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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Another problem I just discovered is that when I sign out, your entire website is in html and text @Leo Gura.
  2. @Happy Lizard It's the same logic and rational used by the detective and the suspect. Detective: "Did you kill your GF?". Suspect: "Well, no. As I stated, she was sleeping peacefully.".
  3. OH MY GOD!!! THE FORUM IS BACK!!! I HAVEN'T LOST ALL MY DATA HERE!!! Are you alight @Leo Gura? I saw that the forum had the error ode EX144. What is that error code?
  4. It may be a reasonable sounding argument, but existentially it doesn't make sense so it's a bit of an awful argument: He's giving a very simplified explanation of free will vs determinism, and stating that the 'reasons are what convinces you, not you convincing you.'. That's over simplifying other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's Architypes, integral theory and other lines of societal and personal development, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, mainstream and alternative media, social media sites, videos, tv channels, radio, news papers, adverts, community and peer pressures to conform to your group identity, and many more that shapes your world view, self biases and preferences from externalities to internalities of your MIND. So, it's insufficient that reason and logic alone moves a debater or arguer to be convinced and persuaded, it's actually SURVIVAL and the EGO MIND, and UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE that moves you and your views this and that way, which is lost on someone like Alex O'Connor, but everybody in that room doesn't get it yet. God realization is a very deceptive experience to have, mystical, magical, psychedelic, paranormal and supernatural experiences and mostly post rational, not rational or pre rational. That's completely going over all their heads how this duality between the arguer/arguments, and debater/debate, is a big duality.
  5. @Consept Generally speaking, Destiny's narrative against Mr. Girl and that drama, and his justifications for being public with his open relationships and filming his breakups with for example Anna and his past lovers, that's a moral and ethical issue I have, and I intuitively feel that he's lying to himself. Now for specific arguments, I don't have a robust one yet to explain and justify my takes on Destiny solidly, other than alarms bells ringing and my gut feeling saying he's manipulating and dangerous. Probably one area I could build a compelling, persuasive and convincing case is one my body language analysis I did on him, which body language analysis has a 70-80 percent likelihood of success due to how privative and complex body language is, as this is how our human species evolved first as a social creatures, communicates especially when two tribes don't speak the same verbal languages, so we end up pointing to things, displaying our palms to others, using our eyebrow flashes and smiling, emphasizing with facial expressions and mannerisms and gestures. Even more privative verbals and tones paired up with body gestures also adds to the analysis. Tons of data to support my body language analysis of Destiny even if body language analysis is a soft type of science. Another example is I took the Destiny Report Mr. Girl did, contacted a private statement analyst, and privately verified most of those statements, which is a troubling finding, again if true. Never mind that streamer, what are your thoughts about Sam Harris's takes on Trump, Covid-19, and Israel/Palestine conflict? What are your thoughts on the podcaster's takes of him?
  6. I partly agree with Sam Harris, social media and the internet today is so perversely incentivized to pursue profits, clicks, views, click bait thumbnails and misleading titles, and big tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, YouTube, Twitch, Kick, 4chan, Reddit, and the worst of them IMO, Tik Tok, all are designed to be hyper stimulating, hijack the limbic brain system, hook your attention for loner and make you chase those dopamine hits, increase mental health issues like ADD/ADHD, Narcissism, neuroticism, sociopathy and psychopathy like developments in your mind and world view of others, plus so much misinformation and half truths mixed with deceptions of bad faith agents and agencies vying for your time/energy/emotions and attention. It's a wholly unhealthy power dynamic for the mass consumers of these platforms: And honestly I find it disingenuous they're already bad faith and uncharitable with Sam Harris's Trump and Covid-19 takes, especially coming from Bret Weinstein, fake intellectual. So many fallacies and appeals to pathos, ethos and even logos that there's little good faith and good will, just sounds fake to me. Mat do a body language and tonality analysis if there's some deception with the word choices here.
  7. Very interesting podcast with Sam Harris on Israel/Palestine conflict:
  8. @itsadistraction LMAO!🤣 Yeah, don't you worry, until that problem seeks and finds you.
  9. @AerisVahnEphelia That's right! Human who rely on jobs and income from jobs to support themselves or their families will overtime get replaced by robots, automation machines, and even A.I programs that can output and do better than you. I'm pretty sure you'll even agree with me here, after your boss fires you because their machine and A.I program can do your tasks but better. And then you'll also join the unemployment percentages too, another member of society disenfranchised and displaced by the disruptive A.I technologies of today.
  10. @AerisVahnEphelia Absolutely not! We need more countries to integrate capitalism first, have developed stronger economies, then they can try socio economics. We cannot skip to some socialism type of economics where hippies do free gift economies.
