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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@AerisVahnEphelia Not much choice on the matter. I'm sttuck on home staying and taking care of cats, so in this situation I'm distracting myself with YT visual novels I guess. I still will take opportunities to train my LP and skills for my LP, currently that's visual analysis of art pictures as I'mbusy with house stay and cats. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek Stoicism? That I have control of my own behaviours, but not of people and worldly circumstances? I get that a bit, but it's hard to follow in practice. Let me explain that teacher a bit. I'm currently watching YT channel of some gamer/streamer named Tannerofthenorth, who's an Otaku with eirher full time or part time teaching. One of his videos he complained of an uncensored scene. I became curious, investigated, and disappointed because the sexy scene was vanilla at best. Why am I not that offended by sexy scenes? Because I draw human anatomy and sometimes draw naked subjects, among other subject matter, so I can appreciate the beauty of the art and design of the scene, while he cannot. Plus him saying it's the worst scene ever I simply disagree with strongly. It's basically a scene in fate stay night where Rin and Shirou are doing this magical transfer, via sex magic. It really is vanilla, and I have an intuition hunch that this guy is socialist/progressive of the online Twitch social media version, and his lack of dating and being a virgin is why he's so triggered by some vanilla sex scene. IMO, he's softie and a whinge. I can't help but say go and draw some naked subjects and human anatomy, plus him complaining about the authora and designers not knowing whag they're doing? Big softie. I at least am working in my LP, qnd getting more responsible for myself. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek To clarify, my complaint is that this censorship wave is amplified by political ideologies outside of YT. Remember that Google bought YT, and Google,despite it being a big tech company, has a political lean to the left. So when the censorship wave happened, YT channels that deal with mature themes, and adult drawings and animations, despite going through proper guidelines, are either shadow banned or outright taken down. Even though YT is a big social media videi platform, outside politics still influences it to be too censor heavy. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Update: I have made a tall fortress with Crysty, and it looks amazing. It's like a multilayered wall of green hued crystals, with a courtyard garden full of exotic flowers and plants. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@EternalForest Also, while it's biased and preferential, this video gives further context to this whole situation, if it's true: -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@EternalForest How is Andrew Wilson wrong in this debate, and how is he not good faith? He merely reflects the smugness back at Matt, and attacks a ramification of secularism humanism from Matt, right after in Matt's opening speech misrepresenting the Christian worldview and ethics? Seems like Andrew then has the right to misrepresent Matt's version of secularism and humanism no? Also, Andrew even if aggressive he's right pinpointing Matt's cherry picking and selective bias in that he uses secularism and humanism and rationalism to justify why he's dating a trans person. Due to Matt not defining human flourishing, this allowed Andrew to pojnt out Matt's hypocrisy. Yes, it's not in good faith nor good will and isn't charitable, and doesn't fit the definitions of a debate, but Matt attacked his worldview first and misrepresented Christianity which gives Andrew that opportunity to counter. Also, IMO Matt Dillahunty looks the coward when he rage quits like that before open panel even starts. I do know that based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological differences and indoctrination by family upbringing, culture, social media, newspapers, radio, video, tv programs, and many more information points to manufacturer consent in consumers, that Matt and Andrew are different perspectives with very similar debate and arguing styles. However, perspectives must fight via debates and arguments, even if jt may be losing, lose gracefully. -
Danioover9000 replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Buck Edwards Try boxing, and martial arts. For values, it's seeking dominance, bravado, machismo, conquest, the will to power, winners mentality, ambition, drive, will power, killer intent and killer instinct. Shadow work and Archetypes by Carl Jung is a good place to start. -
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@AerisVahnEphelia I explained my views on Japan in this thread here a bit so I won't derail this thread: From what I know, Japan's government is much more conformist and collective orientated than the USA government. Culturally speaking it's a mix of hyper modern to ancient, which makes it interesting. Plus anime and manga too. -
@Happy Lizard Book worm Osho?😂
