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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. This is where John Mearsheimer is right with American hegemony and interests.
  2. Great video showing the history of the conflict between China and America, and how strategic geopolitical games are done: https://youtu.be/xBY5veWGBd8
  3. @AerisVahnEphelia The greater good is realizing that anti establishments become the next establishments, the anti mainstream becomes the next mainstream. It's a vicious cycle that either bias and preference of ego just overlooks.
  4. @AerisVahnEphelia What anime is that gif from?
  5. @ValiantSalvatore I am a Christian, so? What does that make you, with your behavior lately?
  6. @Lifelover88 Emos can be mostly at stage green, but they have this rebel bias to them, so funnily enough they're mostly stage green with few values of stage red and stage orange. I'd even say it depends on a person to person, and group to group of Emos, based on many developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Integral Theory and other lines of personal to societal development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from birth, family upbringing, culture, schooling, tv channels, news, radio, social media, videos online, alternative to mainstream media consumed, and many more information points that influences their world views, self biases and preferences. For example, an Emo with stage green values, with functioning cognition and vegan/humanitarian moral development, close minded-chaotic-introvert-agreeable-highly neurotic, at conformist ego stage, with average developments in life domains, and an American set of ideologies from neoliberalism, will be similar if not different from another Emo who's at stage orange and green, with dysfunctional cognitive and lesser moral development with more absolutist morality, a more open minded-conscientious-extroverted-disagreeable-lower neurotic psyche, at opportunist ego stage, with some regresses in development but exceptional development in few areas of life, and is born and raised in Japanese culture.
  7. @Husseinisdoingfine I don't know, he needs more Taoism, tai chi and chi gong, @Leo Gura is too head space orientated too much with all these spiritual quotes.
  8. @ValiantSalvatore A fine example of feminism and egalitarianism run amok, and excess of stage green with mental health issues from too much internet and online culture, too much Tik Tok hyper stimulation, too much social media consumption, begging @Leo Gura to delete your account. If you're a biological guy doing this it's embarrassing, and if you're a biological female doing this, you need a guy to settle you down or take a break from the forum. Let go of feminism, egalitarianism, and progressivism from the internet.
  9. @Carl-Richard Not the only way to do isometrics. Horse rising stance hands down best isometrics exercises for powerful kicks.
  10. This my position, in most of my exercises isometrics has benefited me greatly in strength and speed, and toner muscles. I do, occationally do other types of fitness training, but the most I do is isometrics. Pretty good video below.
  11. @ValiantSalvatore Please curb your feminism and egalitarianism in check. You are here because men made the societies and laws, and rights, and enforced those rights for people like you such you didn't have to risk your life through war.
  12. Serious problem trying to access the forum with mobile, can only do with computer. The message keeps saying error code EX144. Can anyone explain that error code to me? All I got was it's a problem with texts which says nothing about my mobile issues connecting to this forum.
