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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Rasheed Another problem with egalitarianism is that if folliwed blindly, egalitarianism assumes equality in all men, women and children, and even objects. Therefore, how can we determine the utile between two people, or two objects, when egalitarianism equalizes the valhe providedz flatten the value such that it is equal? And why should we care at all when the valie provided by people and objects are of equal values, and the hierarchy of usefulness is a flat plane?
  2. @Rasheed How is my argument a failure to distinguish content and structure? Am I wrong, or is history wrong in describing the secularism revolution within Russia which leads to the USSR, and Mau's party taking over China? After these countries had a bloody coup to overthrow the traditional theocracy ruling these countries, the new god then became the ruler and the freedom fighters, the new secularism, humanism and atheism of Stalin and Mau, figures who hate religion and theocracy, and wanted to rule and establish new norms and new ethical principles from secularism and atheism. Both were deep stage blue religious, until revolutionary have overthrown them and tried to impose arbitrary moral and ethical codes to the entire population to follow. Whether god is real or a fictional is another seperate argument we can have, but regardless it's afterwards, when we have to collective construct social norms, consensus over which moral feamework for society to use, whifh has the more robust versions: theocracy or secularism? Religion or atheism? Patriarchy or feminism? Authoritarianism or egalitarianism? Which moral and ethical system is more robust and stood the test of time, and is beneficial for human flourishing? Whifh is better for human flourishing: secularism and atheism that has no intrinsic moral systems, and allows post modernist ideology to muddy traditional gender roles and biological sex allows corruption of definitions of a man and woman, that me can get pregnant? That affirms transgenderism, homosexuality and other ideologies like egalitarianism, feminism and multiculturalism, when it's mere group think and reproductive dead ends antithetical to human flourishing, the same group think and dogmatism that atheists and secularists complain about? Or religions and theocracy, that encourages marriage, raising of a nuclear family, and are not reproductive dead ends, and offers standards of human decency that hyper stage greens do not have, that actually has the basis for himan flourishing that secularism and humanism, in its ideological hubris declares it has? Plus, again majority of westernized secularist countries with egalitarianism and feminism cannot reproduce natively to replenish replacement numbers to sustain themselves, which makes them source from foreign countries which have theocracy and Conservativism as it's doctrine, so why is it that secularism and atheistic countries, claiming the moral high ground, having to source from theocratic countries to replenish the dwindling population and decline of birthrates? What about egalitarianism? Are men trully created equal? Are women created equal? Are children and babies created equal? Are the elderly created equally? Is technology created equally? Are wars, famines and diseases created equally? Are careers created equally? Are ideologies created equally?
  3. @LSD-Rumi The reason why is due to similarities in developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, other lines of development especially societal, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated via family upbringing, culture, newspapers, radio, tv programs, social media, and other information intake points in the information ecology. One major factor I think is that because Israel is more developed, and has similar ideologies that are somewhat democratic, egalitarian, feminist, and generally left leaning in appearance and on paper. There may be business and capitalist ideological incentives for the USA to show political support for Israel. I think it's that, especially if you see the surrounding areas like Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, parts of Iran, even Turkey feeling they want to get involved, it's understandable they'd side with Israel, especially in USA's history of taking over the Americas and taking lands from the Native tribes there like the Apache and Comanche, they both have a shared ego collective historical pattern of conquering lands.
  4. @Nabd The reason why I hate Lex Fridman is because he's inconsistent and bends the truth. Yes, he's a good listener and podcaster, however he gives blind cover to Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, and due to his biases and preferences it makes him blind to their evils they do. He claims he's for love, for truth, for objectivity, yet bends and manipulates the truth to suit his hidden agendas. I don't like that at all. Why do you think he does a good job? A good job sounding boring, like a robot, hyper logical, always appealing to pathos and ethos and logos? If you think it's a good job boring the audience like that, and falsely worshipping the technocrats, then that's a good job I guess.
