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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Doesn't sound coherent enough to be useful. Do you think this will work like a Zen koan or something, by confusing or shocking people awake? In my opinion, it is Just being "deep" and confusing people with dramatic poetry.
  2. Acceptance is the absence of resistance. Hence it's not really a process or thing. It's the absence of a contrary one, if that makes sense. Not sure what you mean by inner silence, but whether your mind is silent doesn't actually play a role.
  3. Purging definitely can happen in dreams. Somewhere it is said if you had to purge all your karma in your waking life it'd be hell. Also, dreams can be a good indicator of how many blockages or karma you have left to burn. It seems that as blockages get removed, dream topics get fewer and fewer until after complete liberation you stop dreaming completely.
  4. @Fountainbleu My heart goes out to you, this seems terrible. And I honestly have no idea. On one hand I'd like to say if suffering is already enormous there isn't much to lose in trying to learn to cope better, on the other hand there can be some tough times on the enlightenment path depending on how you guy about it and how deep you go. I kinda wanna say go for it, because if you do make it it is absolutely worth it. Please message me if you want to talk about it, maybe I can help. I hope I can.
  5. Don't think so, no. I used to follow Jan for a while. The kundalini path is a valid one to an extent I guess but Jan's perspective is limited. All the pearl stuff etc is a distraction from my point of view, chasing of experiences. Very profound ones I'm sure but still.
  6. You talk about throwing aside all beliefs and then you talk about having a metaphysical position. These do not go together.
  7. Please get outta there fast. Like Leo said, don't wait for courage or an opportunity, just make this the only option in your mind and do it.
  8. I am open to being wrong. I have more reasons than Sadhguru's word or anything related to assume there may be truth to what I said though.
  9. He was originally planning to leave after concencrating the Dhyanalinga. Which is why he put so much of his energy into it it damaged him physically. But for unknown reasons he decided to stay, and it's been nearly two decades since.
  10. @BeyondForm Mahasamadhi is a real thing but it is so advanced and rare I doubt you'll ever have to worry about it. It can happen when all the blockages in the person's system (not counting purely physical things) have been dissolved and their energy reaches an immense stillness, which is paradoxically too overwhelming for the body to maintain, so it can leave the body. There are people who've meditated for decades (known examples Adyashanti, Mooji, Rupert Spira, Peter Ralston, Shinzen Young, etc) and had all kinds of enlightements, insights, and experiences, yet they are nowhere near that advanced. It'll take incredible luck, grace, or multiple lifetimes of work to embark upon a state where you're close to mahasamadhi. If you're wondering how this could possibly be assumed, there are energetically sensitive people who can feel into someone's state and tell quite a lot of detail about it in some cases. Sadhguru is there (self-proclaimedly he's had multiple enlightened lifetimes) and his wife actually left the body. And these are the only known examples, out of countless yogis and gurus. So really, don't worry about it.
  11. Yep @NoSelfSelf there isn't much a point after enlightenment as far as I can tell. Maybe if you wanna open the other chakras besides your crown, in the case you used a different method for enlightenment, kundalini is one viable option. But if you've cleared/opened all the other chakras with kundalini your crown is probably open and you're enlightened.
  12. It does sound like you're escaping/suppressing. Mindfulness and equanimity by themselves aren't an escape, if they're applied to what would naturally come up for you, which is sadness, as you say. An escape isn't fundamentally bad of course. You do it because it makes it easier to cope and, I would assume, function in your life. @Ape
  13. There's this phenomenon where you're standing or sitting on a balcony or an edge with a friend and you feel a so-called urge to push them. Or if you're alone you may feel the urge to jump. It's something to do with the knowing of how fragile and vulnerable life is, that it could be over just like that. Same mechanic with what you're describing, I think. The phenomenon is very common from what I've heard.
  14. Don't confuse an experience of ego death with enlightenment. Enlightenment is not an experience.
  15. @Wyatt Eckhart Tolle's technique is basically taking your attention away from thought or head-space and putting it into your sensory world: seeing, feeling, hearing, etc. It's a retraining of attention. It WILL take a lot of energy at first. But over time it becomes second nature. So stick it out. By the way, you could read a book called "Zen Body-Being" by Peter Ralston. It's very good. Especially since you're doing sports! The principles there like relaxing, feeling the whole body, etc go very much hand in hand with being present. So that book is like a two-in-one: calming the mind & being present + enhancing athletic ability.
  16. I think we're in agreement if I understand you correctly, yeah. If you belief in a separate self and don't believe in free will that's incongruent. Awareness can make you see there's neither.
  17. All beliefs are blind and groundless by definition. We have the ones we want to have, that we purely intuit are sensible or "correct", and within the confines of them we evaluate new things. No way out of it, really.
  18. When it comes to matters of direct consciousness,If you think your mind can convince you of x, it's not the real thing.
  19. Being in deep depression is not fun. That's where Tolle was before his epiphany. For every Tolle who awakens after serious depression, many more stay stuck, become self-destructive or even take their own lives. So the Tolle method is not really a method. You can't emulate a spontaneous awakening like that.
  20. The way you use the word "awareness" here can also be called "attention". Attention and thought are completely different. Thought is a perception. Attention is, well, if you want to know, play around with your attention and contemplate what it is. I could give a metaphor of attention being like a flashlight that you shine on aspects of the field of awareness, but I don't really know.
  21. If you hold ego to be the body-mind, that will never go away. If you hold ego to be identification with the body-mind, that disappears with enlightenment.
  22. Rupert's point is very good. The mind telling the mind it has no free will is a big circlejerk. Only awareness can "see" the absence of free will properly.
  23. It takes some practice, but that's the gist of it. Also, are you sure you need 10-15 seconds or just counting to 10-15?
  24. Shinzen speculated mindfulness might actually increase IQ. In his personal experience he couldn't handle math in high school (or whereever) but now after decades of mindfulness training and getting into science he's kind of a math geek. Whether that's purely because of increased concentration clarity and equanimity, or whether those have some relation to IQ, I have no idea.