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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @martins name I don't think he's going insane though. He's still able to rationalize and communicate, so he's not going crazy. So much straw manning and stereotyping and bad faith tactics to Jordan Peterson.
  2. @PurpleTree Not limited to gangsta rap and rap culture, but black culture and Ebonics and how as a culture it evolved throughout history, starting from Scotland to then migrate to the southern states where hillbilly and cracker culture permeates, and that machismo and bravado then travels northwards:
  3. @Tanz True, based on many developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, many lines of development in life and societal domains, and ideological differences indoctrinated by culture, states, family upbringing, and information ecology that big companies bmanufacture consent from the common people. I think this whole science versus religion has created at least three views: The religious dogmatic, from either theists or atheists. The scientific materialists/moral objectivists, from either side. And the Moral subjectivists/relativists/post modernists, some from either side of the argument of which ethical system is best: Christianity(religious/theocratic) versus humanism/secularism. 1. Main problems with the dogmatic religious worldview, theists to atheists, is blind belief in their worldviews. Obviously pre rational stage religious nationalists or theists will blindly believe in their religion or nation, and follow doctrine to the letter, and have mostly linear and binary cognitive processes of good/bad, right/wrong, with significantly reduced gray areas in between. Santa Claus either does or doesn't exist, and little philosophical thought or open mindedness is entertained to maybe think in metaphors, that maybe Santa Claus does exists but not literally, but metaphorically as a man in disguise, or that Santa Claus doesn't exist literally, but metaphorically as an idea/concept/belief during Christmas time and celebrations to symbolize gifts and presents. People of binay and literal cognition, or pre rational stage struggle with metaphorical thinking. 2. Scientific materialist, either side. Mostly a hardcore rationalist and logician, typically leans to atheism but some are theist and use reasoning and logic, and some metaphorical thinking to justify God's existence, which the opposite ideology of atheists also use logic and reasoning to justify god not existing, justify a non-belief in god. in this rational stage of thinking, the spiritual, the non-duality, the paranormal and supernatural is reduced to stereotypes and misrepresentations as such experiences defy the laws of physics and laws of nature, or rather naturalism, which ironically science and scientism branches from natural philosophy. These, too, dogmatically believe in the physical and material, while downplaying the immaterial like subjectivity and qualia, which is hard to measure and quantify, and what is hard to measure can't discern it's value, and what you can't logically discern is lowered in the hierarchy of values and importance. 3. Post modernist/relativist/moral subjectivist. Typically the trans-rational stage, of which this type of thinking is another order above the rational in that it recognizes and is cognitive of something beyond logic and rationality, and finally other states of consciousness, spirituality, non-duality, the paranormal and supernatural are taken seriously. Categorical thinking, linear thinking is transcended and a type of non-linear, beyond category, intuitional, emotional and holistic thinking starts to happen, and that that person starts to see the big picture of what's going on around them, that systemic thinking now starts to happen genuinely. Each of the triad of views here, in regards to this science versus religion and which has a better ethical foundation, has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Each triad of self identifying roles and positions positions itself as the correct path to resolving this issue at the heart of this debate, yet the triads involved also are mostly blind to their weaknesses and sometimes not realize that each triad isn't fixed and the one absolute correct answer, but each triad, if the arguer is flexible, offers different lenses to look at this problem with.