  13. It's a link to my thread... But why are resources in increasingly fewer hands, despite the shortage of working and living spaces? Or the declining birthrates, egalitarianism, feminism and neoliberalism, which leads to the devaluing of stage blue values, and religion? Another causation of increasing expenses for raising children and a family, is the increase in competition of human resources, like more women taking over male centric jobs, immigrants competing for similar jobs and work, and the increasing usage of automation and A.I technologies that are threatening to even replace knowledge workers, all because of multiculturalism claiming we can have all kinds of cultures in one region with little ramifications to our country/nation, our economy and ideologies, feminism pushing women to be less married and be mothers and more like men and compete for careers men do, and egalitarianism claiming all people are equal when we clearly see differences in biology and psychology between the sexes. You'll find data in history that countries with more religious backgrounds and programming, and the families that are religious, tend to be far more happier than the secularists, atheists, and modernists who adopted and are indoctrinated by egalitarianism, feminism, and multiculturalism. It even makes sense through Spiral Dynamics, as stage blue values tend to be conformist and support social group cohesion, meanwhile stage orange is more individualistic, even antagonistic to group cohesion unless it's for materialism and secularism gains, and when the wave swings away from individualism to collectivism when going to stage green, it's moral relativism and post modernism casts too wide a net of inclusion that it threatens to destroy itself with it's stage orange/blue shadow and over empathy and sympathy for stage red/purple, which have little moral qualms in killing off and taking over stage green societies if not for the strong enforcement arms of stage blue soldiers, police, securities to protect those in tage blue societies and even oranges and greens. NO! Democracies being too indecisive can be a potential weakness and dangerous to that nation's survival. Another example is looking at the Falklands war, which parliament was busy talking to itself what to do or what not to do, Margaret Thatcher decided for them they were going to war to reclaim those Islands back regardless, and she stood firm on that decision, which allowed Britain to save face in reclaiming those Falkland Islands that Argentina wanted because their dictator needed to show strength to his people, and a political victory of taking the Falklands back into Argentinian control suited their survival agendas, which clashed with GB's survival interests as a nation that conquered third of the world, and a defeat in the Falkland wars or even too much indecisiveness was intolerable and embarrassing for Britain. Are you sure egalitarianism has little to do with lesser birthrates and social breakdown? When Egalitarianism and feminism is preached over the top to all women, women then are indoctrinated into working more like men and less like traditional gender roles that have them married and raising children and family on average, which then takes up potential space from men working those same jobs and types of work, which then increases the unemployment rates specifically for men, which then influences those women to have more male centric views and be more careers orientated, which psychologically fucks up their feminine worldview and makes them have false expectations for their sexual and long term problems, have them complain more that the men they're dating are less adequate than them, which increases unhappiness and lesser well-being of the women and men. Also, speaking about rights, where do rights come from? Not even looking to history yet, and thinking through this logically, where do rights come from? You said from institutions and organizations, I ask where do institutions and organizations comes rom? You may say that institutions and organizations come from people and society, which I may ask where do people and societies come from? You may answer that people comprise biological men and women on average who were children when growing up, birthed from marriages and family on average, and societies are from social contracts formed under a strong leader and follower base, which is autocracy, which I may ask on average what created the institutions and organizations and social groups in the first place, and what demographic enforces those institutions, and what demographic of people provided and protected the women and children throughout history, and what demographic created and enforced rights on not just women but men too? Whether you thought through this logically, or you cheated and looked through history, the major demographic has always been MEN. MEN have created and passed those rights onto others in their groups and enforced them in their in-groups and even out-groups, MEN make up the majority of wars and border skirmishes and battles, which allowed some interior peace within societies they protected from other foreign societies that wanted territory, human slaves, land, and conquest, it's men on average that fought others back so that egalitarianism and feminism was possible within the inner circles of societies. It's not an accident or unfortunate that, for example in the middle east, feminism and egalitarianism are struggling so hard to survive in those regions, because practically how can they survive without MEN to protect those fragile values against stage purple/red/blue tribes and kingdoms there? I did propose a limited democracy, similar to republican state, but I also propose another solutions: Revision of the Roman empire's senate and emperor government system, which IMO is a well balanced governing system that enables or disables autocracy when needed, for instance if you look in history of Rome and how the ruling system is structured, they do have senates which have the power to allow an emperor to rule in times of crisis or in times of war, when an autocracy rule is most appropriate, but when times of peace happen, or if the emperor was too incompetent or too corrupt they can vote him out of power and reinstate senate rule. I think this system is very promising, opposed to the democracy we have currently that's just too indecisive and too much voices vying for power, when really we need the ability to switch from democracy to autocracy and back when the world NEEDS AUTOCRATIC RULE. This is especially helpful with an interne government, although it'll be an uphill battle against big tech companies and other parties who want to be the new rulers o this internet government. For a fictional example, look at the movie Shin Godzilla, the Japanese government depicted is accurate to the real world Japanese government, too much talking and too much haggling in board meetings, when an autocratic government sees Shin Godzilla coming on land, or even before land when he's approaching from sea and they knew beforehand, will allow military action IMMEDIATELY! DECISIVE and FAST action from the collective, armies are readied and fighting Godzilla before he even reaches the land with warships and submarines, evacuations two days prior and the shores lined with mines, followed by artillery and tank barrage and jet fighters attacking blowing up the first stage of Godzilla's form before he gets to evolve. So why the inaction collectively? Because Japan was beaten up so badly by the Americans, by two nuclear bombs, and due to them adopting the more American style of democracy, can't launch into immediate military action and must wait it out.
