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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Since @Leo Gura has made the learning=behaviour change, learning=observation, and learning=making distinctions, it'll be nice to get a learning=construction, as that can dovetail with true versus false skepticism and deconstruction videos. What is deconstructed will entail construction, so a video on what and how to construct in healthy ways is a great follow up.
  2. @zazen Great example of propaganda, narrative, and ideological warfare, grooming and indoctrination. So, how do we deal with such indoctrination in the middle of an asymmetrical warfare, between two collective cultures?
  3. Interesting video of the conflict:
  4. This is a great example of immaturity between two arguers arguing for their worldviews, not knowing the developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, Integral Theory and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrination from family upbringing, culture and information consumed in the information ecology plagued by narrative, information and ideological warfare: This is why the true nature of argumentation is the survival of your ego mind attached to the topic argued for or against, and does many disingenuous manipulation tactics, fallacies and appeals to logos, ethos and pathos. As a result we get bad faith uncharitable takes and little good will discussion. Both sides of this argument have heated, bad faith and distorted and dishonest framing of secularism qnd of religion, both egos defensive and not for TRUTH, but for truth that serves their biases and preferences.
  5. @not-a-faerie So you submit yourself as an example of immaturity here?
  6. Dungeons and dragons for the win, goo potential for self actualisation and role play simulates social relationships and teamwork dynamics, makes the players and the dungeon master imagine and think/feel into the perspective of the character they role play.
  7. @UnbornTao Sure, but I mean learning = construction, as in how to get healthier conceptual understanding and knowledge of something. Yes there's overlap with making distinctions because making distinctions in the mind leads to more robust mental representations of reality, more distinct categories and classifications in one's mind. That's the question of how does our learning lead to better construction after rhe deconstruction of an older outdated modal of reality?
  8. @Juan I don't like Lex Fridman, as you can tell so far of what I said in this thread. The fact I have to explain such a simple thing to some social media addict delinquent is beneath me. First get yourself off of a Tik Tok mind slavery before criticising and attacking me.
  9. Why do we think that Jordan Peterson is 'losing it' is a good or bad thing? That he is being more phobic as a bad thing? Hypothetical, transphobia is considered a bad phobia, but phobia of a sexual assault or murderer is a good thing, why is one phobua considered bad, but another fear good to feel?
  10. Good video by backpacker Steve, of part of my mother country:
  11. Monarchies and traditional societies and religions are neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.
  12. @Juan You watch too much social media.
  13. @CARDOZZO Once upon a time, there was a dumb car. Who dozed off and drove into the wrong car. Then he got out, dazed. Barking up the bar king, so wrong and no bite, now I get to blaze this easy piece of cake. You a masculine guy? Yikes, you mask and you lie all day and night, with drinks you spike. What a mistake, to think your thick but you paper thin, Imma think to ink in your chain links, kinks to your armoury, your so called bravado will melt with my pen game. You got fake fur pelts, I golden fleece, shower your so called sleeping beauty, that passed out on collision, what a guy. Picking to fight me, forgets the love of his life, the wifey.
  14. Big dick energy.
  15. @Cireeric Yeah, that ego mind of techno optimism and technocrat needs to die. A good heart? Maybe, but a sincere question to you, based on his body language and tonality, don't you feel bored or feel something is wrong with him? It's not normal to sound monotone and have such a dead race, like he got strike in the past or something. I just feel like his good heart is in a deep sea if lies and deceit if this techno dream. I also made a diss track about him, that's how much I don't like him.
  16. @Nabd I agree, sometimes those 'stupid' questions are just PR and to make the interviewee look good, like with Netanyahu, just soft ball questions. I'll even go sk far as to say he misrepresented Kanye west's view.
  17. @CARDOZZO *Devilish god. While the concept is nice, in practice it's hard to understand nor solve this Moloch issue, which creates a subtle paralysis by analysis and armchair philosophy which is the majority of those systems thinking groups.
  18. @Rasheed I see. Well have to agree to disagree and part ways. I took you asking a sincere question as you being ready for pushback, and able to argue for yourself. I guess this thread may just be more distraction and out of boredom, so I came here and challenged you too strongly. So maybe misunderstanding on my part of your intentions of this thread.
  19. @Rasheed Also, since you asked a sincere question, I gave a sincere argument against that and your refutation of that was insincere at best, deceitful and bad faith at worst. If you cannot argue and defend your worldview with a sincere argument, why ask a sincere question you cannot honestly defend?
  20. @Rasheed Also, since you asked a sincere question, I gave a sincere argument against that and your refutation of that was insincere at best, deceitful and bad faith at worst. If you cannot argue and defend your worldview with a sincere argument, why ask a sincere question you cannot honestly defend?
  21. @gettoefl I'm not even that far right, I'm conservative moderate, and sometimes depending on other factors I lean left or am agnostic. I might even grant the abolition of monarchy, but I'm just asking how would the OP deal with potential fallouts from abolishing monarchy? Hypothetically speaking, let's say that you and others get to abolish big pharma and other big companies. Okay, how are yku going to deal with the major and minor issues that follow for society at latge?
  22. @Rasheed Also, going back to your main argument for why we should abolish monarchy, how are you going to deal with the resulting high inflation? Yes, you release a lot of wealth and money from the royal families and monarchy, yet that big increase in funds of printing paper money and producing too many coins will devalue the currency. How are you going to manage the huge financial increase in economy?
  23. @Rasheed From my perspective that all sounds like post rationalization from the majority of followers that blindly and dogmatic believe in egalitarianism and secularism, and rationalism of why secularism and egalitarianism should exist, because monarchy bad. Just monarchy bad bad bad, yet a good chunk of human history was in kingdoms and feudalism that was the backbone of most countries development.
  24. @Rasheed I understand that you have a lot of cliams, with little justification for why. Again, tbe Soviet union and Lenin overthrew their monarchy, a theist structured power, because lenin and Stalin stopped believing in a god, and don't like that theocracy and tradition holds all the power in their country. How am I wrong again? Russua and China's revolutionary is basically a deep denial of god and theocracy, and secularism and atheism pretending to have the moral superiority even when such revolution lead to massive deaths. Can you actually acknowledge this point, or are you just going to dodge and repeat this content versus structure point? BTW, just because the USSR and Mau's party are theocratic, 'authoritarian', and 'monarchical'(which I highly doubt because if true then why overthrow their monarchs and traditional ruling class when they themselves share equal values to them?), doesn't mean that China and Russia are equal to other stage blue countries. Stage blue also has nationalism and patriotism, which also has to borrow and source from, you guessed it, theocracy and religions!! So the nationalists who are secularists and atheists overthrew the traditional religious ruling class to self determine their own ethical codes, which again look at the fallout of that. That fallout was also the start of more secularism in Russua for example, and it being the first country to allow abortions and state divorce, has experienced the most severe birthrate decline ever in all other westernized countries. China's 1 child policy and legal abortion also played a rule in it's birthrate decline. Jaoan and south Korea also suffer decline in birthrates. How can you argue for humanism, secularism, egalitarianism and feminism when those ideologies you argue for are also causing the birthrate decline?