  4. @jimwell While this video mainly deals with why there's god killing in JRPGs, it's got good contexts it covers, and has some overlap to this issue as well:
  5. @PurpleTree I'd partly agree, especially the caliphate interpretations of Islam. This could be one exception that I'd say that Islam should become more secularist and humanist in order to be compatible to most modern westernized countries. Islam and it's old testament versions, including the caliphate Islam would have it's followers destroy iconography and buildings in those westernized countries, as well as justify self termination of infidels, but newer interpretations, with some secularism and humanism, and even rationalism and atheism here makes Islam compatible. Next would be Christianity and Judaism, not the orthodox versions but the newer secularist interpretations of them, as egalitarianism and feminism, as well as capitalism and neoliberalism, and in this case secularism, humanism and atheism have corrupted the Christian orthodoxy. Westernized countries suffer declining birthrates, from Japan to South Korea, to Canada and the USA, even Russia and China is declining due to legalizing abortions decades earlier than western countries. Higher divorce rates from no fault divorce thanks to feminism ideology making women be more like men and having them be too logical and careers orientated rather than helping them integrate their femininity and embracing womanhood or motherhood but instead pushing them to be hyper sexual liberals, which leads to committment issues to long term relationships, higher divorce rates and broken homes as more single parent and single mom households are increasing. Bigger democracy also is contributing to this toxic dynamic so I posit a limited democracy, in a republican fashion or even an autocratic to democratic switching just like with the Roman empire did with the senate and the emperor rulership system, and to bring it back a bit to patriarchy and some theocracy compatible to modern times.
  6. @Twentyfirst That's also true that other men can create and give/take away rights from other men, as well a give/take away rights from women and even children if some of them harm other people. That doesn't mean Feminism is 100% right, because that plus egalitarianism, secularism, and Neoliberalism is contributing to declining birthrates in Japan, South Korea, Canada, USA, some European countries, Russia and China, and the UK. Most westernized countries have this birthrate issue and high divorce rates, and most westernized countries have to source from other populations with a theocratic religious background, countries that can reproduce itself. How can this be good for this western valued countries in the future if they don't integrate religion and theocratic principles, and just let individualism and liberalism morally bankrupt the country? In fact most humanism and secularism heavily borrows from religion and theocracy.
  7. @StarStruck Like yoye profile pic?😂 Elon Musk isn't a good role modal for people to follow, unless you're pro childhood trauma? Did yoy know your hero Elon Musk suffered severely in his childhood?
  8. @StarStruck So Elon Musk is truly a beacon of light inspiring millions of people in failing their small business, increasing their debt, and normalizing this narcissism and idiocy of being a capitalist via false bravado? How is he so inspirational that his teachings would ruin most of people's lives? Just because Lex Fridman is a fangirl of ElonMusk and Joe Rogan doesn't mean he's a good example of how to live your life purpose, by acting boring with a monotone voice.
  9. @Juan Okay bra. You do trolling, and sipping Tik Tok Kool Aid. You keep to you, and me to me, so leave me alone and stop derailing this thread and instigating heated discourse bud.
  10. @bebotalk Something needs to be done about the streamer/content creator culture, it's almost as bad as the mental health issues increased by social media nowadays. That part of the internet needs a lot more regulation.
  11. @Twentyfirst The main issue with feminism is deep denial that the patriarchy makes and gives rights for women, by men. Feminists don't want to admit they exist because some men chose to enforce their ideology and protect it from other men who don't like feminism. Equal legal standing was made and enforced by men to begin with. Now what if some women don't benefit from Feminism, and femunism as an ideology is increasing women's mental health issues, making them act like men and act with too much rationality? What if we need to regulate feminism in some places?
  12. @bebotalk That's true based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's Archetypes modal, Integral Thoery other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological indoctrination in family upbringing and culture, and information ecology one consumes which manufactures consent from big tech companies and other big companies trying to profitcfrom customers. Given some research into the mental hqlth issues from social media, how the internet and online spaces increases narcissism, self entitlement, psychopathy and sociopathy traits, reduces attention spans and critical thinking by design, for example Tik Tok, I'm surprised not much is being dkne to manage and mitigate this increasing mental health crisis.
  13. @Twentyfirst That's true, as capitalism and neoliberalism is their ideology, and philosophy, which informs their behaviours and what rule they deem determines better free speach. However, do they realise that free speech began as hate speech? And that to have free speecb one must also have hate speech, because if you value free speech by definition some of that is hate speech expressed freely in speech. If yoy hate hate speech and want to censor and cancel hate speech, then that defeats the purpose of free speech because now that expression is limited and controlled.