  14. Interesting take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH9bs4sycl8
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH9bs4sycl8
  16. @BlueOak Let me address each point you're made. Sorry, that link is a thread I did, not a video link. I don't know why it's showing as a link, could be related to the forum crashes and error code EX144. Yes, while it's true everything is interconnected and has influence on the whole(globe?), We do need to address the problems with egalitarianism, feminism, and other western values that is now too much on 1st world democracies, We need to bring back more control to the patriarchy and to smaller limited democracies. Yes, the economic and biological factors are important to consider, agree here. I partly agree that living costs drive men and women to work, but it's not an equal distribution. It used to be that living costs effected majority of the men and less women because the men were the main providers and protectors, the bread winners of a nuclear family unit. However, due to feminism, egalitarianism, and just socialism/progressive ideas from too much stage green post modernism, with too many women doing career and other jobs more and being married/having children less and pursuing the singles life, hyper individualism, and too much dating and polygamy and much less commitment to long term relationships we see a spike in unhappiness and mental illness. Well being and happiness indexes do show that women generally are more happier married and having children, versus being focused on career and working, happiness is greater in intake family homes then separated family homes. Basically stage blue community building, and religious communities, and religious way of life, is shown to have grater happiness levels and well being than stage green excesses of feminism, egalitarianism and hyper pursuits of individualism. I also agree that limited space may factor into less birthrates, but that's another factor among many others. For instance, Japan's and south Korea's declining in birthrates severely is due to egalitarianism, feminism, and other western values run amok in those cultures, plus excess stage orange work ethic and insane work culture of the 9-9-6 work style(work from 9 am until 9 pm, for 6 days a week) which is basically hyper individualism, neoliberalism and capitalism pushed by American's culture onto South Korea and even Japan for no fault of their own other than getting beaten during the Pacific wars and bombed twice with nuclear bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which made American ideology much easier to indoctrinate into Japan's modern culture. Another interesting example is why we have higher birthrates in third world countries, sometimes higher than estimated replacement numbers for those societies, yet they're generally much more happier and have greater well-being than 1st world democracies despite externalized challenges to their societal developments and other developmental factors? It's once again stage blue values, especially with autocracy and patriarchy in those 3rd world countries, not neoliberalism or capitalism, or egalitarianism and feminism that can't survive in such environmental conditions. I'm confused by what you mean with further authoritarian influences onto western societies? I'd actually argue we need to stop and slow down the feminism, egalitarianism and hyper individualism rampant in most westernized countries, by limited democracies with more congressmen and statemen. We need much less feminism and especially in the USA we need to either remove or update the 19th amendment of women's rights to vote, because the way it is right now, almost any women of any educational background, when they reach the age and other conditions for their eligibility to vote, can vote regardless if most are stage orange, some are stage green excess, and a few stage blue women. In fact we can see the majority of history that patriarchy and authoritarianism was the majority ruling structures for almost every society worldwide, and that democracy was just a recent new evolution of government, which unfortunately has mixed results and mixed outcomes. For instance under the Obama administration, and a few administrations in the past when the left party was elected, we tended to see increases in divorce rates and due