Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Wax ones. I use them some times. The key for me is to hold them in your hands for.up to 10mins before you mould them into your ear. They need to be soft and the heat softens them. You need to pull them out very slowly after that as to not cause too much suction in the ear canal. I use these (Link removed by moderator)
  2. Wow that Whale trailer is powerful stuff. I think I want to watch it. Will be uncomfortable viewing I suspect.
  3. So as my main man below would say, if you are full of a sense of entitlement, you are lacking humility. I used to think I was one of the most humble people in existence. Then reality kicked in when I started on my journey of discovery with AA. It was then I realised that I was not very humble at all. In fact, I was walking around with a strong sense of entitlement. What I hated in others, was running wild through my own veins. I'm now thinking what is too much self-entitlement???????? For now, I'm going to run with the Human Rights Act 1988. As long as I am not subjected to a breach on this I am okay in the realms of self-entitlement. I am entitled to life, to be free from abuse, and to express myself (as long as this expression is not harmful to others). I know there is more to Human Rights than this, but if I am going to be truly humble I think I need to accept that I am entitled to my basic Human Rights and that's it. Anything else is a bonus. Therefore, I need to wake up and get real. On the assumption I am not subject to abuse in the eyes of the law, I am not entitled to any of the following I am not entitled to have my work colleagues acting in a way that I approve of I am not entitled to my boss leaving me alone and letting me get on with my work, in a way that I like I am not entitled to fantastic parents I am not entitled to my father having realistic expectations of the help and companionship I can give him I am not entitled to have my sister fully understand the stress I am under in looking after my father I am not entitled to have other car drivers drive with 100% courtesy toward me I am not entitled to members on this forum only creating content that I like or approve of I am not entitled to 100% great customer service from other professionals or store workers I am not entitled to be free from the subject of others gossip I am not entitled to other people realising that they want more from me than I want to offer I am not entitled to other people simply leaving me alone I am not entitled to get to work on time, even if I have left early enough
  4. Thich Nhat Hanh, Osho and David Hawkins
  5. For the next week or so, among other things, in this journal, I will post word for word some of my favourite passages from my favourite books. These are things that resonate with me on a massive scale, that I try to action and implement in my life. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius (posted on 26/10/2019) Dancing With Life – Phillip Moffitt • Mindfulness is directing your attention to something, and then sustaining your attention on that something • Be honest about the suffering you are experiencing which you may ordinarily ignore, or suppress, or blame on circumstances • Let go of the attachment, do not sink into it • To let go of clinging we need to know that abandonment has been accomplished. If you fail to be mindful that clinging has been abandoned, you do not receive the realisation of the release and it won’t significantly impact on your life • Through the practice of mindfulness and letting go of clinging, you discover that living from your deepest values moment by moment is by far the most successful strategy for attaining wellbeing • If there is suffering, then invite the possibility of the cessation of suffering • Each little moment of cessation, no matter how brief, brings wellbeing. Notice whether there is clinging or non-clinging on this moment and observe what happens when you bring awareness to it • In cessation, winning arguments no longer matters • You allow yourself to know what must be surrendered and voluntarily surrender it
  6. Two films I have watched again recently. Both really powerful and give me goose bumps.
  7. I love David Hawkins. His Letting Go book was a huge game changer for me. His LOC is 1001
  8. It was someone else's direct experience that I borrowed lol
  9. The Letting Go book and some of his YouTube stuff on the subject is amazing. Game changer for me. The dating section of this site has a strong element of the blind leading the blind but I know it's an important issue many struggle with. Anyway. This is a good thread to have.
  10. Be careful associating direct experience as some kind of gold standard. I know what you mean about the forum having high regard for direct experience. But most "direct experience" still relies on an interpretation and often an underlying assumption or belief. I've seen a lot of posts similar to "I've had such and such direct experience and therefore it is true". Or "I've had a direct experienced and therefore it is verified". The direct experience is only as valid as the mind that creates it.
