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This immaturity example is of plagiarism and YouTube, however due to developmental factors like value systems, cognitive progression patterns, moral frameworks, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of being/becoming, life experiences and other lines of personal to societal development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences. Even the philosophical and historical forms of plagiarism, while it's sometimes illegal and mostly unethical, there are lower forms of plagiarism that exists within humans, within the master/student relationship, when a student observes and studies the master's skills, copies them near perfectly, and later on iterates or innovates from other masters and teachers. In short plagiarism actually is complicated and postmodernism, but yes when someone copies too exactly what you do, and that plagiarism threatens your income, reputation and way of life, it can be problematic and all philosophy goes out the window. :
@Nivsch Sure, but I think the comparison between Yahya Sinwar and Netanyahu is a false conflation, because Netanyahu has some support from the west, namely the USA and Biden, while Yahya Sinwar doesn't. While we may have more reports of what Yahya Sinwar did, we don't have as much reporting on the war crimes and other destructive actions Netanyahu did, so keep this in mine for those reading. Just because you state we shouldn't generalize the Palestinians, and you cite statistics that 65% of Palestinians shows support in Gaza, and in West bank 65% support 7/10, doesn't nullify the generalization you just did. In another context, that's like Destiny claiming he's not poisoning the well, but proceeds to poison the well by saying John Mearsheimer's source for his argumentation that Ukraine is the west's fault is a Nazi sympathizer, knowing that saying one of his sources sympathizes with Nazism would trigger the thought terminating cliche in the current power structure, bias and preferences of his fanbase and viewers, largely white American males from the USA with likely Neoliberal/capitalistic/western values to negatively associate John Mearsheimer as a Nazi sympathizer and commie for saying the Ukraine is the west's fault and appearing to side with Russia. Nope, Israel is partly to blame for the formation of HAMAs, and making some Palestinians side with HAMAs all because the right ring party of Zionist nationalists in Israel, the Lukwid party, pursued a two party state in order to exercise soft power and oppress Palestinians within Israel, West Bank and Gaza. Yes, Israel has the responsibility to stop this land grabbing they're doing onto Gaza, especially after the war, but we'll see as it'll be hard breaking that land grabbing tendency for the past 80 years.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@bebotalk Interesting video about plagiarism and YouTube: -
Your thouthts and views? Can censorship be too much? For example visual novels showing some sexy scenes, drawn very well, are being censored despite being just drawings. Is that too much? Has society developed too softly? Has politics made almost everyone sensitive? Also, when will Leo upload a video? Been 6 months already.
Danioover9000 replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@PurpleTree The main problem is the writers and directors weaponizing post modernism with wokeism, followed by too much merchandizing and capitalism/neoliberalism in pursuit of profits over soul, money over quality. Mostly stage orange and some blues predating onto stage green younger generations. After all Disney started revolutionary in animation, raised early on, but Walt Disney was a libertarian anarchist who also dreamed of a big corporate kingdom called Disney park. After his death is when the wolves of wall street CEO types and corporate took over and milked Disney for what it's worth, while subliminally messaging capitalism and other themes in the cartoons to influence mass consumerism and normalize other social norms and westernize and modernize the tales in each Disney cartoon, making them family friendly when their origins were dark. Based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, mass consciousness, ego development, states of being/becoming, Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, and information intake from information ecology in the news, videos, radios, TV, social media, schooling, communities and many more that manufactures consent in the general population. -
@Karmadhi And this is what John Mearsheimer calls the Amerixan hegemony. Anything America touches outside and to other countries, because it's so biased and preferential to capitalism and Neoliberalism as ideologies, and thinks everh place must have western values and democracy, corrupts. Long list of thongs America screwed up on, from the Iraq war, to the pacific war and dropping nukes on Japan, and the horrors of Vietnam.
@Lila9 Sure, and I'm not justifying what HAMAs did, not condemning either side too much here. Juwt know that historically there's been a lot of conflicts back and forth between Israel's culture versus the Islam cultures nearby them, for 100 plus years. To me, having that long history of bad blood and tribal warfare, combined with a harsh geography and environment, creates these sorts of evil people. The answer always lies within, forgive yourself and your enemies first.
@HMD Of course he's the child of light, don't you know Satan was also an angel?
