Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Notice your assumptions. Oops. My bad.
  2. The book Letting Go by David Hawkins Alcoholics anonymous text book (I'm serious) Some of the work of Don Miguel Ruiz Also worksheets you can find online based on CBT principles. Things like the pros and cons of taking a certain action and how the cycle of thoughts-feelings-behaviour can keep you stuck in a mindset that is self defeating and self sabotage. Not taking revenge and/or immediately stopping all punishment is the performance of advanced emotionally intelligent and mature people. I for one have not reached that level myself. Easy to talk about, hard to achieve. Well worth trying to achieve!!!
  3. This is why you have a problem. Once a day is more than enough. Even once a day is pushing it. Gotta cut down on overdoing it. Do something else if it has started to become a distraction. Or it could be your hormones if you are young.
  4. Drewnows is from a foreign country called USA which is the same foreign country Leo is from. Although I am not sure what foreign countries all the Gods on here are from lol. Probably better to ask them what foreign universe they are from.
  5. I am from England. Which foreign country are you from? My name is Bill W.
  6. If you go down the AA route, stopping alcohol use is only the beginning. AA has more to offer than anyone can realise, unless you have experienced AA for yourself and PUT THE WORK IN. Self honesty (total not just partial), willing to keep an open mind, and willing to surrender self centredness equals success for you in any 12 step programme you choose to engage in.
  7. Lol. I remember the days when you have replied with a big essay. Yeh keep it simple. Don't get riled up. I like it dude.
  8. There is a thread about our location posted in this part of the forum, so that's why I've selected this part of the forum here. I'm not sure if it's been covered before? I'm assuming if the location thread was allowed to run, then this might be okay? Of course, some of us would not see the relevance of this but it does interest me. Not for ego reasons, not at all. I don't mean it to be something where we compete for the most interesting, most "spiritual" or most rewarding job. I don't mean it in anyway to be a measurement of "success". Do you work full time/part time? Do you want to move on with your chosen field or look for something different down the line? I'm hoping answers like "unemployed" or "stay at home mum/dad" will be equally welcomed and valued. Or if you are a student, what are you studying?
  9. Nice. Like that a lot.
  10. I masturbate to porn if single. Have sex if I am not single.
  11. @Aakash What's the difference between all this and monkey mind? Coz it reads the same my friend! With love though. I guess the key thing is that you don't seem distressed with all this?
  12. I want to transcend my ego, although I have a different understanding and meaning of ego to some. If I transcend my ego I let go of fear and anger to a degree and create the right conditions for compassion and humility to prosper. That's my theory.
  13. @pluto @abrakamowse Wanted to say thanks for how you responded to my post on this thread. It's so nice to read that in response to my view on non-dual stuff. It feels inclusive and loving and I actually had a real nice endorphin rush from your replies. Seriously. Felt good!
  14. I got to be honest. The further I go with the more I prefer duality to non-duality. For example, I understand God to be an external entity to myself and all others. My own belief is that it is delusional to think you are God. I know many on the forum will see myself as delusional with this belief. I think we can all still learn from each other on here though.
  15. Be careful who you tell though that you are Jesus. Not everyone will understand that. If you are in contact with psychiatric services, be careful. Anyone who doubts you are Jesus, refer them to for proof that you are Jesus. Same for proof that you are God.
  16. I'm wondering if you'd get anything from these two clips. I love them both. The David Hawkins one, it's worth persevering with it, as he nails it a few times and says some powerful stuff that really resonates with me. The other one, with Adyashanti is very pragmatic, and his delivery is awesome. What Adyashanti is saying reminds me of one of my favourite psychologists of all time (Albert Ellis). It might also be worth your while having a look at some of Albert Ellis' work on things like blame, judgements, and generally holding unhelpful beliefs about yourself, others, and circumstances.
  17. Hi Cetus. Genuine question. Not trying to be a dick here. I'd love to read a more in depth explanation if there is such a thing, whereby the difference of 'belief' and 'truth' can be articulated. What seems to happen is that the goal posts just get moved and someone arguing they have the 'truth' (not you necessarily) then just says 'the truth cannot be put into words'. I've yet to encounter anything that satisfies me that you, Leo, some other Mods and some other members are not presenting their beliefs as truths. Even all this so called 'direct experience' mostly relies on an interpretation by the person. The person interprets the experience. The person then believes that the direct experience is bla, bla, bla or evidence of bla, bla, bla Or another thing that might come back my way is 'you haven't experienced the truth or you are at stage whatever colour' What makes someone like the people I discuss above exempt from having a mind that interprets the experience? I don't believe (or trust?) that someone, no matter how many psychedelics they have had, or how many videos they have watched, can 'cut out the middle man' which is the interpreting and often biased part of the mind, to say Direct Experience is Truth. I believe Direct Experience .... then Interpretation... then equals persons perceived Truth. The exception to this being very physical direct experiences like burning your hand. That is Direct experience and Truth (truth being pain). No interpretation needed. No bias involved. People chasing that they there are God will of course interpret things to back up they are God. This is normal when passionate about something. How does one remove personal bias? How can one remain objective when they have already decided they are God? That they invented everything. That they are Jesus etc? For me that's a belief repackaged and marketed as the 'Truth' To me it's no different to what radical fundamentalists do with religion all be it you guys are probably not fucking people over and are actually spreading love and perceived wisdom. You are always trying to elevate our functioning and generally make the world a better place. But to me good intentions doesn't mean something is 'The Truth' Genuine query. Not mocking anyone. I know I can take it or leave it. I think this forum is tolerant of other beliefs or other 'Truths'. Does any of my query make any sense to anyone?
  18. Hello and welcome. Good luck with everything.
  19. He seems pretty manic. Maybe he is not well?
  20. In the first lot of pictures he looks close to finding out if reincarnation actually happens. Second lot of pictures is Leo watching a Ricky Gervais performance. Third set of pictures is after Leo has inherited a lot of money and spends $1,000 per month on the upkeep of his beard. Thanks for this.
  21. @Shin I get that and agree. I think most people, me included, like to play the "self honesty card", but REALLY, deep down, are we truly being honest with ourselves or are we just saying "nah, I don't need it, not for me....." instead of facing our issues, or what I've learned here is shadow work if I've got that right? A mixture of denial, avoidance, and projection perhaps? Is this kind of what you are getting at?