  11. Too much sense of entitlement, and therefore a correlating lack of humility. This is the last thing most people want to hear, that they have an exaggerated sense of entitlement and a lack of humility. It's like a double slap on the face. Good that you listed the perks, as I am a great fan of David Hawkin's Letting Go technique. Unless you can identify the pay-offs and surrender them, it's hard to change a self-defeating behaviour.
  12. You have moved out of the journal zone, into the main forum, and now a moderator LOL - You are flying without wings, must be all that coffee, high as kite
  13. There is another thread about Levels Of Consciousness. I don't really agree with it, the way they allocate a level to someone. But....with this post above, you would wreck their numbering system LOL, you would be minus something - probably lower than a corpse lol
  14. Hi Charlie, I must say, I admire your perseverance and ability to not get overly defensive. I think all this rating of LOC is just a manifestation of the human condition which can be highly obsessive and want to catergorise everything in order to understand and justify things. Trying to measure something so subjective into exact numbers just seems nuts to me. I'd imagine or guess that many of the people rated very high on the LOC couldn't care less for it, and they themselves might find it quite over the top and unnecessary. I mean, whose to say someone with an LOC of 800 is anymore advanced than Joe Bloggs who is 3 down in the queue from Mr LOC 800 in the grocery store. Mr LOC 800 might be advanced on YouTube and in their writings and teachings, and then be at home drinking and drugging or beating his wife, or molesting children, who knows. However, I've been around long enough to know that what seems nuts to me at some point, can then become clear later on. You would only have to look at my reading list compared to 10 years ago to see that. I try to keep my stupidity to manageable levels, but it's work in progress, and some times the stupidity is expressed as a reminder that I am still fairly stupid and there is a lot of work to do! There are a good few posts of mine on this forum that back this up! You've obviously benefited from all this LOC stuff and that's all that matters. If anything, the proof is somewhat in the pudding with the way you have managed this thread and discussion. You've kept it from going off the rails and have not spat out your dummy. You have come out of it well in my opinion. For me that's the acid test, if someone is promoting a school of thought, a way of life, or a philosophy, does that person have anything that I want? Has that person got something I want? Are they role model material? Do I admire their work even if I don't fully understand it? And most importantly perhaps, how do they handle adversity? That's a big turn on (in a non sexual way I mean!) I still think a numbers chart for LOC is bollocks for now, but I am above average in stupid, so please for God's sake no one take my opinion too seriously
  15. Most idiotic thread on the forum, How is Leo resisting the impulse to shut this shit down
  16. I'm a mental health nurse, but currently working in a non-clinical role. More of an employment coach, helping people who have been unemployed for a while, back into work and then supporting them to sustain their job. Most of these people have a chronic health condition. Thinking back over the past 10-15 years, every job I've left, I've quit before lining up a new job. People think I'm crazy for doing that. But sometimes you just have to throw the cards up in the air, and see how they fall Plus, I'm pretty shit at job searching and job hunting unless I put myself under a bit of pressure by first quitting the current job lol Anyway, I've always done it this way pretty much. Never been out of work, not even for one day. That could well be good fortune more than pure skill
  17. Interesting that your last few posts have been about codependency. I'm currently going through this excellent book for a second time. It's 12 steps approach on addiction but many shared principles with all kinds of codependency.
  18. Haha. All good my friend. You can do no wrong in my eyes
  19. Thanks for this, I've downloaded The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer on Kindle. Never heard of it before, but looked good.
  20. Thank you. I only found this clip today. I even thought it was a man's voice! I just took a closer look and it's Joyce Meyer like you say. I'm going to look for some of her other stuff, thanks for your input here my friend.
  21. THIS THIS THIS AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN a stunning 10 mins
  22. Is mental masturbation like this thread going to be clamped down on at some point? I know I don't have to read them but it clogs up an otherwise very useful forum.