  14. Very interesting how there's god slaying even in JRPGs:
  15. @Schizophonia Of course, because the world and western societies are being more humanist and secularist, embracing feminism and egalitarianism, as well as capitalism and neoliberalism, more so than conservativism, and theocratic/religious orthodoxy, and a smaller limited democracy, and even a modern patriarchy. The fallout of this is declining birthrates in secularist countries, high divorce rates from no fault divorce, increasing struggle with committment to long term relationships, and moral degradation of stage blue/orange societies as people become more and more materialist and hyper individualism orientated. God is actually closer to post modernism as God has the following features: Omnipotence. All powerful. Omniscience. All knowing. Omniferous. Producing/consisting of all kinds of things. Omnipresent. All present, or present everywhere, in all existence. Omnificent. Creating all things. Omnigenous. Of all kinds/varieties. And simultaneously, there's the GOD HEAD, or the absolute that underpins all the other forms. Hence why GOD is equivalent to all, to existence, to everything, and to infinity. Of course, atheists like to think god's merely an old guy in the clouds, and belief in the non-belief of the almighty, and belief in a lack of god's existence, yet they're kidding themselves. That's like believing that Santa Claus isn't real, doesn't exist, yet Santa Calus is real and does exist, just not as you imagine or think Santa Claus to be. Both atheists, and theists to some extent, are both inaccurate and wrong in defining what god is, because one side deeply and dogmatically believes in a caricature of god, and the other is deeply in denial of god's existence because that's like admitting you were wrong about religions. Atheists hate losing to theists, and theists losing to atheists is a sin.
  16. @Parallax Mind I wouldn't say modern western societies are 'fully' entrenched in postmodernism, even though most westernized countries have egalitarianism, feminism, humanism, secularism, capitalism, neoliberalism, a democracy bias, modernism, some post modernism as ideological proliferates. There's still some areas of westernized countries that have a Republican, and religious/theocratic way of life. Whatever truth is is based on many factors like Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, ego development, Integral Theory's other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, and the information ecology one consumes from mainstream media, alternative sources, papers, videos, radio, TV, social media nowadays, and many more that influences consensus opinions. Discerning from what I've said truth has a moral subjectivist and relativistic view to it, however we cannot deny and downplay the religious dogmatic absolutist view, the scientific materialistic view, and the moral subjectivist views on what truth is. I partly agree with what Leo says of postmodernism's strengths but also weaknesses, as different biases and preferences will use postmodernist thinking to suit their political agendas and ideological biases. For example, a person with LGBTQ biases or Transgenderism bias will use that subjectivity and relativism to bolster their positions, yet will deny the moral objectivist view that there is a woman, and there is a man defined by their sex biology and sexual characteristics in their body, and that heterosexuality is mostly why we've survived as a species, as heterosexuality is not a reproductive dead end for the most part, but other sexual orientations mostly are sexual reproductive dead ends for human flourishing. An example of proper use of postmodernism is in conjunction with psychoanalysis, other therapy modals like gestalt therapy, and deconstruction of limiting beliefs systems with self help techniques, and even lays the groundwork for a better self image if one knows how to self construct to a better self image. improper usage and corruption of postmodernism is to more immature stage greens in bolstering their ideology at the cost of stage orange/blue societies falling apart from delusion, like muddying distinctions between gender dysphoria versus transgenderism ideology, and then some who go too early into conversion therapy and do physical alterations to their sex biology, some do regret the changes later on in life which is one example of postmodernism uased badly.
