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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yimpa This the ideal speech from Joe Biden: This morning, I spoke with 'Prime Minister' DICTATOR Netanyahu about the horrific and ongoing attacks in Israel. The United States unequivocally condemns this appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, and I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel, PROVIDED HE STOPS THE TWO STATE PARTY AND CLEAN UP HIS ETHNOCENTRIC FANTASY. Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people, BUT SO DOES PALESTINE AND PALESTINIANS WHO ARE DEPORTED FROM THIER HOMES IN ISRAEL AND WEST BANK TO CONCENTRATION CAMP GAZA, KINDA LIKE WHAT HAPPENED IN WW2 HHHMMMM... The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation UNLESS THEY PAY HIGH TARRIFS TO MY NEOLIBERAL AMERICAN EMPIRE, BUT DO PROTEST PEACEFULLY OR IMMA BE BOMBASTIC WITH MY ICONIC RAPPING! My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering, BUT MY INTEGRITY AND HONOR TO PROTECT THE DOWNTRODDEN IS LIKE A FOX: CUNNING YET SENILE, LIKE PAELSTINE, IS LIKE FLOWING MAGMA MEETS THE FLOOR. NETANYAHOU, GET YOUR ACT TOFETHER MAN! LEX FRIDMAN, TEACH HIM LOVE MAN! Jill and I are keeping in our prayers all of the families who have been hurt by this violence. We are heartbroken by the lives that have been tragically cut short and hope for a swift recovery for all those who have been wounded. HOWEVER, WE ALSO PRAY HARDER THAT DISCRIMINATION, OPPRESSION BY ZIONISTS, ETHNOCENTRISM AND NATIONALISM, WHICH ISRAEL CLEARLY HAS LEARNT THE WRONG LESSONS FROM HISTORY, HOPEFULLY STOPS OR WE'LL IMPOSE OUR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY HARDER ONTO ISRAEL.I DO LIKE ISRAEL, BUT PEACE TO PALESTINE! My team and I are tracking this situation closely, and I will remain in close touch with Prime Minister Netanyahu. AND LEX FRIDMAN, WHO SURELY WILL COVER THIS INEQUALITY UNBIASEDLY. OI, IS THIS RECORDED? DON'T WANT TO GO DOWN LIKE NIGEN MAN, PLZ DON'T BAN OR WARN I'M JOKING!.
  2. @Fluran Also, not to attack you, but this line of thinking is similar to those who say 'all lives matter', in response to 'black lives matter' to downplay the severities of the systemic issues that made BLM in the first place. So comparing Tibet/WW2/ contexts to downplay the current crisis of Hamas attacking from Gaza to Israel is what it seems to me, is this true?
  3. @Fluran Are you basing this view, or argument, from Daniel Schmachtenberger's Meta Crisis?
  4. @Leo Gura When a Palestine gets militarily deported from their home in Israel proper, or West bank, into Gaza, because those in power in the Israel government are mostly pursuing a two party state for ethnocentric reasons, it's not hard to imagine some radical group having an easier time radicalizing a disenfranchised Palestinian into fighting the ethnocentric oppression right? Because most in Israel do not want to mix and make Zionists impure, hence a 2 state party instead of 1 state party was chosen over democratic structure. For Zionists the idea of them mixing with Palestinians in government or sharing their territory with them is terrifying right?
  5. @Leo Gura Sure, maybe the details and specifics make the Israel/Palestine conflict unique in comparison to the Mau party attacking Tibet, such as the decades of oppression and Israel shrinking Palestine's territory and deporting them in Gaza and the west bank is a humanitarian and immigration crisis overtime, but the mass genocide and destruction of temples in Tibet a far more severe and obviously more evil act due to how quickly it happened. However, wouldn't you agree that the culture warfare, of when a bigger culture eats up another culture, is what's common between Chain/Tibet context and the Israel/Palestine context? That the two superior collective egos are consuming and assimilating a smaller collective egos?
  6. @Princess Arabia Please no, let's not talk about Leo's videos okay? I miss when Leo has made videos on a sometimes weekly basis, please don't trigger my video craving, such good times I feel nostalgia.
  7. @PurpleTree It's like that old saying of 'the victimized becomes the perpetrators' which is also like when a bully bullies a kid, and that kid grows up with more and more insecurity issues, to the point they become bullies themselves to regain their power and confidence they lost. Do you agree?
  8. @Yimpa Both, full watch once and I speed read to other parts. Why is my watching habit causing so much confusion in you, and how is that an argument against me?
  9. @Shadowraix Sorry, I was responding to @UnbornTao's post and arguing towards the user, I was not targeting or attack you per say, just towards @UnbornTao and towards @Roy if he's up to replying to me.
