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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @martins name You're mostly right with the hypothetical. Just watch out for egalitarianism, feminism, and the capitalism/neoliberalism ideology, when it starts to negatively effect the flourishing of society.
  2. @bebotalk So because working hour restrictions are modern, justifies the 9-9-6 work life in Japan, China, South Korea and other Asian countries?(work from 9:00am to 9:00pm, for 6 days a week Monday to Saturday, sometimes Sunday.) Also, the indoctrination and grooming of capitalism and neoliberalism ideology, say in Japanese schools, forcing students to get cram schools, mandatory clubs, until they arrive home at 10:00pm, only 30 minutes to 1 hour left for homework, no free time to develop hobbies and interests, and repeat the next day? All to prepare them to serve their corporate masters and capitalist gods?
  3. Speak of the devil, this episode 8 of fate extra encore, saber tells the protag and the viewers what a genius is, at the 7 minute mark: https://www.netflix.com/title/80185145?trackId=14170286&trackIdJaw=14170287&trackIdEpisode=14170289&trackIdTrailer=14170288&dpRightClick=1 Seems like Saber and I are pretty consistent with my definition of a genius. Ironically a fictional character agrees with me way more than @Razard86 or others like him trying to erode the meaning of genius to everyone, as everyone's a genius, which flatlines genius into normalcy, devaluing genius, so what's the point of genius then?
  4. Pretty interesting if you think about it, how most JRPGs would have a god as some final boss:
  5. @An young being Wasn't there a few games with Hinduism themes? I think one was Asura's wrath, and a few more. Yeah, for gameplay, game mechanics and probably world building it makes sense.
  6. @bebotalk Great, so we both agree she did went over the top with doxxing, and we both agree a tit for tat, her making a dedicated channel to counter his dedicated channel, is justified?
  7. @Ash55 Of course, what country, what patriarchy and theocratic orthodoxy would readily accept other ideologies that do not contribute to the flourishing of their society?
  8. @StarStruck One time I'd agree, as egalitarianism, feminism, capitalism and neoliberalism has negatively effected the birthrates of westernized countries, and even secular communist countries like Russia and China with their legalization of abortion much earlier than the west. This is the patriarchy and orthodoxy in Russia, of staunch stage blue/red reacting against the wokeism they perceive as a woke agenda.
  9. @Phoebe Could you tell us how you worded your critic of Elon Musk?
  10. @bebotalk I'll reiterate, not justifying doxxing, and agreeing on the tit for tat. Don't troll me.
  11. Here's another interesting debate a year ago, slightly on the immature side yet plenty of lessons from developmental factors and developmental psychology, also shout out to Mr. Girl as well:
  12. IMO, this debate has societal and political ramifications for atheitst, secularists and humanists that follow Matt Dillahunty, a professional debater, who rage quit when pressed by Andrew Wilson and couldn't refute Andrew's argument. Good lessons to learn ignorance, developmental factors and psychology. What and how would you debate and argue your worldview against someone like Andrew, or even Matt? Yes, even intelligent people are deluded, especially the aloof ones with hubris and intellectual superiority complexes.
  13. @StarStruck Judgments? no. Discernment? Yes.
  14. @bebotalk The same with any group, any native tribe, any colony, any imperialist empire, any civilization, any religious organization, any country/nation, any allied axis, that has appealed and achieved rights, throughout history? Majority of history has mostly been autocratic, with a few like the Roman empire having both democratic/autocratic functions. No, I'm positing a limited democracy, with far more senators and congressmen, with higher thresholds into gaining offices and seats, like passing a political test to actually know if you are both knowledgeable and experienced for the senator and congressmen roles, with some form of patriarchy compatible with the modern world. Sure, China isn't western it's eastern, yet copies some parts of the west if you look at when Great Britain and the USA got involved with China in the past, and has a communism/autocratic rulership government heavily secular after the Mau party overthrew their monarchy imperialists. Yes, Marxism is inherently secular, yet China learned of it and received the proliferating ideology of Marxism and Leninism from Russia, which inspired Mau to take action. I agree that most countries are experiencing birthrate declines, westernized countries and countries with close or distant ties to the USA, even eastern ones. I did say it's a combinatory problem involving capitalism and neoliberalism, and when both ideologies overwork the workers so much they don't have enough time and energy and attention to date, have relations and marry. It's a combinatory issue that also combines with this growing feminism and egalitarianism. In truth, not every man or woman is equal. I don't know enough about Iran to have a take on why their population is decreasing and birthrates are declining. About capitalism and neoliberalism, they're both ideologies. Now just because both are ideologies doesn't mean I'm saying they both don't work, you can have ideologies that work very well, like scientism dogma, or other ideologies that are cult like and don't work. I'm saying when capitalism and neoliberalism infects the higher ups to overwork their workers and create this toxic work culture it combines with other issues that decline birthrates. Take for example this video, last 20 minutes is the example, but I suggest watching the whole thing for context:
  15. @StarStruck If you're going to insult people's minds by size, then I wouldn't have a profile pic of a brain, it's saying. Also, not many people relate to Elon Musk as he's a multi billionaire himself, even conservatives can't quite relate to his whole handling of Twitter. Don't see how a foolish narcissist is that relatable.
