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Everything posted by flume

  1. Now that is an interesting thing to contemplate Just don't. It causes you to either turn against yourself or the world; so it turns sour either way. It's a loose-loose situation, so that makes the question irrelevant. When people are struggling in your presence, they show you how they're trying to get a grip on their own view of the world. They just found life with as many question marks as you did. Don't rob people of their journey by insulting their intelligence. Its like you said here: If they're struggling in your presence, they don't need your insights, they need your support. Focus on love in action and the question disappears. And if you find yourself struggling with that idea or being unable to implement it because you're still preoccupied with who's fault it is... Now that means that you don't need any more insights, just support
  2. 3 weeks of vacation This puts me in the mood of "exceptionally much time for myself" yey! #2 is my fav.
  3. Awesome! Thanks for the book recommendations :-) "Lucid Dreaming" by Robert Waggoner is a really nice introduction to lucid dreaming I find. You can work with what he suggests in there for years.
  4. Really nice song! Immediately reminded me of Dead Can Dance. Their music is really diverse and one of my all time faves. Maybe it can spark some new inspiration. (The entire album is totally worth it. But only at full volume and with no distractions. Thank me later)
  5. Current reads
  6. Super inspiring journal. Following along Oh, and more Iceland scenery pretty please
  7. You calling it unconscious.
  8. I'm all against upvotes, likes and smiley reactions. Let's not turn this into facebook!
  9. @Fran11 Awesome! As a bonus I’d say: Once you’ve picked the energies apart, reunite them again. Learn to integrate the two of them in one situation or action in your life. The other day I applied this by standing in an argument grounded, strong, receptive, fluid and decisive… All at the same time :-) It’s a fun practice! If you can identify both but feel more at home in one of them ask yourself the question: How can femininity enhance my masculinity right now? (Or the other way around) I often ask myself how masculinity can heighten my dace. Or in contemplation, just allow some femininity to inform you and see what it does. The results are pretty badass ;-) Just notice how your awareness heightens when you consciously practice to integrate the two. That’s what I’d call “Love” energy @electroBeam ;-) Bruh. Thank you for that.
  10. I've had many such pulls in my life and usually allowed myself to follow them. They seemed to go into totally different directions at first sight but if I take a deeper look, they all circle around the same basic topic/ interest. Maybe you'll find that music was just one side of a coin you really want to explore in it's entirety, and now it's time for a different one. Have you taken the Life Purpose Course btw? It can really help you plunge into the depths of you most authentic desires. P.s.: It's impossible to not change Good luck!
  11. Get off social media, take deeper breaths, work on your self esteem (Nathaniel Brandens books for example), practice gratitude, live a life of purpose and most importantly: love the part of you that wants to be better than others… Befriend it, talk to it, ask what it’s here to teach you. Nothing bad about it, it just wants to be heard :-)
  12. "The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world. St. Augustine described the nature of God as a circle whose centre was everywhere, and its circumference nowhere. We are all our lifetime reading the copious sense of this first of forms. One moral we have already deduced, in considering the circular or compensatory character of every human action. Another analogy we shall now trace; that every action admits of being outdone. Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth, that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. Yes. Yes. Yes. Adyashanti once said: “It takes all of life for a single body to exist.” You ARE. And yet, you couldn’t know yourself without perception. Everything depends on everything. Form depends on God. God depends on form. Form is God. God is form. Reality is the most intimate thing there is.
  14. Dr. Hawkins 2.0
  15. Sometimes I feel like I can’t cope with the pace at which my life is moving forward. At those times, literally everything overwhelms me and I’m just spending days doing barely anything, sitting around wide - eyed, trying to let my body integrate what is happening. The overwhelm is interesting because I actually live a super simple life. I’m proud to say that I’m at a point where I don’t say yes to anything I don’t want to do anymore. That means anything that’s too much for the senses is more or less cut out of my life because it drains me: movies, shopping, gossip, parties, constant music or chatter, public transport, too much touch, electronics, small talk,… I have organised my life in a way where I have basically no input from the outside world what so ever like the news or commercials. So I live like a grandma. And I love it. I so enjoy living a slowed-down life and being by myself, I wouldn’t want it any other way. So when I’m not working I sleep, read, write, meditate, research, cook, do yoga, dance, go outside, work on ideas, philosophise or catch up with a handful of people that I’m close with. When I am working I’m putting what I’m learning into practice, taking care of people while not loosing touch with myself, communicating properly, connecting with nature, advancing an idea I really believe in and working out my exact mission within it. (I’m the luckiest person on this planet when it comes to my work.) So this makes that basically all of my time is spent on developing myself, which leads to rather big changes in awareness and circumstances… All. The. Time. I’m only starting to notice this now because I’m looking back at old journal entries, thinking: “Wow, I was a totally different person two months ago.” This is a bit unsettling at times, so I retrieve and give my system the time it needs to adapt. Right now is such a time.