  5. @Carl-Richard Wht not try boxing, or even do martial arts like kung fu? In southern Chinese martial arts they focus more on different stances and holds, like horse stance riding which is isometric for the glutes and quads, but also the inner calfs if you raise on balls of foot. While running has it's benefits and costs, just shadow boxing and working the bag and pads is stimulating enough for the cardiovascular system and other systems of the body. In fact, isometric exercises and just flexing and posing in front of mirror, that act of muscle contraction increases blood flow to braun because the muscle is squeezed. Nice thing about isometrics is that you get stronger and increase mund muscle connections and muscle coordination which increases endurance as the muscle is educated in how much force to generate and how long to maintain such force. All the while muscle size just slightly increases, and that's good because the bigger the muscles the more cortisol and stressful in maintaining huge muscle mass, which can effect energy levels. Having said that, a lot of yielding isometrics and one minute push ups among over very slow movement exercises under tension can increase muscle size.
  6. @Cireeric It's a good watch, but of all podcasts why choose Lex Fridman? That guy's cringe.
  7. @Rasheed Yes, there are no practical reasons to dissolve the monarchy, as well as religions and traditional structures. Why? Because when the atheists, secularists and humanists within a revolutionist movement did just that, overthrown the Zars Russian Monarchy, and overthrew China's imperial traditional rulership, that created a power vacuum and lack of doctrine that needed to be filled, as the epistemic madness cannot be tolerated in the masses, therefore the smaller anti establishment groups took power violently and quickly proclaimed self determination, and hyper individualism, and new doctrines, which resulted in communist USSR and Mau's party taking over China, two examples of two countries that went secularist with disastrous, short term suffering and bloodshed. Again, how am I wrong in my argumentation that secularism and humanism does not provide any sufficient moral framework that out competes against theocracy, and all other religious doctrine which formed the backbone of many other developing countries, governments, and politics today? How am I wrong in stating that the declining birthrates suffered by most western countries is tied to feminism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, and secularists run amok, thinking they are so much better ethically than the theists when secularism and humanism has to source it's own justifications and morality from other ideologies. For example, when westernized countries suffer severe birthrate decline, when rates are below the threshold of replacement numbers for human reproduction within that western secularist country, that quickly follows an increase in immigration from other countries and cultures which are mostly conservative/traditional values dominant, and have a religious and theocratic indoctrination and can reproduce within it's country, how can you think secularism is good for human flourishing, and a good ethical framework? When Secularists and humanists, as well as atheists allow stage green post modernism and relativism to run amok, to degrade morality, and allow group think and blind following of stage green ideologies, and the result is severe birthrate decline and high divorce rates and break up of the nuclear family, and an increase in single parent and other parent household other than a mother and father household, how is that a good ethical framework for human flourishing?
  8. @AerisVahnEphelia You would cancel 99% of humanity for hate speech, but 1% which contains you and your in group would be exempt? I think having a bias and preference of one group over another doesn't make you a Nazi directly, it makes you just biased and preferential. Would you consider yourself a Nazi and fascist for being biased and preferential for yourself and your culture you're a part off, or consider yourself just biased?
  9. @Princess Arabia Yet a large chunk of truth and discovery, and philosophical and epistemic and metaphysical insights comes from arguments between two perspectives, via making claims and assertions with justification followed by evidence to corroborate those assertions, and an open exchange of ideas via expressing different truths, albeit in heated ways. Majority of western and eastern societies are built through communication and argumentation of this kind, so are you denying the importance of arguments?
  10. @Princess Arabia If your starting career involves making a website, with a series of video courses, followed by a YT Channel with free video content,and thag is your life purpose, how am I wrong or how is it not considered a betrayal when the audience and viewers from YT, having watched weekly releases of videos, to having to deal with irregular schedule, to now have to wait and deal with a long hiatus? How is thag not wrong for a content creator to subject his consumers to a long hiatus? How is that not a betrayal of the implicit contract between creator and customer base?
  11. 'Free speech is hate speech, and hate speech is free speech.' Quote by Max Kharson, aka Mr. Girl.
  12. @Rasheed I think the majority of your argument is ethos based, and has too much misrepresentations of Monarchy, and by extension traditionalism, Conservativism, nationalism, and orthodoxy that is the backbone of the majority of western societies. Your talking points are strawman points, and stereotyping Monarchy. Yet the declining of birthrates in western societies due to egalitarianism, feminism, and capitalism run amok is reducing replacement numbers for western societies to sustain themselves in the future. Russia, USSR, and China's mau party's one child policy, as well as the first secularism countries to legalized abortions, are the first to see rhe negative effects. Most of western societies that embraced humanism and secularism have outsourced to foreign countries, mostly theocratic countries, that can reproduce their numbers. See the following thread for my arguments against feminism, egalitarianism and secularism run amok:
  13. What would be @Leo Gura's argument for such a long delay?
  14. @Rishabh R I agree, it's taking WAY too long for a videi release. The wait is too long. Berserk mqnga had an infamous hiatus one point, of SEVEN YEARS!! Seven years before Kentaro Miura released a new chapter.