Shadiversity has lately been the best example of immaturity, even when being a father and family guy himeelf, and Australian: Not just on this A.I delusion, but Shad was alwo intellectual hubris when talking about Nun Chucks.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Great coverage of this issue: -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Parallax Mind A combination of too much immigration erodes the stage blue values and moral framework of that nation/country, and too much competitors in a given field of work and career. -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 True, but also in some places like in China, Korea and Japan they have the 9-9-6 job routine there(work from 9:00 am to 9:00pm 6 days a week.). Also brutal schooling and education curriculums incentivizing corporate and capitalism ideology over knowledge and well-being, again Japan's schooling system is great example of this toxic work culture permeating even in schools. -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Dauntment Exactly. Agree on the causation although there are much more to it, and agree that education and some reform is needed, again probably several more solutions needed as well. -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@martins name I agree, yet this issue is a combinatory issue. What westernized countries need to do is have a limited form of democracy, more along the lines of the Roman empire republic, and find ways of restricting down feminism and egalitarianism paired with ideological capitalism and neoliberalism. Main reasoning is ever since the start of feminism, of the suffrage movement, time goes on and feminism just keeps on borrowing from other civil rights movements, and pushes women to be more individualistic and act like men, act more rational, and be more careers and business orientated as opposed to feminine and relationships/family orientated. After the counter culture movement, feminism and egalitarianism flourished a little bit, but at the expense of indoctrinating the female population to be less relationship/family geared, to being more careers orientated, which also increases occupation of jobs men would normally take. Combined with capitalism and long working hours, say in Japan, males have much less times to date and to work on building relations with their potential spouses, which adds to the birthrate decline in a westernized native country, which then makes that country desire more outsourcing of human labor from theocratic countries that can reproduce it's numbers. Combined with feminism, this makes women who are feminists have an inflated expectation of their ideal male partners, which decreases their potential dating poll. Also contributing to this whole decline in birthrates is a loose restriction on abortion and too much usage of sex methods that prevent pregnancy, and this whole PUA/hyper sexual liberation movement, which devalues that act of sex and sexual intercourse instead of it being a sacred act, it's now a typical Friday night activity, another excess of stage orange individualism and capitalism and transactional relationships instead of seeing relationships as something sacred and spiritual, same with marriage ever since the separation of church and state, and state divorce and church divorce, women with committment issues and who are careers and business orientated see divorce as gaining more money from their husbands but also as an easy way out of a marriage when the act of marriage is the unification of two polar opposites until death do them apart, through the darkest valleys and the brightest beaches. With higher divorce rates comes higher rates of single parent households, which is much worse for a developing child that's inherit the dysfunctional relations of his father and mother's imperfect marriage. -
@Raze That's a bad look for Israel if this is true, but I'm not surprised. Historically this events also have happened, for example Pearl Harbor attack, the president apparently knew Japan would likely attack, so the military sent the aircraft carriers to a different location, and other military assets first, so when the attack happens and the aftermath, when America declares war on Japan they have their carrier fleets with them for their fighter planes and such. Tactics like this of tactical retreats or allowing some degree of attack to justify a military retaliation happens in history.
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Nivsch I intentionally say Israel is the bully here, because compared to Palestinians Israel has the power currently in west bank and Gaza, they are the ones land grabbing and have military might, not Palestinians, so Israel is the bully and Palestinians are getting bullied here. They are the ones acting like white supremacists here, segregating between Israeli and Palestinians in the check points, only letting Palestinians in one street way and Israeli the other. What are you talking about? Palestine never had a sufficiently strong army itself, it had to rely on Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and other Arab countries instead, meanwhile Israel has the superior army and technological weaponry. I was saying if Palestinians had a proper army, Israel wouldn't be expanding so brazenly, but because Palestinians can't properly defend themselves, Israel gets to land grabbing with impunity. Don't care about how HAMAs is dealt with by Israel, I care about when Israel will give some lands back to Palestinians and stop treating Palestinians as second class people? Otherwise we keep having terrorist groups prop up just because of them being treated as second class people. As long as there are alt right nationalist Zionists in charge in Israel government, Palestinians will be second class, and will have their homes get taken over. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura @Puer Aeternus My take and position with the UFO phenomena is that it's real, an UFOs or UAPs recently, they do exist. I'm willing to argue this position with anyone who thinks otherwise, as it's just absurd to me to falsely be skeptical and try to debunk this whole filed of UFO, and even paranormal/supernatural experiences and phenomena as hoax. Even if one video is fake, or there's an orchestrated fraud, does not mean the entire field that is UFOs is all fake. If that's the case, if someone told and sold me KFC fried chicken with rice, corn, fries and hot wings in Indonesia, but I learned actually it's not authentic KFC, the spice mix is different, fries are from frozen foods, hot wings only uses buffalo spice and flour, corn and rice were bought elsewhere, does that make all of KFC, as an industry worldwide and in the USA, fake and unreal and doesn't exist? -
@Juan How is that an argument against the existence of UFO phenomena? Let's me just grant you that if this Malaysian airplane disappearance by UFOs was a fake, and you are right that this video is a fraud, does one fake video, or one act of fraud, discount the entire metaphysics, epistemology, and the whole UFO phenomena? Does one fabricated video justify skeptics debunk mentality and claims that UFOs are not real, and don't exist?