  16. Everyone knows salads are healthy but they’re quite frowned upon because they’re usually boring and unsatisfying. So as a salad lover, I gathered some tips on how to make them more enjoyable :-) Start small Vegetables are a lot higher in volume per calorie so you’ll have difficulty stomaching a big bowl of greens for lunch right away. Set an intention to eat one small bowl as a side dish everyday for lunch or dinner. Start with no greens and use a lot of dressing Let’s be honest, the big, tasteless leaves of salad seem super boring and usually prevents us from making one in the first place. So start enjoying your salads without them. If there are raw vegetables in a bowl, it’s a salad in my books ;-) Just eat things you enjoy. Once you’re in the habit of having a bowl of veggies everyday, you can gradually add some greens: arugula, butter lettuce, spinach, etc. Chop them very small in the beginning and you won’t even notice they’re in there. The most important part of every good salad: The dressing You’ll wanna stay away from store bought dressings and make your own instead. It’s actually fun and a lot more versatile once you get the basics down. Here are two of my favourite dressings: 1 Tbsp of tahini 1 Tsp of honey 1 Tbsp of mustard 3 Tbsp of balsamic vinegar 3 Tbsp of lemon juice Some apple cider vinegar 1 Tbsp of nutritional yeast 1 Tbsp of olive oil Garlic powder Dried dill The base of your salad will be mostly raw veggies: Tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, carrot, beet, zucchini, corn, cabbage, radishes and greens. But the key element to making salad filling and satisfying is having a good balance of carbs, protein and fat in them. This becomes especially important if you want to have your salad as a meal, not just as a side dish. If you just eat veggies and a bit of dressing, you’ll probably be hungry again in an hour. Good sources of carbohydrates would be potatoes and sweet potatoes, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, squashes, whole grain pasta, brown or wild rice. Alternatively you could eat some whole-grain bread on the side. For protein I’d recommend chickpeas, kidney beans, butter beans and other kinds of beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, feta or fish (depending on your diet). Some great sources of fat are avocados, olives, all kinds of nuts (walnuts, cashews, etc.) and seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.). Some extras if you wanna go fancy: Dried or fresh fruit like apples, figs and raisins. For winter: Roast up your favourite root vegetables in the oven with some olive oil and put them on your salad while they’re still warm. I sometimes to that with chickpeas too. Sprouts are full of nutrition and give your salad a good crunch. Some pickled cabbage or sauerkraut gives and interesting flavour and is good for digestion. Use all your favourite herbs (I love fresh basil and dill). They’re (again) full of nutrients and pretty easy to grow yourself. Just be creative. There are no rules, really :-) It's easy to forget the basics in all the self actualisation and spiritual work we're doing here :-) Eating healthy will assist you greatly in finding focus to pursue what’s important to you in life.
