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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Consept Speaking about Coffezilla, he did a scam of podcasts here: Even podcasts are not safe, and are not objective because if there's a scam like this, how many other scams are there in the podcast space? If Leather Apron Club Channel is correct in his reporting here: And finally back to the topic of Russel Brand: Then this is evidence of much deeper scams and corruption in the internet and online spaces. How can we deal with so much misinformation/disinformation flooding our information ecology? How do we make sense of the political, cultural, ideological, narrative, and information warfare going on?
  2. @vibv Before I comment on your pictures, what are your thoughts on the video and Channel I linked?
  3. @Mihael Keehl @vibv @OBEler What do you guys think of this video? Very convincing photo of a UFO?
  4. @Hatfort Because Joe Rogan is part of the dark intellectual web, plus he's connected to Lex Fridman and Elon Musk and a few other shady figures. Maybe he has powerful friends in the background? Are they launching an official investigation now? I also agree with you on an intuitive level and from what I've analyzed of his tonality and body language, just suspicious to me. I have mixed feelings about YouTube, I would agree if they have explicit guidelines and policies against not just convicted or those accused of rape, but of every criminal act, of any convicted person if they have specific rules against I would agree. However, compared to the forum guidelines YouTube's guidelines is horrendously implicit and lots of wiggle room for interpretation, by YT Channels to abuse, and by YT staff or algorithm to abuse. For example, there was a YT Channel called Mr. Girl, who now has just mr.girl.tv. His Channel was taken down because Nick Fuentes gang mass reported on few of his rap songs about pedophilia, even though most of his content is mature themed and provocative/trollism to trigger awareness in the viewer, no YouTube didn't consider the nuances of his Channel and the mass reporting by an outside community manipulating the report system, instead takes his Channel down and complies with a bunch of users that are outside of YouTube.
  5. Just shocking what's happening here. It's hard to comprehend how intense those fires are, and how they occurred. Please share your thoughts. 13:40, the origin of 'Kamehameha!!!"?
  6. @BlackPhil I'll partly admit that events like this here: Would probably make me pray a bit, something dodgy about that fire and the whole handling of the situation.
  7. Another perspective from a streamer. Know I know YT demonetized him, they didn't take his channel down.
  8. Confirmation of an official investigation:
  9. @Epikur Why the fuck do men mostly think about the roman empire? They do realize they're fantasizing about a very brutal empire right?
  10. @Princess Arabia Honestly every time, when I sometimes see a thread that is all about red pill talking points and using numbers to rate attraction, I already know there'll be a high chance of a sexist talking point. It's total cringe when they sound misogynistic and sexist. Best thing is to just report the thread and post and just leave and read another thread or journal.
  11. @Juan Who asked you to derail my thread, instigate a heated discourse and troll at me? Please leave me alone, and I'll do the same to you
  12. @Tobia Is the guy you linked a Marxist or a socialist?
  13. @Tobia I can't relate, or empathize or have little understanding with why they would feel represented by Russel Brand. Even before the allegations, in the past I don't like him, there's little attraction or little likability, he's too feminine and weird to me. After the allegations, that's enough for me to not like him at all, and it's sad to see he's got a growing following lapping his takes.
  14. @Leo Gura I was a bit harsh calling Russel Brand's marketing his Channel as mind raping the audience. Maybe ideological proliferation, assimilation, and mind slaying his viewers to not critically and independently think for themselves? @Juan I'm chilling.
  15. @Consept It's a tricky situation for sure, but it's just sad to see the Russel Brand comment section, and similar Channels, they sound like fanboys. Do they realize that if there's a small chance Russel is guilty, that they were supporting a criminal?
  16. @Tanz So what are some solutions then, if Russel Brand is guilty but there's little interest in investigating him?
  17. Body language analysis by Behavioral arts guy, this time on Teal Swan and the misleading documentary on her. Great lessons in general to learn from as there's so many developmental factors like value systems, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development and shadow selves projection, life experiences and other domains of development personal to societal, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed, gas lighted by culture and the anti mainstream/mainstream information warfare, self biases and preferences projected onto this situation. I feel especially there are insights in the culture, narrative, propaganda, ideological and information warfare space. That is misinformation, that is misleading, one example of the culture and misinformation warfare. How can we have a strong democracy when documentaries like this, that are misleading and misrepresents a person and their career, is allowed to stay on social media sites and go unpunished? Should we start developing an online government to regulate and legislate laws to further define freedom of speech and hate speech, and to protect and regulate against misleading documentaries like this?
  18. It's like Russel Brand's newest rape now isn't the 4 women anymore, he can't no longer help himself but to now mind rape his audiences here. Mind slay them and fill them with BS anti mainstream talking points. It's psychological rape.
  19. @Danioover9000 In fact, I'm intuitively speculating here, after watching this video: I think he was partly baiting the media, the ITv4 channel to release that documentary, and is now spinning that gained attention he has from that rape accusation documentary, that increase in outraged voices, and taking advantage of YouTube's bad decision, and spin all this into some anti mainstream anti establishment talking points, just manipulative.
  20. Zero empathy and shame, trying to milk as much attention as possible to his Channel, while pretending the accusations are not there:
  21. You know, just for today, let me get off a bit, mentally masturbate a bit cuz *IF YOU WANT TO AWAKEN, GET OFF ON THIS FORUM! Get the joke? You know, cuz we all circle jerk each other here? I do appreciate the effort @justfortoday of writing the long post, it's a nice reminder, a footnote.
  22. @Consept I also agree, because of social media, internet and online cultures, and the marketing/business/capitalistic incentives of the big tech companies, like Tik Tok, Twitter, Twitch, Kick, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms, their algorithms and A.I programs tailored and curate to user biases which enforces an echo chamber of ideologies, hijacks the limbic brain system of men, women and especially children using social media, auto beautifying algorithms creating false self image issues and narcissism/sociopathy/psychopathy like personality traits and disorders, how these algorithms increase ADD/ADHD because their formats hyper stimulate the brain to seek more novel and more dopamine from their content via scrolling and click bait titles and thumbnails, over sensationalized shorts and clips/edits that by design influences mass user desire for shorter sensational content. Overall these effect developmental factors negatively like value systems, cognition, morality, personality traits/types, ego development, limiting life experiences due to over use of 2d pixel screens versus outdoors 3d environments we're meant to interact with more than screens, regression of certain domains of mastery, life, societal and other lines of development, ideological falsehoods and beliefs indoctrinated/groomed/gas lighted by culture via digital platforms under culture warfare, narrative/ideological/political and information warfare, which most will effect your self biases and preferences making you think those are your values when they're mostly from others imposed onto your mind. Overall, these negative factors create perverse incentives that are mostly accidental, some maybe intended by design by other enemy cultures like Chin a with their Tik Tok. Russel Brand and his brand(no pun intended) in YT and other social media platforms contributes to this problem as well P.S The word also to describe this cult like dynamic is called 'para socialization' which is a particularly big problem with chatters and srreamers/reactors.
  23. @EdgeGod900 Great to know how sometimes YT does the right thing, and how fake AF gay Penguinz0 is. His real name is Charlie? Well he ain't leading no angel threesome that's for sure. In fact He needs some MILK, gotta radio alpha, beta, delta till he hits Romeo and misses Juliet.