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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @UnbornTao Sure, what is natural is sex drive, sexual attraction, and sex biology and dimorphism between male and female bodies. Yes, heterosexuality is the norm and average throughout current times to history, and that homosexuality, same sex, asexuality, and other kinks/fetishes are fringes to the norm and average, the exceptions. Main problem is most people think exceptions make the rule, but most cases exceptions don't make the rule. And it's a fact that most cases of STD and HIV are more correlated to homosexuality when partners had sexual relations with each other, or when there's an open relationship with other same sex partners. So if heterosexuality is natural, and it also is natural for an increase in STDs and HIV in same sex, does that make any feelings of fear natural of those that could spread HIV or STDs?
  2. @Merkabah Star Is it really the case that deviance implies bad? Why is deviance bad? It's similar to deviation, and deviations exists in many things in nature and even in man made objects, in history and in evolution many types of mutations would be considered deviations which end up being good. P.S, you are adorable.
  3. @bebotalk Okay then, we'll agree to disagree and leave this post as that. Have a nice day.
  4. Great video by Daniel Schmachtenberger, hosting John Vervaeke and Iain McGilchrist.
  5. Update, Daniel Schmachtenberger the genius has a YouTube Channel! Like and sub, and comment nice things!
  6. Update, Daniel Schmachtenberger has a YouTube CHANNEL! You know what this means? Like, subscribe, and comment nice!
  7. @bebotalk Why would you assume the person writing this post, or the tweet, is unschooled in terms of contemporary geopolitical trends? What do you mean 19-century thinking? What do you mean economic pioneers don't exist, across the countries you listed? Is Elon Musk, Jeff Bazos, the Sackler family, are not examples of economic pioneers? What about Bruce Lee, who studied Wing Chun partly in China, migrated to the USA, to then study many different martial arts with some philosophy, then created JKD, which now the USA military and Navy Seals use for hand to hand combat, and the UFC took that MMA concept as a business modal, is this not an example? Labor shortages and other reasons, including the death toll of WW1 and WW2 of such countries that needed to replenish their population? People are free to live as they choose, generally, in liberal democracies, which means migrants are free to assault and rape it's nation's citizens with little legal ramification, theft, gang violence, for example Sweden, as they choose? Who can stop them, without violating the rights that are central to such countries' existence and morals? The police? Armed citizens protecting their body? Harsher sentencing? The main problem is not whether economic migrants contribute to a society, it's not making the distinctions between economic migrants that really want to integrate to the country/nation's identity and culture, be nationalists, from immigrants with stage red values, that are egotistical and want money and benefits at the cost of other citizen's well being and happiness, form gang cultures and cartels and mafias, at the cost of harming the native citizens of a country, such as Sweden. How can Sweden distinguish economic migrants with stage blue and orange values, with higher cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, and 9 stages of ego development of conformist stage, other lines of development and ideological beliefs, from migrants with stage red/purple values, with lower cognitive and lower moral development, at ego stage impulsive to opportunist, with more negative personality types/traits manifested negatively, and consciousness lower such that they feel little moral qualms with harming others for their gain? Birthrates are falling from a number of combinatory issues, from females increasingly getting more hyper individualistic, more goal and careers orientated, from getting indoctrinated to have a male centric worldview, to being trained to demonize and dehumanize males from Feminists. Feminism as an ideology cannot stand in it's own merits, but has to also borrow from civil rights movements and parasite off of those movements and communism. Feminism indoctrinates some of the women to think like that, and to value less femininity, motherhood, family raising and the traditional female gender roles. As a result of neoliberalism and capitalism ideology, women are trending to take careers over being wives and raising children, and due to stage orange PUA culture and sexual liberation movements, they feel less shame, less restraint, and less human decency in exposing more and more of their skin, and feeling they can just short term date many men, which makes them have increase in committment to a long term partner, and being indoctrinated with unrealistic expectations of their male partners due to them being so careers orientated that they cannot settle down. Plus, no fault divorce is contributing to the higher divorce rates, and broken homes of the nuclear family, separating children and making them experience the fallout of a divorce and custody battles between husband and wife, having to visit each one, and giving them a bad impression of family relationship dynamics which effects them later on in their adult life. Egalitarianism and Feminism have contributed to the birthrate decline, just look at South Korea and Japan, westernized and secular countries from America. I also will add that nutritional deficiency from industrialized farming of agriculture, farming of say potatoes, tomatoes, other vegetables that are GMO and have sprayed pesticides because at mass scale companies cannot afford using more organic and natural means to pest control crops and those contaminate the soil removing trace minerals and vitamins for further plant growth, as well as industrial animal farms like raising cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, some horses, even goats and lambs for consumption or for other production of products, they are given many chemical injections, to bad conditions which makes them produce cortisol too much which leads to illnesses and weakened bodies, which then get slaughtered and consumed at mass scale. I really don't see why you're misrepresenting, straw manning, and bad faith tactics this person's writing: 'This "post" is based on a very black-and-white and frankly antiquated rationale. It labels all immigrants as "bad" and lacks critical nuance, and is a view from an ivory tower. I get the suspicion that some American conservative wrote this - they often tend to be anachronistic and hold hard refusals to see real details or the bigger picture.' 'I wonder if the person who wrote this piece knows economic migrants. If so, then they might note the nuances involved. I get the feeling that s/he is probably some white, middle-aged, American from the South or Mid-West who lives in a very white community and is outraged from a very conservative/GOP angle.' As him/her having a certain self bias and preference, a certain political and religious worldview, some ideological beliefs which makes them have a simplistic notion of immigrants, when said person already established 3 types of immigrants in his post?
