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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Nabd Why is it a good idea? Especially if those immigrants are at the ego stage opportunists/impulsive, and in it for the money and exploiting your fellow citizens and nationalists, and they are not migrating to be loyal and be a citizen of that country? Open borders can be risky for a country, just look at Sweden and it having to deal with many opportunists that migrated there, with their criminal gangs. Are those migrants that are sexually assaulting Swedish women, with no interest in developing Sweden, good for Sweden?
  2. Another immaturity example, from pretending to be a cat, to misunderstanding philosophical concepts, and acting so soft and offended and even hesitant with the H-scenes and mature themes...BUT OSTS HIGHLIGHTS ON HIS DISCORD FOR HIS YOUN G AUDIENCES TO SEE!!! What a hypocrite. Go date and study PUA and some self help stuff:
  3. @Starlight321 So, if you see it as a spectrum, are you saying you're an outsider, objectivist, and agnostic to this situation of homosexuality as a nature deviation, versus heterosexuality as the most natural sex orientation in humans, in our sex biology and sex dimorphism as human male and female bodies? Sure, I can agree that one can look through a lens of polarity, with every person having feminine and masculine personality traits, one is cherry picking for complimentary parts, the main issue is if and when those deviations, and excesses of masculinity and feminity happen, and when political and other ideologies start trying to impose their social constructed gender roles, at the expense of the traditional male and female gender roles, at the cost of moral degradation and imbalances? Another aspect is conditioning and learned behaviors to connect to sex and arousal? I'd partly agree that there could be some form of indoctrination from family upbringing and culture for each sexual orientation, but for heterosexuality? Even if we grant you that heterosexuality is indoctrinated from culture, from stage blue societies, the consequence of heterosexuality is sexual reproduction of our species for the majority and average of mankind, and conformity and communities that are bonded by marriage between man and woman, and from that children which continues the human species into the future, how does that undermine heterosexuality as an ideology?
  4. @Karmadhi That's a decent list. Nothing wrong here.
  5. @bebotalk So, if we took 2 black Supremacists A and B, and this time we include their ideological beliefs: A is liberal, the other B conservative. Both can feel and think hateful, but A acts on that hate via speech/action, while the other B has discipline and willpower not to. So, which one is healthier: person A or person B? And when we factor in their political ideology, does this change the dynamic? I don't think so. I think OP asked the question 'Is it justifiable to hate migrants?' and wants an answer to if it is justifiable to 'hate'(as an emotion), so I answered yes as an emotion, but no and highly depends on context to act out of hatred. You assume this question of OP is him assuming this hate for migrants is representative of the black community, it's not. I also agree that emotions have value and are valid, and I agree that expression of hate is not valid, but it's value is context sensitive. What I don't agree on is the thought policing, of guilt shaming others to not hate, or to guilt shame yourself into not feeling hate, that actually will build up resentment not just for others, but for yourself, you see?
  6. Another example of immaturity, and how toxic the internet has become. We need an internet government and even a corporation to take this seriously, don't let this big social media influencer get away with BS like this.
  7. @Thought Art Okay, just because someone lost doesn't mean his techniques where bad. Same thing with those passionate progressive speakers, they lost, but they still used good techniques to get their message acrss.
  8. @Basman This is a really good post that addresses that immigration crisis:
  9. @bebotalk What if we have 2 black supremacists. 1 has self awareness, and allows himself to feel and think his feelings, but doesn't act out his hatred. the 2 allows himself to feel and think hate, but acts out his hatred. Which one is justifiable the more moral black supremacist? Who is the healthier one, and how do we know?
  10. @kenway Also, just general body language analysis, often he illustrate points with his hands, but also he furrows brows with certain word choices. Furrowing brows can mean some anger/frustration, but also focusing and concentration. Given the context, likely he's feeling frustrated with some concentration. Seems genuine that he feels frustrated with that whole past situation and him discovering what Palestinians are behind the walls, and frustrated at the check points. Reminds me of another context with protesters and one video of a guy being in one, when the police and special units started to crowd control the protesters he felt how they felt.