  15. @CARDOZZO Any topic at this point. At tjis point it just feels like he's procrastinating and betraying his YT community by not releasing a video. Never mind if it's weekly, or irregular schedule, it's just too long, 6 months of not releasing a video.
  16. @zazen Well written posts, very nice and good laying of context.
  17. @Osaid Such an underrated Guru. Shame the situation with his rajneesh community had to end like that with lots of misunderstandings.
  18. @AerisVahnEphelia Fun story: when I'm extremely bored I read some doujinshi. There are a few really good ones made by UDON YA for the monster hunter game franchise. Some of their doujinshi were english translation, but some are in Japanese, and I wanted to try reading Japanese, so I did the reverse order of learning, I learn the kanji first, then the hiragana and katakana. One particular kanji for words 'chest','milk', 'woman', the kanji shape resembles a bunch of crown strokes ontop of the number 7, and few more strokes. Now every time I see the number 7, scythes or sickles, I think milk. Inspiration to learn anything can come off odd places.
  19. An interesting perspective, and critical against Matt Dillahunty:
  20. @AerisVahnEphelia I even got tbe limited edition omnibus of Berzerk. It's nice to read. Good luck learning the Japanese language. I heard it's a bit difficult because not only do you have to learn hiragana, but also katakana and the kanji they borrow from the Chinese characters, which means alsk learning a bit of Chinese might help. Reading doujinshi in the Japanese language is actually not that hard because of the reading order and the scenes depicted gives the idea what the symbols refer to.
  21. @DefinitelyNotARobot I think this hits closer to why I don't like this increase in censorship. It's that aggressive marketing and ads of family friendly platforms going mainstream. Maybe I just intuit the drop in quality when a business starts trying to appeal to everyone? Embrace the olr veteran telling tales of old battles, embrace the nostalgia. Remember YouTube's national anthem? Trully made me proud being part of YT, what a world it was then:
  22. @AerisVahnEphelia I know of him! Great artist, can draw from beginning to end a complete drawing, from multiple perspectives. Very talented, shame he died of heart attack. Likewise, check out Kentaro Miura Berserk. It's a great manga, very beautifully drawn and good story.
  23. @AerisVahnEphelia I have a detailed outline of that intbe past, but it's simply to illustrate in comic style, and maybe it involves making visual novels. I have to be flexible in my LP.
  24. Based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrination of and beliefs from culture and family upbringing, and many points of information ecology that manufactures consent in viewers, Alex is over simplifying this dissolving of the Monarchy and tbe royal family. Let me demonstrate with some logic why Alex is wrong. Let's argue and grant thag Alex O Connor, irsish gut here, is right, and grant that he gets to dissolve the monarchy and royalty from the UK. Well, by dissolving monarchy and royal family, we liquidate their assests and materials and turn them into money. Which means, let's assume nerworth of UK is 100 million, then the liquidity would surge the money by roughly 100 x, so 100 mil becomes 100 billion pounds!! Furthermore, this spike in currency increase is within a month-week! What does the UK and Britain do with all that money, so suddenly increased? Sounds like hyper inflammation if you ask me, which immediately erodes the financial value of the pound when the country is hyper printing money and produces too much coins. How does the country deal with such a huge inflation, which could create another bubble in economics that may burst and worsen the country? That, and other problems like too much stage green feminism, egalitarianism and high divorce rates, is what Alex has to contend with, and must sufficiently answer if he was to persuade me from my argument against Alex's assertion that we should do away with the royal family and monarchy. He has to justify to me why his left wing, his humanism/secularism argument is and has better ethical frameworks than Christianity and conservative/traditionalism. If any of your have a good refutation of my argument I'd like to read them, as I feel this is a serious obstacle against him.
  25. Not just Jordan Peterson, but GOD as well: https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA If only he had psychedelic, magical, mystical, paranormal and supernatural experiences he would understand how wrong he was.