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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @PurpleTree Not a joke, this is seriously disappointing. The levels of misinformation. Yes, go and condemn HAMAs, meanwhile sweep under the rug what makes up HAMAs: disenfranchised, oppressed, poor, desperate Palestinians that have no choice but to fight Israel, which makes them open to more radicalization.
  2. @StarStruck In the long run doesn't matter, Russia will keep on sending soldiers, and they have lots of artillery to use.
  3. @StarStruck Maybe his redemption ark?
  4. @Nabd Jeez, and this is assuming when Israel attacked the airports that it damaged the landing roads.?
  5. @Danioover9000 At 2:33:45 to around 2:40:00, this is Mr. Girl's revenge ironically on the spiritual level, this is how you attack and undermine the credibility of someone like Destiny potentially being a sexual predator, using female streamers for profit, profiteering from the mental breakups and fallouts from his open relationships and filming the drama for views. Sorry had to comment, and this is why the internet/online spaces have imbedded perverse incentives, by big tech companies at large, and by those acting as second rung employees, like Kick has with xqc and other streamers, or YouTube has for Asmongold and Destiny and most React communities that steal original content and legalize plagiarism on mass. These social media sites and overuse of these formats contributes to the formations of many mental health defects like decrease in attention span, increases in narcissism, increases in para socialization, increases in self image/body image and self entitlement, and many more from algorithms and A.I tech that hyper curate content to user biases whilst aking it hyper stimulating to the limbic brain part. Even increases in anti social disorders and psychopathy due to the excess screen and click time, and reduction in human connection in real life, which is far more multisensory than a 2d screen, which is also another reason why we should increase regulation for A.I programs as they are getting more and more realistic in real life depictions, and it won't be long until A.I can construct virtual worlds with the exact multisensory experiences and qualia of real world phenomena, which IMO will lead to madness and actual hell on earth as many will be lost in a sea of concepts disconnected from the real world.
  6. Also, great example of a stage blue/orange guy, this Andrew Wilson, debating Destiny and Kyla, solid debate tatics:
  7. @Carl-Richard Very interesting, this guy also debated Destiny about Veganism, and I think him plus Vegan Gains having more powerful arguments forced Destiny to make some excuse up to stop debating Vegans, or risk looking suspect with his positions on Veganism. Is Peter Hitchens related to Christopher Hitchens by any chance?
  8. @Scholar Your whole post here in this thread, has more leniency to Israel and less to Palestine. Basically, your argument is this: HAMAs evil, and because HAMAs in Gaza, in Palestine, so Palestine bad. Because HAMA use rocket to Israel bad, Israel retaliation good, also Israel fighting many Arab neighbors therefore Israel good guy, so if Israel wipe HAMAs and shrink Palestine land more, Israel still good guy. Meanwhile appeals to and pivots to Nuance bro.
  9. @Scholar What does this have to do with your pro Israel argument?
  10. @Leo Gura Leo, has this thread been the craziest thread you've had so far?
  11. @PurpleTree I'd say choose your battles carefully, maybe focus more on Russia instead.
  12. Another horrendous take from Destiny. This is why I claim that there are perverse incentives in the internet/online spaces which leads to many mental health issues, and polarization of all sides involved in a conflict: Obviously there are differences between the Ukraine/Russia conflict versus the Israel/Palestine conflict, but there's also that deep hypocrisy from pro Ukraine supporting Ukraine becoming NATO, but condemn HAMAs and Palestinians partly supporting them, I mean they're freedom fighters from Palestine's point of view even if they're a shady group, but then don't be a hypocrite and be pro Ukraine. Also you owe John Mearsheimer a apology for character assassinating him in your streams, and go argue his arguments instead of saying he's a Neo Nazi supporter. Cringe.
  13. @HMD They don't want to be seen supporting HAMAs, so they choose the side that feels comfy for them to support. I don't know how they could ever do that, but fear of terrorists is a real feeling, and deep fear, and nobody wants to be seen supporting that. For example, who wants to be a defense lawyer for a pedophile? To go out and challenge the eye witness testimonies, who you may or may not know is truth? So, because of the thought terminating cliche in psychology, which the mind avoids the thing that makes it uncomfortable, they don't defend pedophiles but are happy to prosecute them, even if allegations are false, because of deep social stigma. It's also based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow work, other lines of development in society and life domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from family upbringing, community, peers and teachers in education schools, tv channels, radio, news papers, news outlets, social media sites, mainstream/alternative news sources, books, films, arts, and so many more points of data in the information ecology we consume from big tech companies and other companies via manufactured consent, which influences our biases and preferences and thinking towards worlds and other people.
  14. @Tobia Yes it is, plus an ethnostate with Zionist Israelis making life hard for Palestinians in the west bank and Gaza, those in charge of Israel are also religious nationalists too.
  15. A really good debate and arguing panel, to analysis persuasion rhetoric from Andrew. Also decent info on the general body language, verbals, and discourse dynamics to analyze from, with some statements and arguing tactics:
  16. @An young being That is why most young people go do education system, to learn about basic physics and science, mathematics, English and other languages, history, arts, PE, and some more subjects later on. Of course, I learnt earlier when drinking orange juice, and got sometimes acid reflex, so I diluted the orange juice with water and it solved my personal experiential issue, from just thinking about it and testing it out. Thinking about that memory generated the insight about people: if you want to reduce homogenous groups, add more people outside that group, just like adding water to reduce the concentrate in the liquid you're trying to dilute. Same thing with tea, if you want stronger tea, leave it longer to brew or add another tea bag. if you want a weaker tea, add more water to cool down the tea, and to dilute it's contents.
  17. @Razard86 Good intentions and a vigilante, but if you're not prepared like Batman, trained in martial arts and hand to hand combat, weapons training, all other kinds of training, then you're basically gambling with your life at that point. Good intentions sure, but you can't just pose as some underage girl/boy to bait sexual predators, and assume confronting them all of them are not armed or if cornered won't get violent, and not prepare against those violent reactions, anything can happen in the streets.
  18. @PurpleTree You'll have to requote my post, I just edited it.
  19. To paraphrase Malcolm x 'You don't get freedom peacefully. Anyone who is depriving you of freedom isn't deserving of a peaceful approach'. What are you're thoughts of this quote? About 12:57 in this video here: Also coming from high IQ master debater Destiny 'history is totally irrelevant in some cases, okay?'. No, how about you retire and do something else, besides farming drama and misinformation for more views? What a total brain dead take, OF COURSE history will matter because it contextualizes the situation, Destiny! Unbelievable and disgusting take. Jeez, I need to shower a bit, wash my eyes and ears a bit from such an asinine take.
  20. I hate online takes like this, so immature, and so filled with chasing perverse incentives of internet click and view:
  21. Another example of online perverse incentives, and online debates/arguments being low tier and immature: Destiny, how about you go and address John Mearsheimer's argument for why Ukraine/Russia is the west's fault, instead of poisoning the well and character assassinating via his source is of Neo-Nazi bias? Go do that, instead of fucking farming drama!
  22. @StarStruck So no comment on your affairs?
  23. I know you're @StarStruck at seeing @PurpleTree parade around with @Forestluv, but please chill you two.