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Lila9 Because the USA holds real superpower, not the UN. At best the UN gives sanctions bht the superpower enforces those sanctions and embargoes. This is why they need a strong enforcement arm from men to protect themselves against ISIS/HAMAS. Pure feminism and egalitarianism is not enough in these places, you are dealing with spiral dynamics stage purple/red groups that don't respect stage orange/green valued cultures and the left wing of the west, they'll happily slaughter, rape, torture, and enslave stage green valuing groups due to lower cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, consciousness, other lines of development in life and societal domains, and ideologically differences. Environment and ecology plays a factor as well. Legitimate resistance? I don't know how you'd define resistance, maybe you're thinking in terms of democracy resistances, but there's plenty of historical events of freedom fighters and revolutions that turned bloody, coups like the Frend revolution, the American war of independence, the American revolution, the Apache and Comanche conflicts, and many more. The average of all revilts turn violently, with few peaceful resistances. How do you know what should or shouldn't be tolerated and justified, if they don't have a patriarchal organisation of stage red/blue military or police to enforce women's rights and feminism during the Israel/Palestine conflict? Do they even care, as the survival of Palestine, Gaza and West bank, and the survival of Israel as an ethnostate is at stake here? What is your version of feminism that is different to that organisation's form of feminism? I do agree with you, yes to ISIS and HAMAS those are justified evils. Rape, torture, murder, theft, genocide of Jews and Isralis are in thejr perspective, because of their stage purple/red values, is fine as that's a show of dominancr and strength. Don't like it? Better arm yourself or come with a group armed and ready to fight them and enforce your rights then. Feminism helped the world globally? Has feminism and egalitarianism in Japan, South Korea, Russia, and other westernized countries helped improve the birthrate crisis? Helped improve intaked family homes and reduced divorce rates? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
How's this for a geographical reconstruction contextualizing? -
The dancing robot:
@CARDOZZO Also, do you have a specific demographic you are appealing to? Considering that most of your examples cited are white, cisgender males, in their mid 30s to 40s, if that is your poll to source inspiration and your intentions us to seek new pathways for creativity, why would you only limit your examples to white cisgender mid 30-40 males, yet have your target audience be as many people as possible throughout all demographics and psycho graphics? Are you aware of your own biases being projected?
@CARDOZZO again, how are these examples going to open people's minds to seek new synthesis of careers, when said pioneers and geniuses are too unique to emulate, and too masterful and powerful that it's more disempowering than empowering? Especially if we factor in developmental factors?
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Nobody wants to post your thoughts? No objections? Gonna let Andrew Wilson steamroll this with no refutation? -
@Basman I agree with this. For example, the Russian human arts schooling do have those curriculums that build ontop of each fundamental art principle, block by block. However, the tradeoff is that there will be bias for traditional methods of drawing, and the teachings would be expensive if you do want to specialize later on.
@chisel That's so true, for example Kentaro Miura and Kim ung Gi are talented artists, Miura for making the Berzerk manga, what a fantastic manga, and Kim for being able to draw from multiple perspectives and being verg accurate in form.
Danioover9000 replied to Razard86's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@PurpleTree It does make sense based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics values, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, states and modes of being and becoming, consciousness levels, other lines of development in life to societal domains, ideological indoctrination, grooming and gas lighting by family upbringing, community, culture, news, social media, videos, radio, newspapers, tv shows and tv channels, schooling, and many other information ecology points that manufactures consent in viewers and consumers. A stage blue religious fundamentalist, who identifies and self imaged as a rabbi of Judaism, of Israel, and Israel gets attacked by Hamas in Palestinian territory, that fundamentalist will have a cognitive blindness and pass for the ethno centric ethnostate that Zionists and religious nationalists in Israel, and a thought terminating cliche kf Palestinians being bad and Israel being just good, so anyone pointing out this binary framework of this priest will be evil. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Happy 202 page. -
One good example of what I mean: Parr inspirational, part despair. How can anyone be able to attain such strength?
@CARDOZZO By wanting to make a megathread listing pioneers and geniuses too unique to emulate, do you seek the purple megathread tag, or are you listing people so unique that it enforces idolatry and pedalling those higher than you? If the intention of this thread is to open our minds to create new paths in ourselves/humanity, does that mean higher introversion? And why would you list the most extraordinary people for us to emulate? In one perspective it mag create inspiration, but it may also dispirit and be daunting for us to emulate.
@The Renaissance Man More like scared of ignorance, evil and suffering from immaturity.
@Carl-Richard Good example of immature handling of discourse.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Karmadhi @PurpleTree Shows how intense this topic is now. Nice profile.