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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Scholar The fact you can equate China's Oppression and mass genocide of Uyghur people, very similar to how Nazi Germany Oppressed and did the holocaust onto the Jews, to Israel's oppressing and mistreatment of Palestinians, but then turn around and accuse me and other users arguing for the unethical ways those Ethnocentric Zionists, with their 2 party ethnostate, mistreating Palestinians as biased and justifying HAMAs when we did stated we're not justifying HAMAs, and mix in Veganism to muddy discussion, is just profoundly amazing that you could sit there with this reasoning and not realize how bad faith your were to me and other users here.
  2. @StarStruck Which is also called manufactured consent, because whatever media you consume, they can control the information feed to you, and present a one sided or distorted news, aka misinformation and propaganda.
  3. @Scholar Why are you gaslighting me and others arguing against Israel's oppressing and mistreating the Palestinians?
  4. @Scholar Why are you assuming some moral agency from me of moral duty of factory farms or other types of human suffering worldwide, when we're talking about why is Israel oppressing and mistreating Palestine for 70 years, which has nothing to do with other human sufferings and factory farms? Why are you assuming we're justifying HAMAs, when we're arguing and debating about Israel mistreating Palestinians? Why claim we're moving goal posts when you're swapping contexts left and right, change to other irrelevant contexts to write off and distract from talking about Israel/Palestine conflict? Why are you assuming we're too biased to see, or me too biased to see, when I can objectively see the power dynamic and power abuse from the Zionism in Israel's ethnostate structure onto Palestininas?
  5. @Scholar No, point 3 is valid because America has deep neoliberal ideology and American hegemony to push for it's own western values and western democracy onto other countries, so of course it'll have interest in making Israel have it's western democracy. It's valid to claim some level of sabotage, why? Because Palestine has a different political bias and is more resembles older authoritarian structures in the past, similar to Iran and it's religion. We're not arguing for points 2 and 1. Again, stop introducing false irrelevant contexts like Veganism and mass genocides because we're talking about Israel's 70 years of oppressing and mistreating the Palestinians. Why are you so stubborn and why are you arguing in deep bad faith? Are you sure you're not a Zionist racist? Only an arguer identified with a group or ideology the arguer grows up from and benefits from will argue vehemently despite how blatantly immoral the Israel treats Palestinians.
  6. @Scholar Again, I and @Raze and other users here are NOT arguing for why HAMAS is justified and right, we're all arguing for why Israel is in the moral wrong for oppressing, mistreating, and forcing Palestinians into smaller and smaller and smaller lands, and why Zionism Israelis that implemented the 2 party state are doing so because they want to preserve their ethnic race and nationalist identity. Word for word, this is exactly like Nazi Germany rhetoric! Why are you falsely claiming we're using colonization to justify HAMAS terrorism? If true we have a moral duty for just our own people, then we cannot give commentary and opinion and claim if an outside group or outside situations in the world, that are immoral, immoral? We don't have the right to call some people and some actions immoral? We don't have the right to assert with some corroborative evidence of our claims? We cannot debate and argue back and forth and exchange ideas and reasonings? We cannot objectively see the power dynamic and power differences between Israel and Palestine?
  7. @Scholar Why are you conflating and assuming me as some meat eater to Israel having their unjustified justifications for their treatment of Palestinians? So because Israel's self preservation, ethnocentric identity, are under existential threat, that this justifies them oppressing and deporting Palestinians to Gaza? Is there no strict morality I can't apply? What about moral objectivity, that there's objectively a big difference in power between Israel and Palestine?
  8. @Scholar I did say before I am not condoning or supporting HAMAS action, I said it's action is the result of many decades of oppression from Zionists wanting an ethnostate Israel, making Palestinians deport onto Gaza. Never justified HAMAS, just saying that it's action is part of that ethnocentric fallout. Yes Israel perspective is valid and important, so is Palestinian's perspectives are valid and important. Just look at a map and you can see the areas of Israel grow more and Palestinian areas shrinking. Is what Israel doing to them good morally? Is it justified?
  9. @Roy Were you the guy talking about the Dalai Lama saying how Europe belongs to the Europeans?
  10. @Scholar I do have some comprehension levels to understand your point being made, it's just you were extrapolating from other contexts so I didn't follow. You do understand there's an objective difference in power that Israel has versus Palestinians right? I do understand why Ethnostates exists, as well as imperialisms and colonialism, based on many developmental factors like value systems, cognitive biases and moral developments, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow selves, states of consciousness, other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by mainstream and alternative media, tv, radio, newsfeed, social media, peer pressure, community, group think, upbringing, and culture, all manufactured consent to influence you biases and preferences. Yes I have a big stage yellow brain that can eagle view the world's conflicts and global catastrophes, and see the Meta Crisis and poly crisis happening, it's all like a 4d Chinese go. I'm only kidding, just one important question: You do understand the current power dynamic, and power abuse happening from Israel towards Palestine right?