  8. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=710549341136558 Seems he's right and genuine about his feelings with Israel/Palestine, as well as his take on Elon Musk and Lex Fridman.
  9. Pretty good analysis of Elon Musk interview with James from BBC:
  10. An interesting take by Max Karson, AKA Mr. Girl, and his take on the Israel/Palestine conflict, Elon Musk's comment and a bit on Lex Fridman. I am going to analyze his body language and tonality to see if he's genuine or not, or if there's any stress or not: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=710549341136558
  11. Absolutely? Absent absolute ambassador, Amish sent by Yahweh's ain't the path we take, so yah persuaded yourself in this sick way, time for me to dissuade this male maid. I Segway to your abs, flabby, I gasp. No wonder man, Ask burgers why, cuz Burger King likes Aspergers to buy, so much they gas and can't grasp grass jointed. you needed abs, heaven sent free, no pennies and cents, makes sense when you went absolute denial. I freestyle reals, you dream film reels, great careers to choose from, like managing a scam call center. I call BS, like a man aging clams for pearls, since his hurdle is his attraction, can't elope cantaloupe goody breasted fine lasses to drink from his glass, so he got Out Last! Let's dance and toast! You come be the charlatan, I came to be spirit Charlemagne drinking Champaign made from your deceased remains! Like you said, it's your dream come true, so keep it, in the real you think you live like a king in kingdom? More like you king of the hill, grilled, killed, and berried in the hill with eyes to keep you occupied in your I casket, lost in the tombs, lost in Exiled Kingdoms.
  12. People who suffer from what I like to call dunning Krueger, and the dick head effect when it comes to thinking they are the best all of a sudden using A.I programs, and avoid being truthful to themselves and to others. Please share examples of people who are deluded by A.I technology thinking they're a know it all and above critique: Based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, Integral theory and other lines of development, ideology beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, information ecology that manufactures consent, self bias and preferences of being an Australian nationalist. Shad is peak stage orange individualism, and intellectual hubris and too logical and too egotistical to know that he's bad at artz even when his brother Jazza has 4 years of professional art skills and techniques he could have learned from, but no he double downs on his hubris, using A.I programme to upset him. Because of all of that I think Shad is lower in cognitive development, at catetorical thinking similar to atheists and skeptics, lower in moral development as a moral objectivist and modernist, otherwise he would have moe compassion, love and circle of concern, and actually listens to his brother's feedback and be open to being wrong and willing to get the correction, typically a more left brain than roght brain type. I think his personality typing and traits is that of more close mindedness, conscientiousness, disagreeable, probably an extrovert and body intelligence bias due to his interest of HEMA, and neurotic. 9 stage of ego development, I think he's mostly at conformist stage with some opportunist stage ego, and he is egotistical towards even his brother. I suspect a traditionalist/conservative/nationalism bias even though he's from Australia he talks proudly of his HEMA and his family, proudly of his books and him being a writer and how he rrames it is definitely heavy analytical thinking, and his love of historical European martial arts, while having more dominant kinesthetic bias, I think he's more in his head, more active headspace energy than body and heart space energy, which gives this sense of him being a dick haed. I feel like his line of thinking is similar to religious fundamentalists, some aspects of pre rationale stage but also rational stage in that his values are at stage blue to orange, and he gets defensive and unwilling to admit faults genuinely, and if at all is a distraction and faking of genuine willingness to learn. This man even made a video on Nun Chucks whicb is blatantly wrong and highly biased, discounting the striking power and martial arts applications for locks, choke holds and versatility in Nun Chucks, even the 70's Nun Chucks were used by police and criminals who enjoyed the lethality of them such that the government banned nun chucks later on.
  13. @PenguinPablo Absolutely? Absent absolute ambassador, Amish sent by Yahweh's ain't the path we take, so yah persuaded yourself in this sick way, time for me to dissuade this male maid. I Segway to your abs, flabby, I gasp. No wonder man, Ask burgers why, cuz Burger King likes Aspergers to buy, so much they gas and can't grasp grass jointed. you needed abs, heaven sent free, no pennies and cents, makes sense when you went absolute denial. I freestyle reals, you dream film reels, great careers to choose from, like managing a scam call center. I call BS, like a man aging clams for pearls, since his hurdle is his attraction, can't elope cantaloupe goody breasted fine lasses to drink from his glass, so he got Out Last! Let's dance and toast! You come be the charlatan, I came to be spirit Charlemagne drinking Champaign made from your deceased remains! Like you said, it's your dream come true, so keep it, in the real you think you live like a king in kingdom? More like you king of the hill, grilled, killed, and berried in the hill with eyes to keep you occupied in your I casket, lost in the tombs, lost in Exiled Kingdoms.
  14. When Destiny is confronted by his clip of calling for and being pro genocide against Palestinians, he kicks off the guy he's debating in his stream. Again, Destiny, you are the one that caused this situation to happen, and you're the one stirring up and drama farming for content, views, clicks and bait outraged people to visit YOUR STREAM. You are fucking evil as hell! And yes, this journalist guy isn't a saint either, but he exposed Destiny's hypocrisy live, so good on him.
  15. @Thought Art Sure, for the speech and presentation not sure if Hitler lost in that aspect, I think Hitler lost the war more because of many tactical and military blunders, plus keep in mind he's fighting against the western powers like the UK, America, maybe Spain, at the same time Russia to the east. Literally a war on two fronts which is and always will historically be strategically challenging because you need at least one front's border secured and the defenses strong so that army could pivot to the other front and expand offensively, but he miscalculated invading Russia in the winter which is just horrible for supplying and an invading army unless you have good winter equipment one(doesn't necessarily mean winter wars are impossible, they can happen even if poor supplies and equipment).
  16. @Bazooka Jesus Yes, also analogous to me that I'm well built to handle cold environments, but even then cold and raining sucks cuz it triggers hypothermia, especially when it's windy, the breeze makes it far more chilling. Don't mind winters and snows though, probably best winter I had was in Canada, best snow, some are like powder. UK winters sucks because yes snowflakes are a bit bigger, but they don't last long and melt to sludge. There's so much snow in Canada you can go to one of those resorts, and go tubbing, which basically is sitting on a tire and sliding down. Yes, Indian curry is pretty good. Although Indian takeaways are mixed for me, sometimes too much peppers or onions in some of the curries, but sometimes they're great.
  17. @An young being If I stick with my personal life, then yes high humidity, from high temperature from sunshine, to mid temperature and even low temperature, that high humidity still makes me feel more lazy, more tired and even a bit sick, and high humidity just makes me want to lie down on cold surfaces, or take more showers. Can't speak on the objectivity of if in low temperatures and high humidity makes most feel unpleasant and unhealthy, there might be some people who are fine in high humidity, I assume because they grew up in humid environments.
  18. @Buck Edwards Okay, sure.πŸ˜…
  19. A good video showing levels of hatred here, just pay attention to how they communicate, also bonus to how they argue, their body language, their tonality, mannerisms, and see how each person frames and justifies their claims and positions:
  20. Very interesting debate here by this YouTuber that covers Israel/Palestine and does side with Palestine and against Israel causing them this human crisis. Debate opponent is also ex Palestinian now Zionist:
  21. @MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI A complicated looking post. This is basically another form that Mantak Chia teaches in his Multi Orgasmic chi methods, which has simpler and easy to read formats. To be fair, I see you're trying to make your writing and posting style stand out with use of semantics, and mostly syntax changing with your use of line breaks, annotating, numbered item list, bullet points, but it looks like you've overdid on all those fonts and format symbols. So many syntax errors and some grammatical errors I'd be here for a week trying to tidy up this post. One example is you using a bracket and number, but then put a bullet point after, for an objection, which doesn't need both a number and bullet point. Another example is two asterisks with the 'Ta-Da!', a trademarked wording off of @Leo Gura, which is funny as it references a video with Leo saying a lot of ta-das . Overall to me, this posts reads like it's trying hard to be sophisticated, to be university level essay, but there's little substance to write about so you compensate for too many uses of symbols, formats and even emojis that are out of place. However, with that said, good you're generating orgasmic experiences and attempting to share and put into words, into some teaching format what you've experienced subjectively.
  22. @Husseinisdoingfine GREENs can't even make a distinction between transgenderism as an ideology, and Transgenderism as a gender dysphoria. We don't even know in what ratio are children or other adults born and suffer with gender dysphoria versus indoctrinated by peers and others to believe in transgenderism, from some schools to mostly the internet cultures. So how can GREEN integrate some BLUE and ORANGE elements to counter RED, when GREENs are busy antagonizing onto ORANGE and BLUE?
  23. @Nabd So, you're for stricter policing, pro policing, and want more harsher sentencing of criminals including refugees ones, so are you also for more border security and closed borders? So Germany's court system is lenient overall, that a homicide and gang rape, if found guilty with or without taking a plea deal, those criminals get lenient sentences? That they serve 1 year in prison, and because of good behavior or with parole, they get out in 3 months? Don't they have a rehabilitation center for those criminals and prisoners? How is it a new positive for European countries to take in refugees? Sure, if they're selecting for talent or experienced doctors or those with S.T.E.M and other skillsets, who want to migrate to a European country to live that nation and country as their citizen, but some to most of those refugees don't seem to be that loyal to the nation/country that took them in, and some even murder/rape those citizens living in say Sweden. How is this a net positive?