  17. @Barbella Yes, we’ll go through this until we have the courage to listen to our heart right away without doubting it and learn that that’s the most loving option for everyone. You already know what to do. And you'll grow from it, just be compassionate with yourself You deserve a man you’re crazy about
  18. I started doing Kundalini Yoga a couple of weeks ago at a yoga center nearby. I’m really loving how the units are a mix of (very intense) yoga poses, calming practices, information and meditation… They really take their time (90 minutes) so it feels very well rounded. Most of the kriyas are done with closed eyes, so you’re really bound to focus on yourself. The practice really forces me to surrender every time. But in a very enjoyable way. It’s difficult to describe. Even though I’ve only been doing it for a little while, I can really tell how this kind of yoga has a very real core and (if done right) the exercises are meant to awaken you. It’s not all about who can bind into a pretzel and has the prettiest yoga pants. Every time I leave the studio my mind is very spacious and my body feels activated. So I have to say, I’m impressed. I’ve always just done things by myself because I thought it was silly to pay for these things… But I was wrong :-) This is actually really helpful. I’ve tried a little bit of Kriya yoga in the past and this now really reminds me of it. Anyways, I’ve been a bit sick the past week. For some reason this made me lucid dream a lot more than usually. So while being in one of them, I asked the dream: “What would awakening feel like?” I suddenly felt a hot bright ball of light at the base of my spine, moving in a U-shape, trying to move upI mean… I’ve heard about kundalini energy before but this… Was freaking hot and intense!!
  19. They do seem real if I don't become lucid. It's only afterwards that things seem "off". If I do become lucid, they're not quite as solid as waking reality. It's weird to be aware of how you're making it all up... It's exhausting in a way, but only if you're trying to change things. It feels like swimming in myself. Still pretty new to all of this so it's difficult for me to draw conclusions. I just intuitively know what my dreams mean when I wake up. I'd say they feel like a projection of my mind that helps me become whole, balanced, mature... All the good things :-)
  20. I have the same tendency as your girlfriend and my last relationship somehow went down the same way. So I think one of two things could be going on: She just wants to feel your strength. She wants you to step up and lead her and not be concerned by her nagging around. Her moods are just a test to see how confident you are in what you do and how well you can handle criticism. Read “The Way Of The Superior Man” by David Deida to understand this dynamic. She has trouble with accepting that side about herself and is constantly projecting that rejected side onto you. In that case, she would probably benefit from going to therapy. It’s probably a combination of the two. At least in my case it was. I’d recommend for both of you to read “Men Are From Mars, Woman Are From Venus” by John Gray as well. You’ll need to sniff out if it’s a problem on your side (stepping into your masculine), on her side (working through old patterns), or in communication (like described in Grays book). Good luck! :-)
  21. I often do in my dreams and I write down some of them. Here’s an example: Worlds P. and me are standing in a room with a framed painting hanging right in front of us on the wall. It’s large, almost as large as our bodies and it’s picturing a different world - one you can enter by just stepping through the painting. And so we do. Even though we’re never really communicating and rarely look at each other, it’s clear that we’re travel companions, exploring all of this together. The “room” we enter represents someone else’s world, it’s like visiting someone else’s mental projection of what the world feels like for them. A viewpoint so to say which we can witness without being caught up in it. Every room we enter has more pictures hanging on the wall which lead to different people’s minds. So we wander through 3 or 4 different worlds. I remember C., a client at work, who’s mind seems to be running on train tracks that have no other option but to keep going on the same predetermined tracks over and over again. His mother, carefully watching him in the background, seems tense. She has so much love for her son. Watching him from afar, she’s unable to see what we see, unable to see how his autistic mind really works. Because of that she feels held back from all the love she could give. Love and understanding are one, after all, which this whole dream made really clear to me. In M.'s world we see a group of people doing yoga near a lake. As we come closer we see how she’s talking to one of the instructors, telling him about her troubles of keeping a constant practice. We understood. We really understood, because it seems like for the first time, we were paying attention to the expression on her face and not just her words when she was talking about her difficulties. The entire dream had an atmosphere of safety, connection and zero gravity. There was nothing we desperately wanted to explore or know, the point was just to lovingly understand. The last world I can remember was one with a lot of water again. We were sitting on rocks in a riverbed enjoying the clear water and the suns broken reflection on the waters surface. P. decides to dive and see what’s under the surface. I see how he injures himself by bumping his head against a rock underwater. After crawling back out to his seat in the sun I see a bleeding graze above his right eye. As throughout the whole dream I’m still in a calm, loving, peaceful state. I swim over and gently put my right hand on the wound. My hand is slowly healing the wound and this is the end of the dream.
  22. Divinity in form
  23. @Thittato You look like my lost twin. Blonde, blue eyes, black glasses, nose piercing, woolen sweater and an apartment full of books, plants and instruments. Cheers! Love your style