  16. @bebotalk Agreement on the tit for tat, not justifying her doxxing him. Just saying JakeFilm dedicating a hate channel to her is what caused this whole situation to spiral out of proportion, because if he just made a few videos of her and left it like that, maybe SSSniperwolf wouldn't have felt she needed drastic action. Him making a dedicated hate Channel on her pressured her into taking drastic measures, see?
  17. @integral Also, it always comes back to marketing and business principles, like for example if you want to make a small business, general rule is never expect exponential returns within 4-3 years into your small business, but after that returns could be exponential. Especially if you're feeling desperate a bit, always ask yourself how you can improve your marketing, but also your content making, and think like a bamboo plant, actually spends roughly 3-4 years saving nutrients in it's root system, then experiences exponential growth and within weeks to a month grows rapidly. Something like that.
  18. @integral Let's think this through: 1. If you choose to continue making content like this, and incrementally improve, that depends on many factors including if your YT Channel serves your LP, type of content you like making(Not love, like. Reserve that love for hobbies and other interests as trying to commercialize that, and applying hard work and the grind would probably make you love it less. At least with a like, even if it becomes too boring and you're disinterested money is being made), market research the target audience you want to target, market research your competitors in terms of content made and consumer base targeted, market research the niche you're developing into. Refer to the Ikigai modal, and a strategy wheel for this regarding your position in that niche relative to other content creators and customers you want to serve. 2. If you choose to pivot to more proven, basic content made, be aware of the barrier to entry to that market, if there's low or high competition or saturation for that type, and again market research. In each route, or if there's more choices, always try to understand that market, target audience, words of value, and align it to what you can do well and to your passion/interest if possible, generally speaking. There's SAO and other marketing strategies to consider, maybe you're not getting more views because you're not using keywords and tagging them properly? What about advertising your videos? I heard this is a trick used by some rap channels trying to sell their music, they basically will advertise their music video, sometimes parts of it, onto another similar music genre that's more popular, onto some other Channel again more popular in YT, but they don't age restrict it yet because age restricting that content limits the range of that ad reaching to more listeners. So say if you're a remix person who does old school rap, you put an ad to a music genre that matches that, but you can also put a video ad to a related and more popular music genre like mumble rap, without age restriction, and that exposure can quickly earn you more views from people checking you out. YT will later age restrict your ad, but for the short term you can take advantage and gain exposure quickly and get listeners quicker.
  19. @PurpleTree Putting aside that you merely said that to piss me off, I'd partly agree that rap culture and rap music has some subliminal effects onto the minds of the listeners. I do still freestyle raps though as a creative outlet. I guess taking 100% responsibility in what you consume and some of the negative effects would be mitigated, like listen to other types of music or consume other types of art besides rap only.
  20. @An young being Sure, especially considering how selfish they were depicted in Greek mythology, yet there's probably a very good reason why that is the case at that time.
  21. @nhoktinvt Because GOD = existence and everything, we exist today thanks to GOD, and thanks to the DEVIL that inverts truth to falsehood and creates these dualities which gives a sense of self. Otherwise we'd never exist to begin with without a god and devil.
  22. I mostly agree with about 80% of the video in terms of historical development and political situations, but the last 15% and the 5% that's the conclusion is really sketchy and simplistic I disagree. This 'problem' of false god killing in games, and the question of 'Why do most games involve god killing?' I feel is insufficiently answered. I don't think it's merely cultural discontent in the sociopolitical, or psycho-socio domains, or even a bio-psycho-socio interplay, but I think it's deeply existential to what GOD is and what the DEVIL is, God being omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent(as Shinto accurately describes god as a disembodied sprit everywhere and in everything), Omniform and Omniferous in it's true natures and features, the DEVIL being an inversion of GOD in many multifaceted layers of self/other deceptions and delusions, and duality itself, even making the thought/concepts/ideas and beliefs of a false god being killed, possible. In fact I feel like he's just outsourcing the opportunity for originally answering why god killing is possible as a concept, and just outsources it by citing historical events and political changes in Japan yet doesn't tackle the existential and philosophical implications of such a notion, the idea of KILLING A DEITY! Like bro it's a significant thought pattern in a person's head, or even the collective ego to consider that it's merely not enough to show the prior historical context yet dodge the question. The narrator of that video isn't aware of and knowing of the developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's Architypes, Integral Theory's lines of development from individual to societal domains, and various ideological beliefs indoctrinated from birth and by culture, by information ecology and intake designed by big tech companies and other corporations to manufacture consent in the wider population. My simplistic answer to this question would be because we became more humanist, atheist, scientific, rational, secularist, and believe more in state, capitalism and neoliberalism as well as egalitarianism, and the separation of church and state happened, and we slowly became less patriarchal, theocratic and traditional as time goes on, which is why this trope exists today, which is why video game makers are not getting burned or stoned to death for featuring god killings in video games. Just the times are different, more developed in consciousness and technology, and it's a newer worldview, from the western hemisphere influencing the eastern hemisphere of the world, most of the world is modernized and somewhat westernized with some locations still having a religious orthodoxy ideology, and theocratic rulership and autocracy. Interesting how the narrator brings up that capitalism and toxic work culture is a factor in the declining birthrate and social isolation of Japan, but doesn't bring up how feminism and egalitarianism from the west could also play a part in combination to capitalism and neoliberalism as an ideology.