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Everything posted by Jj13

  1. I usually start by googling something like "best books for xxx". Then I read about people's opinions, check them out on youtube, and see what resonates with me. After cross-referencing a bit I find something that is both reviewed and approved by many people and that resonates with me. That I just use Library Genesis and get that book. But that way I can only learn what people already know, it's not discovery of something new.
  2. Yellow/Turquoise reading list: https://themostbeautifulworld.com/blog/ultimate-reading-books-for-human-beings
  3. Here is a couple of book lists I found online. Orange/Green basic productivity/self help book list: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/my-best-book-recommendations/ Blue/Orange entrepreneur/success book list: https://www.patrickbetdavid.com/52-books-for-entrepreneurs/ Favorite books from various successful people: http://favobooks.com/index.php?start=15 List of all books ever mentioned on Tim Ferriss podcast, filtered by guest: https://www.booksoftitans.com/list/
  4. Conscious Awakening Collective is awesome. Really cool books there.
  5. Maybe DET. (DiEthylTryptamine) Or 5-MeO-DPT? They are both fairly unknown and new.
  6. @Matt8800 Do you know of any resource that talks about psychedelics and magick?
  7. Seriously, check out Cal Newport's book So Good They Can't Ignore. It basically states that passion comes from expertise, and not the other way around. Maybe if you started to develop your writing skills, you would start to enjoy writing more. Just a thought.
  8. @Leo Gura Why not put it in the High Consciousness Resources sub?
  9. @Matt8800 So can the spiritually non-gifted (whatever that means) people still do magic to a great extent?
  10. Should all self help book and product reviews be moved to the new subforum?
  11. Maybe you could create a journal?
  12. @Leo Gura Do you have friends? If so, how do you maintain relationships? Also, does friendship have a role in self-actualization?
  13. @electroBeam @Mihajlo Toviovic I'm currently a high school student intending to study theoretical physics and merge physics and spirituality. I think a thread with a compilation of such resources would be very useful. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute one day.
  14. Check out this Youtube channel - The Hated One. He talks about privacy and how to protect ourselves, how big companies take our data and abuse it. As a consequence we end up in an information bubble that they exploit for ads and manipulation.
  15. It would be awesome to see stuff that is practical and big picture but not technical. Like the chapters and phases of life video. More stuff like that would be most useful to most people I think.
  16. It would be awesome to see Leo on London Real. They are getting into spirituality and stuff.
  17. I would take a relapse as a sign of progress. Ego backlash means you have transcended your old self and it pulls you back. Use that opportunity to love yourself unconditionally. It can be a tremendous learning experience. Good luck man
  18. Andreas Antonopoulos - a Bitcoin educator
  19. Let's take a moment and appreciate that we get to be a part of this whole journey. Let's appreciate that we have the opportunity to learn as Leo is discovering and teaching us all about reality. Let's appreciate that we have all the resources, knowledge and explanations on a silver platter. And also we have a great and supportive community of people that evolve together. Isn't this amazing? Discovering actualized.org transformed our lives. Thanks Leo, thanks guys!
  20. Energy work by robert bruce Leo's video - shamanic breathing
  21. I love the idea. But one would first have to master lucid dreaming before attempting such things.
  22. Kind of clickbaity, but the advice is legit. Edit: I didn't read your last post... This may not be the right thing for you.
  23. Did Leo get enlightened by 5-MeO or something else? This time, I mean.
  24. Energy, prana, chi,... What is it? What is it's relationship with consciousness?