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  1. That could certainly make sense. So I gather having feeling this strong at such point in an interaction is out of the norm for you? Maybe you can describe in a bit more detail how you feel about him and what makes the relationship working out feel important. It's one thing for me to comment on what you said to him and how he might take it, but I think it'd be more useful to understand better where you're coming from.
  2. Has it been common for you to feel significantly attached early on, like in this current situation? Do you feel you are quick to hope for a new guy you are interacting with to be "the one"?
  3. Based on what you said, I would say you seem to be yearning for attachment security, or in other words, finding a relationship you can depend on for feeling good and taken care of. The guy you're talking to could have a similar thing going on to some extent, I can't really tell. What this yearning means, is that you might feel willing to sacrifice yourself and go to extreme measures to make sure this relationship will work, hence you saying to him you'd give up anything for him. Ask yourself this: how would you feel emotionally if this relationship didn't work out? Can you entertain the possibility of that?
  4. @Annoynymous Ultimately we want enlightenment to escape suffering. So we project onto it the absence of whatever we think is causing our suffering.
  5. @Sizeable Oof The reason Leo says what he says is because he isn't looking at it from a self-biased perspective. He looks at things from the viewpoint that transcends the lense of his particular morality. If we analyze it from that perspective, it turns out that what people consider moral is just a matter of their self-interest. That is not to say we shouldn't want to change the world in accordance with our own wisdom and morality. But the point is - everybody does. There's no inherent evil to anything - it's just a clashing of agendas.
  6. @Tanz Why male? I think women tend to be less in their head and more in touch with life, in a narrowly defined way. More emotionally and socially aware. They aren't building elaborate hyper-logical fantasies in their mind. Why white? I'm not quite as confident in answering that one. I'm sure white people being on average more well-off feeds into it. I get the impression these people generally don't come from lower class economically struggling families, which makes sense, because then they'd realize who such utopia would hurt - them and their family.
  7. @Ponder I am talking about abiding non-dual states. I've been in one for over a year. You still crave in those states, and suffer for it.
  8. @Ponder Real enlightenment, if it exists, yes. By real enlightenment I mean the cessation of all craving. Hitting various non-dual states, nope. You might not suffer much if your life is cozy (e.g. Mooji), but the capacity to suffer is still very much there.
  9. @ExodiaGearCEO Not sure if it's applicable to your case, but the ability to maintain interest in books may have to do with attention span. If you do a lot of multitasking or impulsively use the internet and social media, it will make tasks requiring persistent attention more difficult. There's a constant craving for the dopamine rush of something entirely new and different. Whereas when you practice healthier and more mindful habits with regard to electronics, you may find your concentration ability goes up. Just something to think about, as I've definitely found it true in my own case.
  10. That's not true communism though. What the Soviet Union did was create an authoritative regime where property and the means of production is nationalized, as part of the theory that such system would be a necessary step before communism, and communism would eventually be brought about by the withering away of the state. The idea of true communism has no money or state.
  11. There are actual Sargon fans on a forum about raising consciousness? I'd look for a better source of information than someone who supports Trump to "trigger the liberals", who made fun of the death of a protester in the Charlottesville rally, who tells a woman he "wouldn't even rape her", who is called a great entry point into the alt-right by Richard Spencer himself. I'm not making a political argument, I'm making a suggestion not to follow someone who fails to be a decent human being.
  12. That's true. It's a process of breaking down and rebuilding ego over and over.
  13. Title of the thread made me think of this
  14. @FredFred I think it will, just like Vipassana. I remember Shinzen Young saying it could be good for an A.D.D. person to start off with. You say you've already made great progress with other techniques though, I don't think it's a must. If you wanna try it, do so.
  15. @Emne It does make a difference, I would assume. You should try it for yourself. One longer session might be more challenging/allow you to go deeper. Two sessions might allow you to stay more mindful throughout the day. So try it out and see what you like.