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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Twega It's like it's legal to mind rape your group, and your whole family. That's my feeling for how perverse the internet has become.
  2. In all seriousness, why did Curt Jaimungal pimp himself for half the video, advertise himself for 15 minutes?! Just close the video in under 5, why call to actin so hard?
  3. @Carl-Richard I agree, as I've analyzed both people's body languages, tonality, and word choices, certainly an underlying emotional attacking going off. Yes technically verbally Bernardo Kastrup's 'willing to entertain sometimes grotesque theoretical fantasies', verbatim as a statement is pretty aggressive yet the tonal delivery is calm, and aligns with his intro and his opening statements. Yes, that New York tonality can be felt like aggressive, so when the last 2-3 minutes escalated. Personal note it's nice seeing scientists get mad, get mad, get in touch with your humanity, good! I wished Kastrup went harder against that energy and attacked him a bit more, trigger him more. 'Grotesque theoretical fantasies', what a nice attack line! I felt like they did a switch, Bernardo exchanged the calm tone for aggressive wording, and the science guy kept the calm statements but aggressive energy. An asymmetrical swap of tone and word style. If anything, it's another example of how egoic scientists and rationalists are. Also, the elephant in this room, curt, half the video of advertising and pimping himself up like come on. His tone doesn't add up. It's my same feeling and intuition with Lex Fridman, maybe these rationalist and scientist types with their monotone communications isn't attracting me.
  4. @Twega Here's an example I can show you:
  5. Interesting take, starts 1:46:00, but for baseline see how she interacts with audiences and handles some of the trolling: It may have been a stretch from Max to warn her of talking to Destiny, it may have been intuitional. I'll have to check out the other one and do my own body language analysis of that. However, I do agree despite the exaggeration from Max, that yes younger teens and children that follow Destiny, due to para socialization, and normalization of trolling, hating, doxxing, harassing, sexist and misogynistic takes, as well as some racism and using open relationships and how he communicates to these women online, and if they use Destiny as their role modal, role modelling a sociopath then use most will probably develop negatively thinking and feeling in distorted ways the parents don't anticipate. Yes I agree with that because not only does it scale to the internet and online cultural degeneracy to morality and human decency, but there are also several other broad issues that interconnect to the internet.
  6. @PurpleTree Sure, I'm just saying the companies should modify parameters for MMA and combat sports to include Trans in their own category if they're so worried that women are getting dominated by trans, or if they're worried that men would dominate trans, and either one presents bad political optics for the company, just make that category or update the parameters.
  7. @at_anchor I agree that there are higher quality structures. For example look at the discourse between Daniel Schmachtenberger and this self help YT guy: Solid and profound insights into personal development, and some on dating and sex. Compare and contrast this to this other debate of the online perverse incentivized internet structure: Low quality discourse, only interested in milking and farming drama, and bad faith and uncharitable takes for the views and clicks, very little good faith communication and a genuine desire and intent to reconcile between a conservative mind/position versus liberal mind/position. Very little want to understand the pros and cons from the religious stage blue/ some orange view of pre marital sex, marriage, and state involvement by Andrew's and Zen's side, although this side too is perversely incentivized to be sensational and chase views, versus Destiny and Alex, more liberal minded, more of a hardcore stage orange with some green, and tiny yellow from Destiny, more siding sexual liberation. Main problem is both sides are ignorant of developmental factors and developmental psychology. Both sides are incentivized to not understand in good will and good faith each other's arguments, both sides ignorant of value systems and stages of development, both sides ignorant of cognitive and moral development as well as cognitive and moral biases and preferences by their ego mind, both sides ignorant of personality types/traits for example Destiny is openness-conscientious-introverted-disagreeable-high neurotic and autistic minded, hyper logical which influences how he views sex, plus he farms drama from open ended relationships therefore biasing him to not be good faith to admit he as an arguer is compromised, and Andrew is more closed minded-conscientious-extroverted-agreeable/disagreeable-some neurotic lower than most there due to his conservative mind and bias and can joke more than the arguers there, both sides ignorant of consciousness levels and other developmental factors, how ideology in their minds distorts reality for them. This is all a consequence by the big tech companies like Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Tik Tok, and their social media formats and designs that all contributes to mental health issues, no wonder.
  8. @Tobia Great example of propaganda and white washing history. This is why you need critical thinking skills, contemplation, and independently using your mind to learn general world history, sociology, and many other fields and strive to become some polymath. This is why studying and learning about other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive biases, and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow work, Integral Theory and other lines of development, ideological believes indoctrinated by upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences. This is why we need to increase multiple types of intelligences like: Linguistic, mathematical, musical, body intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, nature intelligence, philosophical intelligence, and existential intelligence, among many other types of intelligence.
