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Everything posted by Codrina

  1. I've been taking cold showers for half a year,now. I started with heating my bathroom well before I would go in. I would start with a worm shower, then I would go to cold. I did that for a few weeks, then I didn't feel the need to heat up the bathroom (I have no central heating and I started in January, in England). After another couple of weeks I just got under cold water. I would go under it; wet myself; soap away from the cold water, then get under again to rinse. After another couple of weeks I just got into the cold shower and stayed under it for the whole soap, rinse. I still kinda dread going under the cold water, but after the first few seconds it just feels so good. It is one of my favorite moments of the day. And I wash my head as well. No shampoo, just water. (I wear a shaved head) I don't know how much it helped with my immunity, but I used to hate cold. I would shiver and my energy would be sucked right out of me in cold weather. I actually enjoy cold weather now, which is amazing. Pretty sure it had plenty of other benefits as well, I'm just too busy keeping myself together in my current job to notice
  2. Why would an enlightened being look out for the survival of it's current form?