  11. @Leo Gura Sure, I'll concede to this a bit, he's a pretty reasonable right wing guy, just that this situation is so charged and rich in conflict that it's making him look the dictator to the centrist and left wing, but still ideally he should, and his party, set the example and choose a one party instead of 2 party ethnostate and mistreating the Palestinians.
  12. @How to be wise Are you trying to play reverse psychology on me? I have been arguing more on Palestine's side of this Israel/Palestinian conflict right?
  13. @UnbornTao It can't just be me right? Is it because of depression season, or is it because we're entering the fall/autumn season, which in western astrology and secret sacred occult places signifies the water sign, which signifies emotions right? So all westerners are angsty? Is it just because of the full moon?
  14. @Vrubel Near Israel, or somewhere in New York or the USA?
  15. @Scholar Are you a Zionist? Can you please elaborate on my comprehension levels?
  16. @Nabd I'd be careful if it's graphic, you might get warning points for posting graphic stuff. Maybe make a journal and write it out there, but anywhere in the sub forums besides journals will get you some warnings. Got my past profile pic down due to it being too graphic.
  17. @Nabd I agree with @Leo Gura, you're getting into crazy conspiracy space, human sacrifices is a bit much in either side. Sure there's conflict and people getting killed, but sacrifices? it's a bit of a over reach there. I understand your passion though, just don't go over board onto the conspiracies.
  18. @Vrubel You're really a zionist?
  19. @Roy Since you cherry picked my post responding to this, original post is below. Sorry, I'm not a sexologist or a therapist that specializes in fucking, but if you need one, there's plenty on the internet. They're out there if you're lonely. Didn't mean to be mean and trigger you. So I'll take it that you don't like animal human farms? Back to main topic of trans genders, how do we include them into combat sports and make it fair?
  20. @Leo Gura That is sadly true, hard to argue. Birds of a feather flock together?
  21. @Leo Gura , since @Roy is flexing his masculine red pill right wing muscles: if he gets a cramp and has to resign as mod, I propose myself as a replacement for him okay? This forum needs mods like me, with more of a feminine left wing touch, to soften such a manly bald eagle. Sounds good?
  22. @Scholar So it's backwards thinking because it's too moralistic, because what HAMAS is doing right now and yesterday is far worse? Does that give a free pass as to what Israel did to Palestine and Palestinians for the past 70 years of ethnocentrism, oppression and taking more land from them, because HAMAS is choosing to retaliate via rockets? How many Palestinians have died for the past 75 years under Israel, and subjugated to mistreatments, versus the death toll and misery of what HAMAS is doing today? Sure you'd have more sympathy for early European settlers occupying some small territory off of the native American tribes, until they grow bigger and start abusing their power and driving the native tribes to less and less land right? If I look at this away from a moralistic view, and into a self preservation view, what would you think I'd say and do and justify? From purely a self preservation view, I think you'd be surprised how many evil acts I can do and justify away by just stating I'm self preserving myself. I'm focused on the Israel/Palestine conflict, not what Arabia is doing with it's systemic rape and murder of women, totally different context and logic, same with a Vegan killing meat eaters or factory farm workers, or whatever context you jump to and extrapolate from. I'm being logical, staying mostly in context, and saying that given the objective difference in power between Israel and Palestine having very little by now, and the systemic and historic pattern of Israel stealing power from Palestinians and applying their ethnocentrism and nationalism, just like Nazi Germany did BTW, that I'm morally and logically inclined to side with Palestine in this specific situation, because it's clearly immoral, and clearly Israel has this much power that it can choose to exercise a 1 state party and try to be democratic, hence the ball is on Israel's court, and it's not handling this issue that well, hence Israel is not a true democracy but an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by Zionists in favor of an ethnostate.
  23. @Roy If it's true that you find it appallingly obvious that the majority of human beings are just lost animals that have no fucking idea what's going on in reality, then we would have multiple asylums and mental hospitals and farm industries filled with millions of human beings behaving like lost animals, where the human farms milk the animalistic human udders for dairy goodness, human meat for more fats and protein, give coerced or forced breeding for optimum selective breeding for better milk or batter meats, recorded in a device called pornography for further domestication of human males and females and to further indoctrinate their offspring for horniness, and when some outlive their usefulness they are sent to many of the mental asylums and hooked into machines that drain whatever remains of their consciousness, right? So, if we're all like lost chickens with no heads, then is this you projecting your misanthropy and anti natalism onto people? Make a bunch of money, change my gender, win political power, live in a cabin, build a spaceship, meditate in a cave for 40 years, it's one big free for all...are you okay? Having a mental hallucination episode? Do you need a hug?
  24. @Scholar What do you mean backwards thinking? Don't they have the moral high ground given how Israel has been steadily taking land from Palestine, and deporting them to Gaza? Isn't this another consequence of a 2 party state because of ethnocentric and nationalistic Zionist reasons? Just consider what is happening akin to how European settlers and colonialism towards indigenous native tribes like the apache and comanche, just take and squeeze them out of their natural territory into smaller and smaller lands, meanwhile being covert racists right?