  11. @Majed Why are more heterosexuals than homosexuals? Well, mainly because of war, famine, shorter life span, not that much advancements and developments in society and life, personality traits, lower cognitive development and more traditional moral frameworks, a mostly stage blue/red world Era, organized religions and orthodoxy monopolizing the sexual urge by tying it to marriage and controlling for good social behaviors and social norms of traditional masculine roles and traditional feminine roles within their communities. Oh and alcohol, lots of alcohol. Yes, homosexuality is such a deviance that it was brutally punished in history, from ancient Greece and Rome up to the 80's, and somewhat today. Although be careful a bit, that's a naturalism fallacy, but also human species bias too for primate species and homo sapiens. Can't think of homosexuality in other species in the natural world, but I can for transgenderism and asexuality. For example there's cloning and asexual reproduction in plants, but also threesomes and polygamy, probably non-consensual sex as flowers entice bees, which collect nectar and pollen, to pass the pollen onto another flower, with the bee having little choice than follow it's instincts. Slugs are also androgyny, hermaphrodites in that slugs can be both have male and female sex organs, A certain fish species, can't remember name but it was in David Attenborough documentary, can change it's sex from female to male during the mating season. So many strange sex dynamics and dimorphisms as well, even in insects.
  12. @kenway Informative, thanks for sharing. Similar to when a racist gets out of racism.
  13. @Bazooka Jesus Shoot! @Juan and @Nivsch have snitched on you, sorry about that.
  14. @Lila9 BTW, body language analysis has a 70-80% likelihood of predicting behavior and subconscious tendencies in people, from how defensive they are to how they lie to themselves and others. I can tell you from observing and analyzing that footage that she's not telling the whole, truth, is misrepresenting facts and has a dubious delight in doing so. Fighting me on this is useless and frankly embarrassing.
  15. @Lila9 Correction: This woman speaks facts weaponized by her agenda, bias and preferences, and has a guilty pleasure and dubious delight in selling you lies disguised as facts:
  16. @Thought Art I agree, very interesting, am analyzing tonality, body language and word choice, it's decent in his performance and charisma. Putting aside him being immoral, or having a bias and preference and ideological belief system and a right wing bias, just looking at how he communicates can also be emulated as well, to some degree, in order to improve how you'd also communicate, to better persuade and convince others. Despite Trump hate and his stupidity, he's got decent body language and tone. Never underestimate an opportunist and manipulator like him.
  17. @Nivsch Keep twisting what I say. Never said explicitly her statements were factually false, I said her body language and tonality, and how she weaponizes facts and factual events, has a dubious delight, high pitch and tense smile at the end betrays her knowing she's just performing, just for the clout chasing. She has little genuine desire to help Israeli and Palestinians. Keep defending her, knowing she's using your country's crisis, and dehumanizing Palestinians for views and clout, because that's what she thinks about you and your people, and the Palestinian people, clout gain and clicks and views for free, for her viewing, and for her pleasure, over yours.
  18. @zazen That's a very nice tweet, one of the rare ones from twitter.
  19. @bebotalk So because someone is racist, that justifies then their suppression of hate and other feelings towards some people and the world? Justifies deep denial of their humanity, understanding and empathy? Again, not justifying their expressions and behaviors, that highly dependent on situation, but to me it's unjustifiable to tell someone how to think and feel about someone or something or the world. It's wrong of me to tell you to stop crying, feel sad, feel guilty over the death of your family in an avalanche, or to tell you to stop feeling hate, anger, revenge, disgust, frustration, or any negative feelings/thinking of the perpetrator that murdered and raped your daughters or sisters, or your mother. It's even worse when we dogmatically force people to not express, mostly in speech and sometimes in behavior, their other parts of their psyche, and to fake a saintly, good Samaritan image, and make them fake those signals and lie to themselves, make them then build trauma that they will later have to deal with, with their inauthentic selves sealed deep in their shadows.