  10. @Vrubel What could we have been expecting? After all this rocket attack from Gaza to Israel is part of the decades of Zionists that have pursued an ethnostate, militarily deporting Palestinians from their homes into West bank and mainly Gaza, creating more humanitarian crisis, how can we act surprised? Why is Israel and Netin Yahou acting surprised? This is part of the consequences of such a pursuit of an ethnostate and part of the fallout of ethnocentrism right? I mean they have learned quite quite a bit from what it means to be an ethnostate and pursuit of nationalism and ethnocentrism? To be clear I don't support what Hamas is doing, but I can understand why their doing this given the historical and systemic oppression from Israel.
  11. @Leo Gura Okay, so putting aside the false flag staged attack, is this attack by Palestinians fueled by the inequality treatment by the Zionists, and their pursuit of an ethnostate?
  12. @Leo Gura I can imagine Israel's counter offensive would be significant given their superior military force there in time, but I can't shake the feeling that this could have been a staged attack, or one of those tactical retreats similar between the USA and Japan with the Pearl Harbor attack in order to manufacture a more justified military aggression by Zionists for an ethnocentric state towards Palestinians to the west bank and Gaza by the Zionists. For context:
  13. Hiya, taken a break to browse YouTube videos, and stumbled on Lex Fridman's videos, and the following three are very interesting. Despite my dislike, I put that aside, as most of that in the past had little hard evidence for my dislike. Maybe the following may show why: For Israel's perspective, although Benjamin Netanyahu kinda like Donald Trump IMO, plus other topics covered. and Lean more on Palestine's perspective, plus other topics worth listening to. Also, no I'm not hate posting or breaking guidelines, and before you post go read forum guidelines, I'm in best behavior, you should too. Also curious to know what @Mesopotamian, @Recursoinominado and maybe @Carl-Richard thoughts are about this situation? My take is that it's complicated and based on many developmental factors, and may require a third power to oversee those developments, also this conflict is a very similar conflict that the European settlers and the Native Americans Apache and Comanche faced in terms of territorial warfare. What I love about these following videos is that it shows the limits of Lex's biases. Again, use your powers of observation, and think for yourself. No hate, just love.
  14. @Scholar What are some points you agree with Kastrup on? You don't dislike at all Bernardo Kastrup, but you dislike him being a cry baby and stuck in his ego, rage quitting the stream in one moment. Is this a contradiction? What if him quitting is him realizing how lost Tim is in his rationalism and scientific theories, and he intuits that any conversation is a waste of time?
  15. @How to be wise Or as a woman, don't forget.
  16. @itsadistraction Let people do what they want...which includes theft, sexual assault, murder, abuse, scams, and many more evils? Don't conflate Trans to Enlightenment, it muddies and is ignorant of the distinctions between Enlightenment and trans gender, the two words that belong to two different contexts. No, Trans is not playing dress up, that's cosplaying and cross dressing, while there might be gender swapping that could happen, that's not the whole trans movement, it's sloppy thinking to think it such. No, trans people, religious people, and most of society are not lost, that's ridiculous. Please chill down.
  17. @Scholar I actually think Bernardo Kastrup rage quitting was better than him remaining in the conversation, if he's that bothered by the push back. Only some people with thick skin and good comedic skills can keep on talking whilst dishing out insults and getting them. Seems like Kastrup's not the type to handle it well when it's pushed back. I take it you're not a fan of Kastrup?
  18. @Princess Arabia I did, maybe I wasn't clear, let me elaborate. I just found it strange for Curt to do a 15 minute motivational speak ad for his podcast after the catastrophe that is Bernardo Kastrup rage quitting a debate because Tim said 'it's so silly', to Kastrup's 'Grotesque theoretical fantasies', it's just funny to me, maybe he shouldn't have posted the video if it turned out bad, I don't know, I can't see myself filming this and go 'Yeah, it's pretty bad but I'm gonna share it and plug my Channel at the end!'. To me it shows me in also a bad light because I just hosted a train wreck, and who wants to be perceived as hosting a train wreck? Maybe most people, maybe someone who values excellence and excellent coverage. It could be I have problems relating to people like Curt, or Lex Fridman, the more left brained people, just little empathy and click there. I swear, the last thing you'll see me doing is some cringe, corny, whack rap song or diss track, and I value excellence so production, sound quality, and bars will at least be decent, not Emcee or Eminem/Kayne West level rapping and music, but at least decent to hear.
