Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Haha. The Aliens were able to verify your fap. Everyone is a winner lol
  2. Were you and your friend fapping together at the time? ?
  3. I haven't updated this journal in a while. For now, I am running on auto-pilot. A dog chasing it's tail. Going nowhere. However, within the context of how my quality of life has been over the past few years, I'm probably running at about 5/10 right now. Somewhere in the middle. Not where I want to be, but a hell of a lot better than living in extreme fear, addiction, and isolation, which thankfully is not the case right now. 13 months clean, 100% free of alcohol and pills, but my workaholic tendencies (addiction) are back in full force. I am not accepting of the fact that I am now in the zone of diminishing returns with the amount of hours I'm spending on my day job. I'm in 95% denial and 5% realisation that this is happening. As I type, I accept this, tomorrow, I will probably wake up back in denial. That's the good thing about having a journal to look back on. (the law of) diminishing returns used to refer to a point at which the level of real achievement (my words) profits or benefits gained is less than the amount of time and effort (my words) money or energy invested. At times like this, I've learned (but failed to consistently implement) to just KEEP IT SIMPLE. To temporarily let go of the "big personal development plan" and just put one foot in front of the other and do the next right thing. With this in mind, I'd like to end on this......... Don't pass the suffering on This is what I will try my hardest to do tomorrow. I (we?) suffer and I (we?) pass it on. Don Miguel Ruiz writes that the human condition is one of an infection that we acquire at about 4 or 5 years old. Passed on to us from our parents or caregivers who themselves are infected. He also writes that we then get full up of emotional poison, we then need to release this poison to try and escape it. Initially, we try to give it back to the person we feel gave it to us, but if we can't do that, we just end up giving it to anyone we can find. So, just for tomorrow, I'm going to focus on managing my suffering without projecting it on to the world. To not be a victim. To not play the blame game. But, boy it's hard to do that.
  4. People believe what they want to believe. No fap. Fapping. No porn. Using porn. None of it really matters. People search for that "A causes B" scenario. The benefits of no fap or no porn are the same as any other time when you successfully introduce some discipline into your life. Whenever you set yourself a target to control your impulses and you succeed, it will feel good and you will think you are on to a winner and want to shout it from the roof tops. You then get people wanting to defend their position. Happens all the time. And some of that will be true. If it works for you, go for it. Fap or no fap. Porn or no porn. It's not important. It's just another way to project your inner problems onto the outside world and you end up playing the victim and/or the blame game.
  5. Porn gets such a bad deal on here! Just don't let it become an obsession. The problem is never the porn and never the fapping. Its like many things in life, be sensible and use in moderation. If you are vulnerable to porn and fapping then work on your inner issues rather than laying the blame external to you.
  6. Thoughts are often not a problem until you act on them or respond to them. I don't think you need to control your thoughts to take responsibility. Action speaks louder than thoughts. I can't remember who said this but it was something like "trying to control your thoughts is like trying to hold a river in your hands" If you try to control your thoughts you are pissing in the wind. That's my experience. It's how you interact with your thoughts that's key. The mind is a master story teller.
  7. Sometimes not everything is so black and white.
  8. I love you Pernani, but for me, it is homo, big homo.
  9. @modmyth I love that. Thank you for sharing it
  10. I've had this sitting on my laptop for a while, I have obviously copied and pasted it from something. I like it. I hope you do too. This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honourably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each guest has been sent as a guide from beyond. Rumi (Translated by Coleman Barks)
  11. Yeh but it I've got this right, she will also have to accept herself as God?
  12. For those keen on the spiral dynamics model. Does it help to try and identify what stage public figures are on? I mean, does it help with your own journey?