  17. @StarStruck Jokes aside, it depends on what survival and how to survive, based on many developmental factors like value systems, cognition and morality, personality and psychological strains of self, modes of being and becoming, levels of consciousness, ego development, lines of development from Integral Theory, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, and information ecology. If you mean survival in making an honest living, standard mediocre lifestyles, that's one way of surviving. If you mean survival a in living on the edge with your LP, that's another, or living through stage red/blue ways like scamming or grifting is another form of survival. How you define survival and implement is important. Personally I don't do well in high temperature, high humidity environments. Sunshiny days yes, but high humidity no. Humidity makes me weak and more sluggish than normal. Indian cuisine and Indian curry though is well adapted to me as I eat them and it's fine and gives me lots of energy, just the humidity sucks.
  18. @Rafael Thundercat There are probably hundreds of specific ways to deal with this, but generally just calling out such a dynamic is a start.
  19. @Buck Edwards Yes, I don't want to derail but that user has always been trolling me here and bringing the quality of discourse down even when I ignore.
  20. @Juan To be clear, it's not 'I' think 'we' could lock this thread. You don't get to decide if this thread is locked, @Leo Gura, @Sincerity, @Carl-Richard and other moderators have the authority, not you. Don't band wagon fallacy users here and assume we share your views exactly, some don't.
  21. @Buck Edwards What's the alternative for her? Ignore JakeFilms when JakeFilms dedicates one Channel to misinformation and propaganda attacks on her? Yes, granted the premise of that whole Channel is to critic her way of life and her ripping off Tik Tok videos, yet this begs the question if he should have done this knowing that she will backlash against him later? Again. what's your refutation for him influencing potential viewers and subs away from her, thus reducing her potential monetization, reducing her income? How would you feel if you knew someone is reducing your way of life, income and salary? What if the other side sees your hesitation as silent compliance for their harmful behavior? What if SSSniperwolf's silence and ignoring him okays his attacks on her, and her silence causes her more suffering via reducing followers and viewers in the future? In another context, if someone stole your lunch, you should steal theirs or defend yourself and call out that behavior that infringes on your boundaries, that's justifiable. if there are other actions to take to mitigate or avoid putting yourself in situations of lunch theft, do so, otherwise when that theft happens you better prepare to steal back. Of course, in this hypothetical SSSniperwolf's action would be that if you stole lunch from her, and she steals 80% of your food stored and destroys your farm. If propaganda, criticism and hating via YT Channel is stealing lunch, then doxxing is to steal food stores and destroy the farm houses, yes SSSniperwolf's action did escalate the situation, am not arguing specifically this nor justifying it, but how would she have dealt with the lunch theft better, when her livelihood is on the line? I'm thinking along the lines of what's the default action here. Not many people would take the pacifist route if such a path leads to more suffering and okaying JakeFilm's behaviors. Most people are actually okay with a tit for tat approach because 75-80% of the world is still staunch stage blue societies, with simpler cognitive and moral development of binary and absolutist framing, even though there's diversity in personality types/traits, ego development and other lines of development. I'd rather get people to tit for tat and enforce their boundaries, than escalate. In an alternative path SSSniperwolf should have tit for tat, and keep warning JakeFilms of his aggression onto her boundary. If he keeps making those videos that attack her, she should do the same. What she shouldn't have done is escalate which now makes more people go against her and pity JakeFilms more.
  22. @StarStruck I'd survive Indianapolis to India, even police ice cold from seeing me. Concede to me you a meat eating meek bitch, I'd scratch you like a lotto ticket, star struck petite. Doesn't matter if I'm exiled, I'm the best gentile in this game of isometric tiles, you in denial I can ride the Nile. What's the metric, what's the trick? I'll treat myself this treatise and pleasantries.
  23. @An young being Another example, say I'm a nihilist, it's considered Zen devilry when I take Buddha's teaches of caseation to confirm my nihilism and life being meaningless, and confirm my victim mentality and depression. Another historical example, Nazi Germany used the Swastika, which original is a windmill symbol of world peace in Buddhism, for their Aryan race symbolism. Also taking no-self experiences as a way to justify their atrocities is another form of Zen Devilry.