  9. @PurpleTree The patriarchy at it again, why can't men leave women alone in sports? A few easy fixes for these sports companies, is to make a trans category from men or women. Or to modify the parameters of each division, based on the body mass index and muscle mass, height, weight, reach ect. Of course depending on the type f sports, for this one combat sports like boxing, MMA, wrestling, a sport with far more intensity and volume, versus something like chess or golf or skiing, which doesn't involve too much striking or force transfer to a human body, more actions on objects like golf or soccer.
  10. @PurpleTree Yes, the power of beans and leaves weaned Europeans from stupor dreams, to enlightened beams, make believe.
  11. @Jannes I agree, while there could be overlap, I do think intelligence in unique species is hard to replicate and intgrate into human beings. Yes the octopus has intelligence, but human beings understanding that and making sense of that intelligence experientially is nearly impossible. Even in primates intelligence can diverge differently:
  12. @Princess Arabia Leo should use a remix of that song in his intro when he finally breaks YT hiatus.
  13. @Hojo What die the medical system do with the trash it created during and post Covid? Are the employees unreasonable when wearing plastic gowns and masks and gloves and other equipment entering a room full of people infected with Covid coughing?
  14. This is a good video, shows the level of misunderstanding mostly from online/internet echo chambers from the left due to big tech companies that optimize social media formats for more audience capture and retention, and the implications of how toxic and damaging the online cultures are, and how they induce brain rot via Tik Tok click bait shorts that incentivizes shorter attention span, auto beautification that increases Narcissism and false self image and damages intrapersonal intelligence, Algorithms that hyper curate and tailor content to User's biases which reinforces cognitive biases, moral frameworks, beliefs systems, personality online, ideological beliefs from culture and upbringing, and encourages close mindedness due to lack of diverse perspectives in the digital news feed and recommendations from algorithms due to further refining and reinforcing user biases therefore a feed back loop is established which is detrimental to the mental information ecology of the user. Overall perverse incentives from big tech companies that also have the neo-liberalism ideology programmed into them, have capitalized bad faith interpretations and miscommunications with more likes from videos or posts, or views numbers, or whatever other metric used to determine digital value, at the cost of long term ignorance and stupidity of the citizenry: This video is a good example of propaganda warfare, narrative control, misinformation, normalization of smear campaigns and slander/defamation, pursuit of dramatization and sensationalism by design, group think and ideological blind spots, and para socialization within the Twitch and kick formatted online spaces. some juicy insights and lessons of bad faith and lack of good faith, and the internet decreasing mental fitness leading to mental health issues as well as emotional fitness and physical fitness regressing which also hosts emotional and physical deterioration.
  15. Let's start a discussion of this post here: https://www.actualized.org/insights/zionist-self-bias On a relative level, is this conflict similar to the European/Spanish settlers vs the Apache/Comanche conflict, over territorial expansion? So, the greater the nationalism, ethnocentrism, and religious identity and ego attachments, the greater the self deception? If true, then is this why Samskara/reincarnation exists, so that most of the self deluded souls corrupted by others' lies can try again to realize deeper and broader truths, not just god realization? Was this also why Jesus Christ ended up getting killed, for trying to expose these deep leveled hypocrisies? Albert Einstein did warn them about nationalism. No arguing or heated exchanges. Let's be as non-judgmental and good faith as humanly possible.
  16. @Consept I tried this hypothetical and presented it to anti vax users, but to no avail. Just watch, him and others are gonna weasel and dodge. It's coming.
  17. @Yimpa IMO, as much as this is a bit controversial take, I do think this is good in the long term. I think and feel that prisons are justified places to torture the some people who are too different from the majority in society, and the way American prison system is done, or I'd say western prisons or even eastern prisons are done, is completely inhuman and counter productive the the incentive of survival for most societies, as they must rely on civilians, so rehabilitation centers and other facilities to social program convicted peoples are important. Also, yes I do partly hate evil people, and am built different that I as an introvert can handle high times of loneliness, I do feel like life without parole, in concrete boxes, is justified tortue of the mind, body and soul of the convicted, guilty or especially inoccent.