  13. Impulse control Not taking things personally Open mindedness
  14. I don't think this clip has anything to do with sexuality but it does have a lot to do with stupidity. So the real headline is.... being comfortable with own stupidity. ✌
  15. Great question! I would say yes as my answer.
  16. You have really nice skin and beautiful taste in jumpers, that's like a Christmas jumper. Good share my man.
  17. To those people who never get offended or take things personally... If the emphasis is on never, then don't be too hard on yourself with the comparison. I'd imagine in terms of people who never get offended or take things personally, I bet this doesn't apply to anything above 0.1% of the adult population. Probably less than that even. To not take things personally or get offended makes you Elite. Special Forces level of self-development. I'm just trying as hard as I can to get better at this, but boy, do many of us like holding onto our resentments and sensitivities. I think it was Wayne Dyer who said that we often end up walking around just waiting to be offended. Looking for it. Searching for it. Whenever I see something in life, on YouTube or sometimes on forums, when someone would normally act offended in that given scenario and they don't.... I think "I wanna be that guy". I admire this trait and skill so much. To transcend being offended. To transcend taking things personally. That's a one way to ticket to serenity.
  18. One of the best shit sandwiches you'll ever see. This thread has it all. The good, the bad, and even a bizarre link to pedophilia.
  19. For the next week or so, among other things, in this journal, I will post word for word some of my favourite passages from my favourite books. These are things that resonate with me on a massive scale, that I try to action and implement in my life. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Ego & Humility • The mind without ego is a fortress. No place is more secure. Once we take refuge there we are safe forever • If you stick to your Truth’s, you will be a new person with a new life. It won’t matter if others do not know the Truth. You will set sail and steer a steady course toward freedom • Do what’s right, accept what happens, and speak the truth Compassion & Forgiveness • Just do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well rested. Despised or honoured. Busy or not Others • If you stick to your values, you can find fulfilment in anything you do. No one can prevent that • In a sense, people are our proper occupation. Our job is to do them good and put up with them • It’s silly to try and escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own • You’ve given aid and they’ve retrieved it. And yet, like an idiot, you keep holding out for me: to be credited with a Good Deed, to be repaid in kind. Why? • Let it not make one bit of difference if other people blame you for doing what is right • Some people with their resentments are like pigs about to be slaughtered. Kicking and squealing until the bitter end • It isn’t me who is harmed by that. It is you • When someone appears to have tried to harm you, rest assured that he’s already been tried and convicted – by themselves Spirituality & Fear • To be the same in all circumstances • Concentrate on doing what’s in front of you. Do it with justice, precision, and willingness. Free yourself from distractions as if it were to be the last thing you would do on this Earth. Stop letting your emotions and thoughts overwhelm you. If you manage this, that’s all even God can ask of you • Don’t be dependent on anyone else doing something or not doing it • What stands in the way becomes the way • The first step: Don’t be anxious. Nature controls it all • If it’s endurable, then endure it and stop complaining. If it’s unendurable, then your transformation will fix it, so stop complaining General • To read attentively – not to be satisfied with “just getting the gist of it” Letting Go • Objective judgment, now, at this very moment. Unselfish action, now, at this very moment. Willing acceptance, now, at this very moment. That’s all you need • Blot your imagination. Turn your desire to stone. Quench your appetites. Keep your mind centred on itself
  20. As we all trudge or sprint toward our goals, be it self-actualisation, enlightment, awakening or whatever you want to call it. Rest assured, no one is right, and no one is wrong according to Don Miguel Ruiz and I really resonate with all his stuff. What do you think of this from his book "The Mastery Of Love". I think it even applies to Leo, yes even Leo is a dreamer. I know this is not groundbreaking or anything, I think Leo even talks about life being a dream? Not sure.... Your whole life is nothing but a dream. You live in a fantasy where everything you know about yourself is only true for you. Your truth is not the truth for anyone else. Every human being has a personal dream of life, and that dream is completely different from anyone else’s dream. We dream according to all the beliefs that we have. Dreams are never the same for any two people. Every dreamer is going to dream their own way. Might be useful to reflect on this snippet the next time you are debating, arguing, or trying to prove yourself right and someone else wrong