  11. @An young being It's not so simple! If A.I technology roughly increases production and efficiency by 10x, we can estimate that unemployment will roughly be at 10x, les or more depending on various factors in political and economic climates. The main problem is big companies, CEOs, and other business minded people are hardcore stage orange in values with some at stage blue, and their groups will only measure and use metrics for materialism and material gain, profits and transactional relationships, they will only view the currency and money gained and time/energy saved by A.I, but not factor in the overall decrease in stability of families and communities, and the decrease in well-being and vast increases in mental health issues caused by proliferating A.I, algorithms, and more and more usage of the internet and digital world! We're stuck in Game A, have yet to transition into Game B, and we're stuck in a multi polar trap of perverse incentives by neoliberalism, capitalism, feminism run amok, we're all stuck in a Moloch situation. And all the issues and factors I listed, also effects birthrates! Just because we're having lower and lower rates of birth, also partly to abortions, contraceptives, condoms and hyper sexual liberation of just fucking around with too many people. This is why I propose a smaller, scaled down democracy with ore congressmen and statemen, adopting some other high conscious policies @Leo Gura listed in his conscious politics series, I believe that type of limited democracy in the real world, and in the internet we desperately need some internet government to regulate all those social media platforms like Tik Tok which is grooming children and making more users perverted and have shorter attention spans. Tell me, how would you think and feel when your solution say is implemented, but you see rampant increases of unemployment, and mental health issues all due to perverse incentives by neoliberalism, capitalism and egalitarianism caused by chasing these grotesque theoretical fantasies of Sci-Fi and A.I technology? Would you feel guilty? Would you say enough is enough if humanity is mass producing A.I enhanced pornography, and A.I enhanced sex robots and sex toys, and see hyper moral degradation worldwide, and plummeting birth rates and loneliness and mental health issues?
  12. @Schizophonia @Sugarcoat No, technically you're right this place is an energy source. Iat least feel energetic when posting and reading through threads here. Sometimes I find funny posts.
  13. @Someone here Coming from a different perspective on the whole PUA thing, the number rating is used, from how some PUA guys I talked to, to measure and approximate the beauty of your date. However, the mistake is in making it some serious scientific metric LOL. It's fine to loosely rate a person's beauty initially but ditch it and apply other techniques and principles. If pressed to rate her, it's negative 10/10, she's that beautiful it's making me jealous and insecure. And she's from Egypt? Not many people have such terrifying beauty like that there.
  14. @Sir Oberon Agree too, the devil is in metoo.
  15. @Sir Oberon More like the devil if you ask me.
  16. @Hardkill I agree, we're in more times of uncertainty, with the Meta crisis going around us, potential threat of nuclear warfare, bio weapons being used, A.I technology and drone attatcks,misues of C.R.I.S.P.R tech that could result in more dangerous viruses. One thing to worry in particular with the Israel and Palestinian conflict, is escalating to regional war,ehich will involve Iran, which will effect the oil production and distribution, making oil more expensive. This will have global knock on effects onto countries that needs that oil. This is probably the one to look out for. China invading Taiwan is likely after the Chinese assesses how the USA handles the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the Israel/Palestinian conflict, if USA handles too poor or passively, the USA gets bogged down on those conflicts and other global situations, China might time that to invade Taiwan. In fact according to John Mearsheimer the greater worryis conflict in the eastern Islands of the south asian sea, instead of Taiwan.
  17. @jimwell GOD and the devil are two sides of the same coin.
  18. @DocWatts I can agree on the insane work hours and toxic work culture in south Korea, Japan and in China. For example, not in S.T.E.M related jobs, but more creative art jobs like illustration and comics, manga made by Mangakas in Japan, manhua made in both South Korea and China, that industry does often have long hours of work to produce drawing. Even in China and maybe South Korea and Japan there's this 9-9-6 word style, work from 9 am to 9 pm, which is 12 working hours,6 days a week. I'm not too familiar of social supports and assistence with raising of family. Your anecdote does make intuitive sense, in that you are financially more secure to raise a bigger family, because you have the money security to cover your children's future going forwards, although in reality the average families made are a mix between middle to lower class, and sometimes upper class. I have always felt that it'll be a culture warfare first then other developmental factors at societal levels second. Changing culture is hard work as that's the cultural identity the nation/country/state identifies with collectively. That's like if Cosmic Skeptic, or Alex O'Connor, argues for the dissolving of the Monarchy, well he must also be prepared to argue, worldwide, across all cultures with patriarchies and more conservative/traditional stage blue valued frameworks to also get rid of their national icons and dissolve any archaic symbols of their culture. IMO that's the quickest way to getting crucified or stoned to death, plus he's just being a philosopher, he won't be at the front lines risking his life to change the culture for the better.
  19. @PurpleTree Seriously they're a decent podcast with an alternative view of western and eastern politics.
  20. @Breakingthewall *Nordic mythology, *Valhalla, *Valkyries.
  21. @PurpleTree Dude, the Duran podcast doesn't suck, they offer decent interviews of philosophers and other intellectual people that have an alternative take which western media don't like hearing, that's all. For example they have on John Mearsheimer, a realist foreign relations expert, who says it bluntly: Ukraine is the west's fault, and provided a solid argument for why that is, which the west don't like.
  22. This a another interesting podcast, interviewing Sam Harris. I feel like there were moments they caught Sam Harris on a bind, as sometimes Harris fumbles with his words: Regardless of some gotcha moments, Sam Harris is right on his takes about trupism and the Covid-19 response, even if those podcasters don't agree, they're allowed to not agree, just don't project you're anti mainstream nonsense then. Oh wait...
  23. @Juan I know enough, given how much you keep pestering me in the forum, trying to troll and derail.
  24. @Juan Anything to justify your single status and tinder dating Juan. Also, to clarify to those reading and interested, this is my position and argument simplified: Lower birthrates in Japan and around the western world caused by Feminism, egalitarianism, and neoliberalism run amok, plus moral degradation of the family unit due to socialism and progressivism of the online world and too much sexual liberation. My offer is limited democracies, and an internet government for god's sake, and a return to more conservative values, norms, and back to patriarchy and some form of Republicanism. Bring back some normalcy, human decency and commonsense and commonplace in the world.