of 'human trafficking sex pimp' because he was a webcam manager? So the girls knew what they were doing, and made good money, justifies illegal webcam business, sex trafficking, and tax evasion? So for coercion, violence against women, rape and blackmail, you don't agree or support that and it should be punished severely, if it's anyone else but Andrew Tate? Again because my lack of proof he's not guilty, until there's proof, and you also say yes he would deserve a hefty fine, no one can deny that...except you? Why does tax evasion not deserve a prison sentence? So because I'm hypothetically too deeply toxically ideologically left to be this passionate about tax evasion, that tax evasion is not a crime? How does that assumption work to you?
  15. @Applegarden8 Yes, I know I'm correct, specifically if you spent too much time watching streamers and reactors and not training yourself to provide some value back to the world. Why do you enjoy watching useless content like weird online games?
  16. Good body language analysis of this video here:
  17. Another Russel Brand body language analysis, this time from Spidey of Behavioral arts. Good to compare and contrast this to Observe guy's, and my own takes:
  18. @Applegarden8 Because you need to get baptized from the internet, to touch grass and smell the roses. Online and internet, stream and react community is hell, wake up!
  19. @Con heo dien I'll tell you after you tag my name when you quote me.
  20. @Alex M I especially got triggered when his latest video just drops mentioning the rape allegations and gone full anti mainstream talking points. I now care much less, it's like he is becoming more like Andrew Tate, thinking this new act is enough to exonerate his name, just like Andrew Tate saying he'll donate 50 mil as if that wipes the pimp sex trafficking and tax evasion charges.
  21. @Yimpa That's nice, wondering when someone would mention self rape! ?
  22. @lostingenosmaze I have to be a bit up and arms about it, because I can't report posts. Like I have lost my own flag here, and I no longer am a member of a nation.
  23. @Con heo dien The problem was when they Russian foreign relations told the Americans that Ukraine joining is an existential crisis for them, and they ignored and kept pressuring Ukriane and other European countries to be NATO members. Even Angela Merkil, former German president, was initially against them joining NATO as that would trigger Russia into going to war. No, that is the case that the USA has pushed Ukraine into joining, due to various developmental factors, like ideological/narrative/information warfare, Value systems, cognitive and moral development, mass psychology, various areas of development in culture and society. The collective ego of the USA wishes to spread it's own ideologies like capitalism, neo liberalism, hyper individualism, democracy as it sees it, and so on onto other cultures that are neutral or different to the USA.
  24. @How to be wise The difference between Russel Brand and Jimmy Savile is that Savile has greater charisma and understanding of power dynamics, can quickly use humor to put you on your place. Also, more protected by other rich people and those secret rings run by some wealthy people. Russel Brand doesn't have that similar protection, and his anti mainstream rants make him an eash target, but compared to Jimmy Savile who isn't as anti mainstream, is more mainstream and knows how to manipulate the crowd has gotten away with far worse. It's in fact incomparable.