  20. @Nivsch Character assassinating Palestinians, straw manning them, and siding with deep bias and preference, and she knows she's wrong yet does so. So I'd be careful assigning honesty or authenticity to a woman that heavily performs on camera in a very biased way. If you can't see through her deception then nothing I say will get through to you, neither do I care to explain something so fucking basic as lying and deceit to you.
  21. @Nivsch After doing some tonality and body language analysis, she's performing, and lying on camera. often as she speaks and illustrates she looks left a lot, Likely some tele prompter or some bill she's reading points from. Also, at 0:37 to 0:40, when she say's "Palestinians can actually freely-" she shoulder shrugs, right one shrugs more, followed by a no shake with head tilt and a micro eye flash(Typically for surprise, emphasis or social approval). Shrugging is epistemic, in that the person doesn't know, or doesn't believe in what they just said or did, or doesn't know and has nothing to add, in this case she doesn't know whether Palestinians are that free to arrive and leave Israel. Also another quick, softer shrug on Palestinians coming and going with pipe bombs or other weapons and emphasizing those negatively charged words. At 1;10 to 1;15 when she speaks of going to Bethlehem she complains she can't because of some terrorists, and loudly tuts(verbal, tonal negative sign similar to contempt and disgust, just strong disapproval). At 1;25 minute a big lip compression followed by an 'um'(verbal sign of feeling uncertainty, uncomfortableness or anxiety) with the lip compression seems like a withheld opinion, or that her subconscious mind is readying itself to say the very charged message from that board about the hospital that treats both Israeli and even Palestinians from Syria which starts from 1;33 to 1;40, listing those Syrian women ages 8 to 80(perfect number range, nothing suspicious with that), raped by ISIS terrorists(What does ISIS have to do with HAMAs or even Hezbollah?), followed by a long inhale, longer star at the tele prompter, and another lip compression followed by tongue licking lips(lip compression typically sign of defensiveness and increase in distress, and licking lips is very similar). Last 30 seconds was just performance, and a number of small smiles, tensed lipped smiles emphasizing, and implying that Israel HAS TO PERSUE 1 party state over Gaza and West Bank, or PLO ruins them. Last 8 seconds of her closing is massive dubious delight and her tone pitch increased a bit with a few quick nods and a small tensed smile and head tilt forwards. Dubious delight and pitch increase indicates to me she never really cared for this Israel/Palestine conflict, and she feels that she has gotten away with saying some very disturbing things on air, as if she's a little child that lied and KNEW she's getting away, and knew what she is doing is negative and immoral yet does so anyways, which is likely why she smiled like that at the end. So overall, a very biased and distorted reporting, for shock value and for clout chasing, she knew her messaging is bad, but performs as a reporter, and through her non-verbal and verbal leaks I can say she's performing and a bit of lying on camera, with some moments of distress and delight in what she's doing.
  22. @PurpleTree Old school beats are the best, drill and UK grime is a close second, and mumble rap sucks.
  23. @Epikur I am gonna guess they'll feel wither some excitement, but mostly confused and a bit offended their getting this misrepresented cuz they're mostly in the political and the more established, they'd probably not feel good taken out of context so extremely into the pop culture like this.
  24. @Bazooka Jesus You are begging for this to be moved with that fake AF threat though.
  25. I advice you watch this video in full, but between 14:00 to 15:00 Destiny confesses he's pro genocide: So, you got to ask yourself why is this guy so popular in the online spaces given his immoral take here, and why the world isn't taking the negative side effects of online drama, and online internet cultures seriously? Why are even big tech companies letting big content creators steal from smaller content creators, letting reactor community saturate the market with their lazy content creation? And why isn't Destiny getting canceled and censored from this? If this is a shining example of a future role modal then it's sick and twisted.