An interesting video clip, a scientist who is in a podcast where the host talks to a variety of guests with UFO bias. This clip is a person who believes UFO's exists reacting and commentating, with the podcast host, of a video by some VFX or special effects expert, who doesn't believe in UFOs phenomena, trying to debunk a video of UFOs hovering around an airplane midflight. I'll be doing body language analysis, verbal analysis, discourse analysis and some statement analysis as to the deception and defensiveness from the debunker and the reactor and the podcast host, their word choice and tonality will also be noted: Nico's intro, the VFX artist, lost of hand gesturing and head movement, camera for viewers is to his upper right, and his front is the monitor with the airplane with the UFOs. Between 1:02 to 1:05, lower left panel shows host with deep lib compression and suppressed frowning around mouth, likely withholding statements or trying not to smile or snicker in front of guest. Could be deceptive and may mean he knew VFX artist's video as you'll see host repeatedly tell guest to pay attention to video. Between 1:08 to 1:13 guest readjusts mic and mic stand, leans away from the film. Could be defensiveness creeping in non-verbally. Also around 1:12 to 1:15 Nico says 'I wanted to take a look at these shots.', quick follow up to 'Danny asked me to take a look at them and apply my visual effects artist's eye.'(This statement doesn't make sense, a minor contradiction because the subject Nico wanted to see this video, but then states Danny asked him tp apply his expertise and take a look, so which is it?), followed by left hand rolling up right hand sleeve, as if to non-verbally tell he's ready to 'get his hands dirty', to 'get to work with these hands.' like he's showing his confidence in himself a bit as a VFX artist expert.
@HMD Proof he's an antisemite and a hypocrite then, can't accuse others of misinformation and antisemitism, yet you yourself do antisemitism. Shameful.
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@martins name I propose a limited democracy similar to the Roman republic, with way more senators and congressmen than today's standards of government and federal government. I propose restrictions onto feminism and egalitarianism, and the unification of some church with state, not all the church but some church and theocracy/orthodoxy with state. Reasoning is that the declining birthrate crisis, single parent homes and single mom households, and high divorce rates are caused by egalitarianism and feminism run amok in the majority of the westernized countries like Japan, South Korea, Canada, the USA, some of the UK as it's mainly secularist, and some European countries. Even China and Russia, heavy secularist countries suffer from the decline in birthrates, and when a nation cannot reproduce it's own numbers above threshold replacement numbers, mainly secularist egalitarian countries with some capitalisms/neoliberalism ideology, they have to outsource from countries with a theocratic/autocratic rulership, staunch stage blue/red countries, and have them immigrate to countries with these birthrate declines. Also a revision on the no fault divorce brought by state marriages as that also plays a net negative in breaking the nuclear family, and causing single parent households. -
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
How does that undo 80 years of bullying from Israel? How does that rectify Zionist wanting a 2 party state yet oppress the Palestinian government there? There's no equal representation even within Israel's country for Palestinians. Do you even realize how Israel is land grabbing Palestine lands? This is why the patriarchy and having an enforcement arm, the military and police is important. If Palestine had an army, they'd at least would defend themselves and their territory, and don't get bullied around by Israel. There's no way around justifying Israel's criminal behavior towards Palestinians and Gaza for 70 years, even the UN recognizes those actions as criminal and genocidal. -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@martins name Sure, especially when they contribute to the birthrate crisis in westernized countries. -
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@AerisVahnEphelia Absolutely truth. Nobody beating AGI intelligence and the matrix. Let the machines sort humanity out. -
Danioover9000 replied to Lila9's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I agree that Israel should respond against HAMAs, but understand that Israel was bullying and taking Palestinian lands, and Zionists pursued a 2 party ethnostate, pretend to be westernized and democratic, yet surpress the votes and voices of the Palestinian people. I say Israel needs to suck some humble pie, and actually help out Palestinians in Gaza and west bank, stop demolishing Palestinian homes, rebuilding them and funnel in New Yorker Jews to buy their property. Israel's handling of this for the past 70 years is abysmal and immature, insecure bullying bigots. And the USA should mind their own business and let the UN send peace troops for Palestinians and help with the human crisis there.