to no fault divorce the majority of wives can just divorce and get half to more than half the income of the husband, and if they have children, due to breaking up the intake family, put undue stress onto them, which effects them into their remaining adulthood. In fact we do see that children generally speaking are happier when they come from intake family homes versus adopted, or from single parent households. I think the main problems with building an internet government, and extending authority to the internet world and refining authority in the real world, is due to big tech companies, and how neoliberalism and capitalism is set up. However, main issue is the enforcement arm to extending that authority onto the internet world. It can do so, and the world and society can enforce new standards and build an internet government if more and more men decided to enforce that new rule. Another factor is just due to 1st world democracies and that everything has to be thought over and voted for. In fact if we look to Britain's history, and see Oliver Cromwell and how the parliament was repeatedly dissolved from democracy to autocracy, and back and forth several times, we clearly see how indecisive a democracy can be, in fact when Oliver Cromwell was in charge most things went ahead faster than when he stepped down temporarily to allow parliament back into power, before after some time getting dissolved again LOL.🤣 So ultimately for such a change we actually need a dictator type of smart person to rule and lead that change, like a philosopher king because we don't want some stage red/blue leader too tyrannical, but we also don't want some hippie moral relativist as leader either. Not sure about socialism, atheism, feminism as you've described them. For example, with feminism and it's 'advocacy' and 'multiple representations' I disagree generally speaking. Main reason why, is really to ask your the following: What is enforcing those feminism ideologies? What is enabling feminism in patriarchal societies? What can women actually do if all men decide to revolt and remove women from places of political power, from the work force and to only lead traditional female gender roles? IMO the harsh reality is that very little all women can do against such an uprising, and the reason why we allowed feminism here at all is because OTHER MEN, in some police forces, military, and other places of the law, allowed feminism to exist in societies. Ever since the civil rights movement and when communism infiltrated feminism, feminism nowadays is just something different from it's original suffrage movement. Speaking of communism, socialism is just too difficult to install and build social infrastructure for, case in point Russia and China, both still needed to borrow features off of capitalism to thrive first, and once they're built a solid capitalistic economic framework can they put onto it socio economics, because during the fall of the soviet union most satellite states and foreign countries using the communism economic framework fell apart, like Venezuela, Cuba, Chile, and a few others trying for socialism too soon. In fact egalitarianism has this principle of equality above all else, yet when factoring in economics and biological factors, and many other factors we clearly see that equality is very difficult in reality, and egalitarian and feminism has eroded the family values and the nuclear family unit to the point that most men are dissatisfied, mostly chasing dates and simps for women, most women who are more careers oriented are dissatisfied when their male partners are lesser than them. I also agree that any ideology taken to their extremes can be unhealthy. Despite my biases and preferences, I do admit I don't want the world to regress to monarchy or feudalism even though I love the Queen, that's too traditional for me. I do want more conservatism and more back to family values though, but I especially don't want to bring back slavery industry. I'm mostly moderate to conservative, sometimes in some specific case I can be left leaning for example tax the rich I'm in favor for, just how you'd implement taxing the rich, like if you can find a way to tax higher for millionaires and billionaires, but tax lesser rates for small local business owners, or even give tax benefits or insurances to start ups that's nice.