  18. @VictorB02 I can partly agree with Jordan Peterson's takes despite my ideological biases with Joe Biden, and a bit against Donald Trump. There are better ways of handling Donald Trump that shouldn't result in more popularity for Donald Trump, and how they're going about handling him is going to backfire on the Biden administration sooner or later. Although I still feel mostly indifferent towards Trump, with some worry and some insecurity, as he was like me when I was in high school and in college, using manipulation techniques and acting brash to win arguments and to perform in presentations, which is part of my ego shadow. Meanwhile, I feel more insecurity and worry for Joe Biden, as he's clearly too old to be president, like WTF is the democrats doing? Overall I feel conflicted for either side, and feel let down due to all the polarization and binary framings, of bad faith communications between the two parties, and very little effort for both the conservatives and liberals to communicate in good faith. Maybe we should bring in the more respectful debate panels, and ditch the more modern disrespectful gotcha arguments that Donald Trump pioneered. Still, Jordan Peterson's political takes are low quality, but his psychological takes are solid and worth studying a bit, but his boogeyman is the red scare and 'cultural Marxism' that doesn't exist.
  19. @zurew My guess for @StarStruck's argument for why Covid-19 was only targeting some with heart disease and cardiac issues, is that he's engaging in a mental hypothetical assuming all else is equal, due to the Covid-19's spiked protein effecting blood cells, he thinks myocarditis is probably bio engineered to target the lungs and hearts of those with weaker immune systems, plus the vaccine,, and those with respiratory and cardiac issues already. Of course, such a stage yellow systemic hypothetical from a stage orange dating PUA guy is profound from within their mind, while either distorting, deleting, or denying deeply the exceptional myopic and stupid take because such a person is in a 'if all else is equal' mental constructed hypothetical, over simplifying an overly complex issue like Covid-19's global effects worldwide. This is probably why open mindedness is more valuable than close mindedness, and engaging in philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, and developmental psychology in good faith communications.
  20. @StarStruck Because it was a life and death situation for the whole world, and we sort of survived and got away from Covid-19 pandemic luckily. Imagine if instead of Covid-19 we got a mutated, bio-weapon like a Cordyceps fungus that infects human beings and spreads mainly from getting bitten to spores being spread from mutated cordyceps mushrooms. Humanity as we know it, and the social order of various countries would fall apart, the infection would spread too quickly and zombies everywhere that there'd be no time for arguing pro or anti vax or big tech companies or big pharma corruption, there'd be everyone fighting zombies and trying to survive the mutated fungus. I hope, and pray, that many groups looking at how the world handled this Covid-19 pandemic learn their lessons, and systemic vulnerabilities, otherwise when an actual world ending pandemic happens, again mutated cordyceps, and various groups mishandle similarly, making historic past mistakes, we'd be screwed.
  21. @Hatfort Compare and contrast these two videos talking about sexuality and dating, from a conservative/religious point of view versus a neo-liberal/progressive point of view: and Looks and feels like two different approaches to talking about sex and dating, and even personal development right? Yet the first video has too much perverse incentives to bad faith argue each other's points, with little good faith exchange of ideas between a more traditional/conservative frame of dating and sex and premarital sex and marriages, which biases for monogamous relationships, versus the more modern, more stage orange individualist, more transactional relationship, more PUA, more liberal minded frame of dating and sex and marriages, with neither side giving a deep and broad enough context for why dating and sex exists and why marriages exists, just only interested in undermining for views.
  22. @Hatfort The reason why is because the internet and online communities and cultures, including big tech companies have mostly ruined the brains of Gen M and Z, especially these online variations of those political ideologies, with their internet speak. For example, look at when a tech company made Tik Tok, the most addictive online social media site due to the infinite scroll, algorithms that hyper curate content to user's biases creating more echo chambers that reinforce bad ideologies, auto beautify profile pictures which leads to more narcissism and false self image issues. Most social media platforms have in their format a way to hijack the limbic system in the brain to get you hooked and addicted, as tech companies focus on audience attraction and retention regardless of brain rot and mental health issues later on, and due to click bait culture and algorithms pushing shorts and low brow sound bits of some long format video, the mass theft and plagiarism of the react community stealing impressions whilst squeezing the small content creators in YouTube, it has overall made a toxic environment for the information ecology of people's minds. Look at Twitch, streaming community and social media platforms like Twitch, encouraging para socialization for profit and gain, because the persona of the streamer, and how they charm and use charisma, poisons the minds of the viewers and chatters, just look at social media online political debates, a bunch of silly immature takes and behaviors that are perversely incentivized by big tech and online celebrities in their online spaces to do those behaviors of bad faith communications and uncharitable takes, which is upregulated and valued more for views and drama, and the good faith communications devalued more because less eyeballs. We have a sociopathic streamer doing the podcast runs on YouTube, a very healthy society would not platform such a character that uses open relationships to create drama, furthering degenerate views of relationships. Mean Green memes by Ken Wilbur is a thing when stage green is excessive, and does not integrate the finer and good qualities of the lower stages.