  19. @UnbornTao Sure, a sloppy and foolish take is better than no take right? Because there are biological difference in sex dimorphism between human male bodies and human female bodies, for example men have denser bones, denser/bigger muscles, thicker hair, stronger jaw and skull, shoulders wider than hips but shoulders are narrow and rigged to support more power, narrow hips and sometimes stronger bigger legs, little subcutaneous fat that also muscles to look harder and solid, in comparison to female bodies that have wider broader shoulders that helps with carrying babies, rounder face, subcutaneous fat that softens the muscle tone giving more curvier and smoother edges to muscle tone, softer hair and skin, hip to shoulder ratio hips are wider and rounder to give the glutes more curvy visual. Even in sex dimorphism plays a role in male and female attraction, for example males are more attracted to visual cues and looks of the female body, while females tend to be more attracted to auditory and kinesthetic, females need to hear and feel a man more to get attracted. Okay is main reason why sports separate by sex is that the male body is designed more to generate force and receive force back, plus they have greater endurance, speed, power, muscle coordination, and so on, so in particular to combat spots this distinction is crucial to make on averages because on averages most female bodies might struggle to compete against average male bodies in an even playing field with defined rules and parameters that is prescribed to both averages. The only exceptions that may not effect competition negatively as much, maybe even spikes interest in marketing towards a niche crowd, is maybe nude wrestling. Yes, male and female are referring to biological sexes, man and woman are the gender nouns onto the male/female biological labels, and men and women are the plural names for a group of man and a group of woman, so what does boy/girl refer to? Is boy/girl a social construct or a biological sex label? To me boy/girl refers to prepubescent to early/late adolescent bodies, yet in common language sometimes boy/girl names are labels to refer to places that function those with sex biological differences, and sometimes colloquially used by traditional gender norms. Also, the main problem is that words like male/man/men, or female/woman/women are semantically and syntax linked to one's developmental factors, and about 75% of the world, men and women, are under stage blue values systems, which predominantly have conservative minds more than liberal minds. How are you going to communicate to that large group, without triggering fear in them, or without making them feel threatened by the lose of their traditional male/female gender roles, because to them they're not at construct aware ego stage, and don't see this as a social construct, they're mostly conformist staged such that this lose in gender roles literally means the lose of the family unit, or the lose of the hard working father, or the decline of birth rates, or the moral degradation of the nation/religion. These fears are felt very real to them, and few are at construct aware to be aware those are just social constructs, most are not post modernists and see relativity as it is. Not to mention other developmental factors that makes this such a complicated issue, plus all the propaganda, narrative, ideological, cultural warfare and misinformation in bad faith that leads to polarization of all political and other groups viewing this problem, plus other developmental factors like values, cognitive biases, different moral and ethics, personality types/traits, ego developments, Architypes and shadow selves, other lines of development in society, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from media, news, family upbringing, TV stations, radio, social media platforms, all externalities influencing self biases and preferences, and how the mind thinks and feels and represents reality to itself. As above so below, as the saying goes.
  20. @Roy I think the main issue is how big companies handle the Trans issue in combat sports in particular, but also other sports as well. For example, they could try making a third category for trans, or they could modify parameters so that muscle mass, or body mass index, height, width, reach of arms and legs (for MMA types of sports). In a broader context, I partly agree that some groups maybe enabling this mass hallucination and validating mental illness due to political gain for more left leaning companies, but I think that's just more, from Ken Wilbur's view, mean green meme, the excess of stage green values, and even stage orange companies capitalizing on stage green outrage and LGBTQ and trans issues. Yes, we still don't have a more rigorous scientific method to find out in what ratio this is group think versus genetics and gender dysphoria. This is all due to developmental factors like value systems, cognition, morality, personality types and traits, ego development, differences in other domains of development in life and society, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, culture warfare, self biases and preferences. Also, due to how systemic this issue is, yes an easy fix solution may not solve this deeply, more like a well thought out solution half solves an issue. For example, by introducing a third category for combat sports, there could be not enough trans for competitive field, as men say make 80% of MMA, 19% are women fighters, but 1% are trans, so if total number is 10,000 MMA fighters, 8,000 are men, 1,900 are women, and 100 are trans. So not enough incentive for competition or for promotions or marketing. Also, if we go the modify parameters route, not only should we consider weight divisions and hydration, but new things like height, width, length of limbs, muscle mass, muscle density, approximate force and speed generated, background, skill set, fighting experience, nutrition, diet, chemical and drugs(IMO a big factor as some trans do hormone therapy and increased testosterone) and so on, not only do we make it more complicated even though we make it more scientific, by introducing so many controls and parameters, we could end up increasing paper work or slowing down events or say we introduce 1,00 controls and parameters, if something goes wrong in the system there's too many controls implemented to know which one rule needs removal or upgrading. Maybe @Carl-Richard can explain better.
  21. Oh my god, what a horrible take, thank goodness this YouTuber isn't canceled and censored severely over such a low brain rot take: This is why we need online governments to regulate these horrendous takes.
  22. @Carl-Richard and @Scholar, I think I have a favorite line and theory and dad joke: GTFO! GROTESQUE THEORETICAL FANTASIES ONLINE!(Or ON-MIND) Get it?
  23. @Princess Arabia It's all a result of his long hiatus from video making.
  24. @Spiral Agreed. Game is for men pretending, serious is for women depending.