  17. @Razard86 Okay I'll bit the bullet here. I don't want to argue in bad faith and make some uncharitable takes of your takes, but I have to point out here you're just flat out wrong. There are good reasons why we need distinctions between psychology and spirituality in the first place, and why we need to define the two fields separately first before we try to synthesize the two fields like what you're doing here. There are good reasons why in the relative levels we make these distinctions in the first place. True, I agree we have a bias and preference towards getting the closest percentage to success as we can, because of neoliberalism/capitalism ideology as part of our meta programming, then mathematics, as well as science and other hard and soft sciences, IT computing and technologies, and engineering is valued in the west because there was material success and benefit gained. What does Trump have to do with your argument and your post about spirituality and psychology? Also you're slipping in hidden assumptions that Americans are so ignorant to elect Trump because he suggested taking bleach for Covid. First of all, that bleach post was later in his presidency, not during his time in campaigning and rising from the primaries and election. Second, you hyper focus in Donald Trump's troll post as if that's why all of the right wing, the traditionalists, the conservatives, the republicans, the patriots, the nationalists elected him for. NO! There are good reasons why the right wing and even the centrists elected him president, which is strongly related to president Obama's and the left wing's mistakes and failure to deliver some promises to the American people, and as a result most felt disenfranchised by the left wing and Obama administration then, which allowed Trump to begin his political marketing campaign, and get this, on suggestion by BILL CLINTON! YES! You heard right, Bill Clinton himself, in conversation with Trump, threw that suggestion to Trump in passing, not realizing that he might've taken that suggestion seriously. And due to the charm and charisma that Donald Trump can do, plus the growing resentment and frustration of the failures of the left wing then, allowed Donald Trump that level of success.
  18. @PurpleTree Obviously Christianity, Gnosticism and Agnosticism, or the esoteric branches of Christiaity.
  19. @BlueOak This is a complex issue given the developmental factors of value systems, cognitive and moral developments, personality types/traits, ego development, other lines of development personally to societally, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gas lighted by culture, family upbringing, mainstream/alternative media, social media sites, news papers, tv programs, radio, peer pressure, schooling and education, group thinks, and many more information points of manufactured consent via marketing and ads by big tech companies that influences how we think and feel about the world, and what our biases and preferences are internally projected onto the external world. Half of your points are the ramifications of perverse incentives within the internet cultures here: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/95853-perverse-incentives-of-the-internetonline-culture/ And the other half of your points, including decrease in work ethic and discipline, lies with the increasing egalitarianism, progressivism, socialism, feminism on the rise in most western countries and western divisions with neoliberalism/capitalism ideologies. half of you points and half of your problems would be solved if we limited more democracies down, elected more congressmen and statemen, made some internet based government body, we'd see either those problems solved or a reduction in those problems you've listed. In fact, a strong correlation to your points is the decreasing birthrates experienced by western countries and some eastern countries that have adopted western values and westernized by America, for example Japan and south Korea have low birthrates due to egalitarianism and feminism indoctrinating women to pursuing careers way more than marriage and family and raising of children, and the ramifications of atheism and secularism, as well as consumerism and hyper materialism.
  20. This is such a bad faith uncharitable take of Jordan Peterson, he's not atheist!🤣 https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA
  21. @Merkabah Star Exactly, because GOD and the Devil are two sides of the same coin.
  22. What a atrocious take on Jordan Peterson! https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA
  23. @Razard86 Due to complex differences in developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive biases and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, shadow aspects and shadow work, Integral Theory and other lines of development socially and personally, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture, family upbringing, community, schooling, tv programs, radio, news papers, social media, peer pressure and group conformity, and many more points of manufactured consent that manipulates how you think and feel, how you make sense of the world, your self image, self biases and preferences. You can argue and give an opinion about this psychologist, but keep in mind you'll over simplify his takes from just one video. I also notice how you're conflating spirituality with psychology, maybe make the distinction between the two first before evaluating the rightness or wrongness off this psychologist.
  24. @Leo Gura That's true, I agree the initial purpose is to slow down a novel virus from spreading, even though at that timeline we don't know enough about Covid, we do know enough that Covid was spreading fast due to how quickly the Chinese government converted warehouses into makeshift hospital beds, and how Covid had effected Italy when it ignored WHO warnings. I also agree that we shouldn't apply today's knowledge backwards and judge a virus going from epidemic to pandemic because we slip the assumption that knowledge is A-priori, so what we think todays applies to what we thought then, in that time period, so we then jump the conclusion that we should've done this or that when we really don't know much other than high spreading and what was happening in Wuhan and in Italy.