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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Tanz Are you assuming a mental state for the majority of Logan Paul's fans and viewers? Do you have data to show how high the suicidal rates are in Japan? So Logan Paul, a white guy, goes to an Asian country to do a social media influencer video, to point a cultural problem as sensitive as suicide, is as wrong as colonizers that came to countries to change their culture, how are the two wrongs here equivalent? Are you being a bit racist and ethnocentric here? Speaking of racism, you just have assumed that Japanese are 'extremely proud' people that rather kill themselves than not try their best? So you've characterized Japanese people suiciding themselves as some noble thing rather than them 'doing their best', and ignore the imperialist Japan during WW2, when allied to Germany, expand onto other countries? What about the samurai time period? What about other parts of Japanese history, and their well known hard working attitude, of being very detailed orientated? Heard of Mitsubishi, Subaru, Toyota? Are yo just biased and hateful against Logan Paul that you are just sweeping under the rug other evils more harmful than Logan's actions?
  2. @Consept I partly agree, a better take than some users here.
  3. @effortlesslumen Why are you assuming that Leo's question is difficult? IMO it's a bit easier to answer, for example a convicted rapist, or a rapist under investigation, makes a YouTube Channel about rape topics, the good and the bad of rape, YT has the right to demonetize that channel and even take down the Channel. Why does YT have that right? The same right that @Leo Gura and mods here have the right to check your posts, and issue warnings points or a ban if you're breaking the forum guidelines.
  4. @Leo Gura Seen some of the video, but I can't help but feel like he's slipping some anti mainstream and anti establishment bias into he's video, and telling a story with some twists to it. So on his take of Russel Brand it's a bit shady to me. But on Andrew Tate, a 180 degree flip!?
  5. A follow up from that video: I can clearly detect the bias and preference of siding with Russel Brand a bit, on the cancelation and censor part, obviously not siding with the rape part. But this guy is a good example of appearing authoritative and objective, yet is weaponizing that image appealing to logos/pathos/ethos to disingenuously give he's commentary. Not saying that it's he's intention to manipulate, seems like it's subconscious and his attention is selective. I just notice the smart looking types do this a lot, presume a universal truth such that it doesn't feel like you're stringing fallacies and appeals to logos, some pathos and some ethos, and feels like it's objective and appear centrist. Again not saying he's maliciously doing this, it's a much deeper and wider problem in most parts of society.
  6. Another interesting take of the situation:
  7. Another interesting body language analysis:
  8. @Leo Gura I think YT should see your forum guideline page, and get inspired to write explicit rules. No more wiggling room for interpretations! They should also see your warning point system, and how you moderate your website well. I think YT shouldn't allow any convicted rapist to publish videos, unless it's through a third party, like a podcast or interview. Probable yes in the current world, being a rapist would get you banned, what mainstream business wants to host a rapist/pedophile/cannibal or other evil people? Handling allegations, accusations, slanders and defamation is another trickier matter outside private spaces or even inside private spaces, but it's their business, their space, to decide which Channels are taken down or not.
  9. @Tanz Why are you assuming a bunch of things from the lawyers, and Russel Brand's actions? What if he does gain by advertising what he's channel does meanwhile dodging the allegations? Compare and contrast the two videos of his body language and presentation. and
  10. @Tanz What crimes suggested of him does not equal rape? The documentary is implying Russel Brand could be a rapist via 4 women witness testimonies, one reporting herself for a rape test kit, anti biotics, why? Because she texted him before, and when she arrived, he was drunk and high and forced himself onto her despite her trying to repel him, he undid her pants and pulled her panties aside, put himself into her. If this testimony is true, this is statutory rape clear as day. Yes, his accusations and what he's YouTube Channel covers are separate, what does that have to do with YouTube's decision to ban him? It's their company and private business space, just like me and you are in this private space of Actualized.org, and why freedom of speech laws do not extend into Actualized.org. You do understand that a business has to think of the costs of their public image being effected, if it's found out that they have hosted a potential rapist in YT right? Just look at what they did to Mr. Girl's Channel, they took it done because a bunch of Nick Fuentes fans and streamers that are alt right mass reported his Channel over the pedophile rap song. What mainstream business wants to be found out they're potentially hosting a pedophile in their YT space, even if later it's found out there was mass reporting done by the Twitch community and abuse of the report function? Compare and contrast their guidelines to this forum's guidelines. What are you assuming of Russel Brand's wife, and Russell Brand's behavior in that time? What if Russel Brand is that charismatic that he fooled his wife into thinking he's a nice normal guy, they date, have sex, got married, have kids, and at this point it's too late for the wife to back out? So because Russell Brand accuses 'big pharma' of lying about the vax that get's him a free pass to say other conspiratorial BS and anti mainstream anti establishment BS? Like do you understand how many more casualties and fatalities that Covid-19 would have if they didn't enforce Covid-19 lockdowns and rushed vaccine development? Do you know that polio, a terrible disease that leads to people paralyzed and relying on iron lung tanks, got wiped out because 'big pharma' western medicine, scientists and capitalists that funded that vaccination development and distribution, that vaccine wiped out polio? So YouTube punished Logan Paul for filming a couple of dead bodies in Japan's suicide forest a couple of years ago, is arguably more dangerous than YouTube hosting a Rapist who could've done those crimes 10-15 years ago? You do know that there's a difference between footage of dead bodies versus hosting a person that may have raped multiple women 10-15 years ago?
