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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Consept Damn, what you just described for Russel Brand is a cult leader, and cult like dynamics. Another reason why certain platforms of views are dangerous. Semi disagree with the ban part, maybe demonetized or shadow banned.
  2. @Leo Gura Okay, but some of his political takes are so biased and anti mainstreams though like bad political takes, even some of it is conspiracy theories and misinformation similar to Joe Rogan. If I'm not mistaken YouTube just demonetized his Channel, I don't think it was banned because he's Channel was still on 2 days ago, didn't ban his Channel yet. I don't know how YouTube would have handled this situation, maybe give him warning points or a temp ban. I'd agree partly that they should've held back until an official investigation is launched, but my guess is that his Channel was mass reported. If you were in YouTube's position, how would you handle this situation?
  3. @Tanz Would you say that Russel Brand's content, if applying Actualized.org forum guidelines instead of YT, is breaking guidelines? I at least can see misinformation, conspiracy theories, Covid-19 misinformation, spreading some hoaxes, to namea few. The Japanese example was to counter your portrayal of them, in your earlier statement you made them sound weak minded people.
  4. @BlessedLion @Razard86 I will be honest, I don't like you both in the past, but how you posted in this thread is decent. First off to the blessed lion, you are clearly trolling, but at least you written well and tried to argue back, so kitten finally got bark good job. @Razard86 You are correct based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gaslighted by culture and history, self biases and preferences. You are partly correct that tribal people are mostly stage purple/red, and most spiritual traditions are very stage blue witb some stage red/purple esoteric branch. In this case the Mayans and Aztecs were a civilisation that practiced very extreme form of spirituality involving human sacrifices and some raping of the defeated tribes in that region. You are correct that these types have magical thinking and are deeply ritualistic. You are also correct in your takes of spirituality and infinite, and SURVIVAL, given how the Aztecs didn't survive against the Spanish that arrived, and due to unique geography and technology and culture they couldn't resist and got defeated. Only thing I disagree on is Solipsism. I am absolute Solipsism, and am the only thing that exists, so really you are a figment of my imagination, not the other way around. This is my infinity and non duality, not yours. And no, the suit and shades might make you cooler, but I'm real and you're just the same as the profile pic.
  5. @Raze Yes, I partly agree it's a problem that tech companies have made despite good intentions. The solution is to figure out how to home school on a state level, and to stop over consuming social media, and either stop or significantly reduce using and viewing content from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, especially Tik Tok.
  6. @Leo Gura Will you arrive on earth in a giant UFO ship?
  7. @Raze Do you have evidence for some who can reduce their suffering to near zero, or zero? Have you been able to reduce suffering to near zero/zero?
  8. @Tudo Come on, that's offensive, don't be attacking OP. Let's chill like this dude below:
  9. @Majed I know right? It's so counter intuitive, like how you debate scientists here:
  10. @BlackPhil Yep, got the experiences needed to know which is which.
  11. @BlackPhil On a more serious note, I do partly agree that some of the teachings, if you're interpreting from the more corrupt versions, do have a disempowering effect on a person. Did some occult methods way back, and some of them can be empowering, the whole banishing ritual and middle pillar ritual feels really good, it felt that good that maybe that is what's referred to as Christ energy.
  12. @BlackPhil Oh, you're back! I thought Leo banned you out of the forums for posting occult topics. How'd you get back?
  13. @Juan Occasionally it feels good to rant. Nobody is ranting enough about the internet, online communities, these Twitch communities, and the social media corruption we're in.
  14. Coming back to feminine Russell Brand, assuming he's likely to be guilty, why should we care what happens to him prior? After all, based on his actions, his kharma, his drug and sex addiction, it's a statistical likelihood that he might've raped some of those women. Why are some here not showing some support, or understanding or empathy for these poor women? All they have is the me too movement and some journalists willing to peruse some form of justice for them, why are we apprehensive about justice for these women? Are we biased toward Russell Brand?
  15. @Tanz It's great you answered one of my questions but. Don't dodge the other questions, unless you have good reason to?
  16. @MarkKol WTF happened to your profile pic before? Now it's all blurry. Also there's way more than gender issues in America, gotta start talking somewhere.
  17. @mr_engineer I agree, nice reflection Casper, ghosted so bad you have no self image and esteem to look at in the mirror!
  18. @mr_engineer How does saying no make me a true progressive woke person? I'm saying 'no' because a man stands up for himself is the sum of his environments and other developmental factors, it's not just hyper individualism. Also because this thread is low quality stuff of nightmares, from trolling, to derailing the thread, and instigating a heated discussion, plus insulting me right now by assuming stuff about me. A disappointing just no.
  19. @Razard86 IMO this is another small gem in YT, a small Channel that covers mostly cryptozoology and some paranormal stuff, new video covers a story of time warping, and David Paulides the missing 411, very interesting take, and true the devil is in the details: