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About Danioover9000

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  1. @Staples You're kinda right, the promise of crypto and it's true nature sounds like an extension off of communism, or that anti capitalist movement, like we can eliminate the middle men, the banking system, and it's just a direct payment between buyer and seller and no corrupt guy or system is between that. Of course in practice it's different like you said because most influencers have massive crypto pump and dump and other schemes related. It's like they don't understand it's just like the wild west, and the apache/commanche wars along with Texans just vying for what land should we get? Which is why crypto must change at it's core from being some ultra powerful unregulated currency into a moderated regulated currency.
  2. @Joshe What a freaking HYPOCRITE! You talk about these 'signs of god' that you're having, but baited me and get me freaking banned from a sub forum because you made it look like I'm some freaking Christian nationalist pointing out how that event and the luck was on a miraculous level? Screw you're fake AF sounding spirituality BEACH! I swear to GOD I will get divine retribution onto you and those that supported you in this LIE against ME!
  3. @Hellspeed 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's actually great, considering what's happening now.
  4. @Joshe Dude you should've gotten your 'worldly affairs' in order before all that, and even then all that just sounds like depression or some mid life crisis.
  5. @OBEler But listen here, more important than that Trump thing...HOW IS THIS THREAD STILL GOING?! The user isn't here anymore to even talk about this!🤣 But even more important than all that, I heard there's ATM machines for crypto. Is that true, is it the new thing now, crypto ATMs? Because I did watch some video were a scammer was trying to scam someone pretending to be some old grandpa but it's a pro hacker that heckles and waste their time and exposes those scammers and all that.
  6. @Schizophonia Yeah thanks for that, all that was just off the top of my head and no weeks or a month of polishing it up. But if you break it down you'll know implicitly who and what I'm talking about. Also thanks for an N.W.A rap song, good group in how they started but it's giving me P.T.S.D from later on when Dr. Dre and the others dissed Ice Cube, which made him release probable the best diss track in that time...😂
  7. @CoolDreamThanks Christ it took you 10 messages until something happened? I'm like 50 messages in and NOTHING is happening to correct my tech issues and missing my content tab! Like WTF?! But like I was saying to other user, IDC anymore and have decided am mostly leaving. I may rarely come back but due to those tech issues I won't be wasting time here anymore.
  8. @Ely Higgins If you really want your account to get blacklisted and deleted, look at the forum guidelines, do the opposite. Maybe that get's you forever deleted from here if you're done with this place. Or if you just want a name change then Just keep on messaging the admin to change name, or a mod to change name, or even call tech support and say you want your name changed. Regardless I will remember your name, it's a good sounding name, and this is coming from me a user being beat down by tech issues and nobody cares to change for a year of complaining from me. Didn't work for me, but don't give up complaining until you really exhaust all options to help change your name here.
  9. @integration journey In Bali I think.
  10. @CARDOZZO I bet you won't last being in Indonesia, the place is very humid and hot.😂
  11. Credit to @Rafael Thundercat for suggesting this video for me to share some body language analysis on: My first impressions on this is yes, her behavior is strange, and right before she raised that sign she was having this 'dubious delight'(a non-verbal tell of feeling some guilty pleasure) or showing smirking(signs of feeling contempt or feeling moral/intellectual superiority) and looking 3-4 times to her right, to the general direction of where the shooter's at which IMO is strange. I also see that after she crouched like everyone, she immediately raised her hands holding the phone and probably taking pictures. I can safely assume that she values social media and values 'capturing the moment', like she values capture the moment of this event and her value IMO is greater than her common sense and preservation of SURVIVAL, like that's my interpretation. Now above is all from a hyper zoomed in footage of her, but if you look at the second footage that's zoomed out it makes sense why she's looking to her right-upper right multiple times, she's actually looking at some people to her left and right, and she's maintaining her personal value of social media and 'capturing the moment'. This is my general take of it and all those conspiracies of this women, IMO falls flat. This to me is another example of people too long in social media speculating and theory crafting like conspiracy theorists. This is why it's valuable to give more context to these footages to contextualize the behavior. My personal best guess about her, these are psychopathic/sociopathic traits and behaviors developed because she values 'capturing the moment' and lives for the social media stuff which makes her behavior strange enough for those to speculate this and that, but really IMHO she's just acting strange than the average normal behavior of other people, my best guess.
  12. @Joshe, oh my gosh! You're such a whiny man bitch! Shit! Hits me up with cancels and censors cuz your sensoria got sore and feelings burned and hurting that much that you felt hate to me deserving? Well, here's me serving this backstory: I was minding me business in a Trump shooter thread, where damn near everyone's just losing their heads and losing to meth, being in bed, fear mongering filling their heads, what the left left them in this red mist despite singing the blues! And yet this green horn hoe felt really offended?!Gosh, I'm not that popular or a star to know this STAN's So upended with drugs and alcohol, that this thing Karens to me, A.I Cap-one! Just look at both @Merkenstein- sorry, @Merkabah Star, that took a star role in my defense than @Merkabah to try and fence in this bossy cu**, meanwhile @strika took a strike outta the cloud -9 which every lefty left stuck in this time! I give'em credit, even if some are biased and cove from red-dit, I'm military based enough to buy us some Jazz Blues, and not Lucy's blue! Why attack me? Why come after me? Why admin and 2 mods administered injustice? Left impressed defending this Imp pressed man child and give me tech issues?! Do I look like tech9, with 3 issues and 6 remaining lives? Do they want me to unload the 6 chambers of secrets I can Basilisk?! They can't handle this dark depression of which I can send them into Mariana's trenches!! A conspiracy afloat, am I @Schizophonia to think this is conspiratorial? Spiritual delete and distort the beef, good grief, hallucinating this fabricated hatred? When I'm the only sane saint amidst CRAZIES?! How sleety and lazy this lion trying to lie at me not knowing this shits happening, when all I see are dead stars outlining this BITCH!!!
  13. IMHO this guy's scare reactions are actually genuine, not fake:
  14. Post and share react videos you found to not be just acting, but genuine reactions and common sense takes: This one to me is a common sense take on Destiny's outrageous behavior, a guy who also is a Dad himself saying all that to a Dad who died protecting hi wife and child, yikes!
  15. This clown show is pure entertainment and funny to me. Look they managed to raise donations for this guy: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiS3JXFhLiHAxXIYEEAHXtSAKsQFnoECBcQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhellorayo.co.uk%2Fgreatest-hits%2Flancashire%2Fnews%2Fjay-slater-fundraising-page-donations-70000-pounds%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DA%20fundraising%20page%20set%20up%2C%2Dyear%2Dold%20from%20Oswaldtwistle.&usg=AOvVaw32OMilNo_0yrss_RzJFLtn&opi=89978449 Who was part of a gang that killed a guy BRUTALLY: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwia1euehbiHAxVKZ0EAHShSAMwQFnoECCMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theolivepress.es%2Fspain-news%2F2024%2F06%2F25%2Fman-who-was-brutally-attacked-by-missing-brit-jay-slater-implores-internet-sleuths-to-help-find-him-as-police-probe-teens-criminal-past%2F&usg=AOvVaw0xPaFkTFwVvZRZanvJOCMf&opi=89978449 Now I'm built different from that victim begging the public sympathy to find this Jay bird slobber. Fuck that! I think Karma dished out divine punishment and he got what he deserved!