Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Why is no one getting enlightenment?? Because God is up to his quota on enlightened people. Thanks to too many people are becoming enlightened so God has put a block on it for now. When there are more vacancies up for grabs he will let us know. In the meantime just try and be a decent human being as best you can.
  2. Yes I liked that thanks. I love these shorter videos that just cut to the chase and deliver the knock out punch early. Loved it. Great message ?
  3. Have you ever thought about opening up a bit and saying what's really going on? There might be people on here who can help.
  4. When can i sign up?
  5. He probably means he spoke his truth. There are billions of people speaking the "truth", which means billions of truth's There are battles for who has the real truth. My truth is more true etc.
  6. I remember that melt down. I remember the post well. It was an extreme example of what happens on here (and life!) sometimes.... It's easy being "advanced" when things are going well, harder when things are not going well. I'm working on my Joseph Maynor "fuck you all" demons as well to be honest. He went for the messy divorce strategy. Never a good look. Animal instinct run wild. Took some guts to come back from that though.
  7. I'm not trying to start a debate with you on this, as I respect your opinion, but I personally wouldn't say he was super toxic at all. For me that's harsh. I remember when I first joined the forum he was involved in all kinds of disputes and rants, and then he mellowed and managed to somewhat take a step back from having to be correct. He wasn't the only person heavily invested in his own ideas. He tried to swallow his pride on a good few occasions and sometimes he succeeded, which is no easy thing. I miss some of his input on the general threads. I liked it when he came out from just the journal section to play in the main area I always found his journal mega difficult to get into. His writing style was not for me and that frustrated me as it meant I lost the motivation to read through his stuff, hoping to find a real nugget (and nuggets were there!!!). Then again I have the same problem with Leo's videos. I think powerful, life changing messages, insights, and teachings can be more concise than some people present them as. But that's my problem, not the teachers. Other's hugely benefit from that style of teaching it would seem.
  8. I think Flowboy is from there?
  9. @Zigzag Idiot Thanks for this thread! Here is my contribution today, hopefully more contributions to come. These clips are related to Alcoholics Anonymous but I think the message can be useful even if you do not identify yourself as an addict
  10. @Zigzag Idiot Hey man. Thanks for your input. Yes, the individual stories during the second part of the basic AA text are very inspiring. I've also learned a lot from them. Thanks for the link. It's legit. @DrewNows Thanks Drew. I've watched a few segments and I really like it. Will watch the whole 25-mins ASAP. I knew eventually you would send me a Teal Swan video that I embraced Speak soon guys
  11. Yes true. And if you subsequently fell sick they would have your baseline/normal levels to refer back to
  12. Following this thread now. Can't watch the whole thing now but loved the bits I just heard. Thank you for this. Will check out your YouTube channel.
  13. What about working on the obsession about girls? I mean if its driving you to consider a career change just to meet that need then it might be worth looking at? Is it sex addiction? I haven't read your journal to be fair. I don't see many on this forum basing their career around their primitive needs dude.
  14. Well Leo made this whole video on making a girl squirt when it's basically a girl urinating. There really is no need for any special dramatic technique in my experience. Just normal use of your fingers and knowing what your partner likes. It's no great achievement. Great outcome if you both like it. It's brilliant, but it's not an achievement. Requires no special skill.
  15. Why don't you see a psychiatrist instead of spamming the internet like this. Sounds like your pretty screwed up. Get some help. No shame in getting proper help. Sounds like you more of an addict than a seeker. Take care.
  16. I don't. I Love water sports. There will be others though who may not be so accommodating to urine.
  17. I love these "there is nothing further to discuss" debates that keep on going. At least this one is fairly polite (at the moment lol). May the best concept win Ignorance disclaimer: I don't understand much of it
  18. Why don't you ask a doctor. Get this issue sorted once and for all?
  19. Albert Ellis and his approach.
  20. In relation to what? Or you'd rather not say?
  21. Yes. Leo will not cut his nose off to spite his face, that's my prediction. This will all blow over.
  22. Be careful with this. Sometimes it's urine and you end up with a golden shower, which I actually don't mind.
  23. My son has this actually. He has not had any tests for it and he believes it is stress related. His is possibly a very mild alopecia. Not sure what your is. He also has a tiny patch of hair loss at the back, but so small it's hardly noticeable. He reckons it started during a really stressful time, the difficulty is, the more you worry, the more it might happen, so a tough one. Good luck!
  24. For me, that's one of the best posts you've ever written. That's fucking powerful.