Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. As Osho would say, God is not a person, it is a law.
  2. The concept is spreading
  3. I think it was just his out of office reply.
  4. Yes but almost all "direct experience" relies on an interpretation of the mind as to what you decide that experience to "mean". You cannot short circuit this. You cannot remove your inbuilt bias. Your direct experience will mean whatever you want it to mean. If you want to believe you are God and everything is one, then that's what you will believe, and you will call it a direct experience because not many people want to accept that their views that they work so hard to maintain are nothing but a belief, just like children want to believe in Santa. Exceptions to inbuilt bias and interpretation would be things like pain, where your direct experience of pain if you put your hand over a burning candle would in fact be a proper direct experience that is not contaminated by bias or beliefs. Here you would have a true direct experience without interpretation/bias. Someone with Bipolar in a manic phase may very well have a direct experience of being a genius, or a whizz in the stock-market and refuse all dialogue on it being a belief. This is the same as nondual beliefs. It's an idea. It's a concept.
  5. I'm intrigued that the term direct experience is used somewhat as a get out of jail card to try and highlight that a belief is not a belief! Belief is like a dirty word. Like a put down. Some people believe they are God. I get that.
  6. Yes and also that we are all God which is a belief that people do not want to accept is a belief. They write as if its beyond dispute ?
  7. This is an illusion that I also used to suffer with. It is the egoic mind playing tricks. Love is the way.
  8. Maybe the forum has too many pictures uploaded now. You could open an instagram or something and just provide a link to the pictures you want to upload and let forum users click the instagram link to see your pictures? It might save the forum getting swamped in media uploads?
  9. That's nice. Is that all your own wording or borrowed from somewhere? Either way its brilliant and true
  10. Yeh but I have no paperwork so I am not the best identify thief going lol
  11. You are like the pantomime villain of
  12. Point taken but describe the "awareness of no-thing" if you can please? And also the definition says Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” are we not always aware of "some-thing" during all our waking hours? Whether we are being mindful or not?
  13. This is a great candidate for Leo locking the thread with the comment "just do the work" and possibly with an extra comment of "enough of the pointless speculation" or even "quit focusing on others and just sort yourself out" Anyway that's my shadow displayed here! Writing a comment that really serves no purpose other than to out down this thread! Sorry!
  14. I actually prefer this definition "to engage in contemplation or reflection" to this one "Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” while meditation is the awareness of “no-thing.” The latter definition to me is just a cop out.
  15. So i guess the definition for mindfulness meditation would be the awareness of some no-thing? The do nothing technique people sometimes refer to is a strange one. Because if your intent is to do nothing then you are actually doing something. Anyway for me meditation is about giving monkey mind some gardening leave.
  16. On a lighter note I used to think people who sat in alcoholics anonymous meetings most nights of the week were insane. I would think this when I was at home getting drunk or in the pub drinking. Now i think the people in the pub are perhaps the insane ones and the people of AA are the ones who have woken up! In relation to the good quote you said at the top.
  17. Hey man. I'm not sure how the thread title links to your actual post as they seem unrelated unless I am being dim which happens all the time lol But try telling the bereaved parents of all the young people and not so young that end their lives through insanity that it's something to be grateful for! But I'm pretty sure this is not what you mean but the title of your thread pushed a button if I am being honest rather than just projecting at you.
  18. Why, has that happened to you? Did you end up off the scale stupid? I haven't tried it on purpose but I would imagine it can help remove distractions and allow for a more uninterrupted deeper self exploration possibly. For us it might seem crazy to be celibate but for those practising it, maybe we are the crazy one's for not being celibate ?
  19. Actually they are not. There are laws that help protect people from unwanted attention and harassment. Some people just want to go to the supermarket and get on with their shopping. If you get stopped by a security guard in a store for playing this game then it's a wake up call and time for a rethink.
  20. I vote for Leo to do videos whenever he chooses and lose this weekly routine. It's like a line up of people begging for scraps. He has said time and again he doesn't like coming on here and seeing people standing around with their tongues hanging out like a dog waiting to be taken for a walk.
  21. The mods are in green because they care about the environment. Not sure why Leo is red.