  11. @Scholar Good post, it reminds me of these videos below and Daniel Schmachtenberger's takes: and
  12. @at_anchor It's a good idea, but!? The blonde haired blue hoodie customer, looking to his left at the cam, like he's disappointed or slight smirking. Just a strange resting bitch face at least.
  13. @inFlow You're welcome. Even Sam Harris deleted his twitter account, mindfully aware that it would piss off Elon Musk, Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman, knowing how much he hates Trumpism and what an example that'll set for some. He's like the trumpet that blows into the digital Twitter prison, shaking some awake from it's icy grips.
  14. @Scholar Of course this type of problem wouldn't be only solved in either justice system or social media/social witch hunt and mob justice, won't be solved using tier 1 cognition, and us vs them mentality. There needs to be a mixed method approach that's flexible and adaptable, otherwise if you look at the history of warfare, if they only relied on one method of war, then everyone wouldn't be adapting to battles and to wars, but in that history you'll see creative solutions and innovations to overcome certain defensive strategies or make offensive strategies, and it's almost always a mixed approach. The major problem is that men and women are mostly ignorant of many developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages o ego development and shadow selves they suppress, life experiences and other lines of development in life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from culture, self biases and preferences. What you think are specific problems between male and female power dynamics in dating, is a feature of the male and female mind, male and female centric worldviews they see the world. How is that factor a problem and not a feature?
  15. @Yimpa @acidgoofy Is actual correct, especially if OP is a newbie, controlling the setting and making it safe, and making sure your mood is good to great is really important. For example, think of golfing, and what goes into the field of golfing. look at every type of shot from a driver, to iron clubs, even the putters. Let's take drivers for example, look at all kinds of shots done, from good to worst shots. Well, YOU are that golf ball, would you rather be hit in a good and ideal setting, controlled and safe from other distractions? Because I'll tell you, the mistake is mere degrees and decimals, that's all it takes to shoot out of the stratosphere and into HELL bad trips if your mood and setting is not safe and conducive to seeking deeper truths through psychedelics.
  16. @Razard86 Incredible story. Shows the corruption of stage orange valued insurance companies, and some stage green values can do to help a bit. Although there's no clear link to climate change, current news events, government, politics and society, the moral of the story IMO is that sometimes the impossible can happen, so don't consider what is or isn't possible yet. Maybe this should be in the personal development sub forum?
  17. DAMN! My favorite recent YouTube hater MichelleShow is rapping rapping! This is fire! Nice reaction and some breakdown, and I'm also breaking down all of them bars, all of them.
  18. @Javfly33 Try watch some comedy, maybe go watch some Bill Burr or other comedians, watch and feel how your state of mind and being shifts. Try to do some visualizations and affirmations of being a funny guy. Really imagine trying to find the funny in all situations, and feel yourself go there. Drop your misanthropy, excuses of not loving, stop hating on women that have played you. Reframe and think how'll you out play them, and make them giggle and laugh. Remember those girls and women you're dating do have jobs, work maybe a 9-5 in a rational state, a logical state, which is against most average female minds and their female centric natures and can be mentally exhausting, so all you have to worry about is how to trigger them into being more feminine, and emotionally stimulate them. If I'm exhausted, last date I want is some robotic guy unable to emotionally stimulate me if I'm too exhausted. I'm there on the date to have fun, so should you, and so should both of you find the funny together. Go study NLP(neuro-linguistic programming), and learn some more dating advice, and try to think positively and feel that state. You can still enter back into that doom and gloom hating self, but put that part aside for later and be more positive and optimistic, and try to find the funny.
  19. @JosephKnecht Exactly, which is why it's so important to do visualization exercises, keep developing your mind's eye to represent reality more and more accurately.
  20. @Vrubel Not just antisemitism, but also anti establishment and anti mainstream types of ideologies, too anti government, anarchic communism or libertarianism, even neo liberalism.
  21. @Raze and @Tobia , can you just calm down when you're arguing with @Consept ? Russell Brand isn't your daddy, seems like there's no personal thing at stake here for you guys. There's nothing wrong mostly with the me too movement.