Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Yes they are. On this forum you are 100% responsible for your actions, how you are feeling and your beliefs and Leo is 0% responsible for your actions, your beliefs and how you are feeling. You are not here under the care of Leo. He is not your doctor or nurse. This is a school in an informal sense. You are a student in an informal sense. I don't even resonate with Leo much so I'm not some groupie just showing loyalty for him but let's it get right here, Leo is no ones Guardian or Carer. It's an internet forum and virtually a chat room.
  2. @Surfingthewave Thank you very much my friend
  3. Had a feeling yours would be less wordy than mine! Yeh thanks. I like that.
  4. @Nahm For me Nahm it means that there are less hurdles to jump over than I fear there is, or as we say in AA, the hoop we need to jump through is wider than we think. That it's not just one way traffic and an uphill struggle. The increased peace of mind I'm chasing is also chasing me if only I can get out of my own way to receive it. And for you? What's your take?
  5. I've only watched a couple all the way through, and they were the older self-help type. I can't watch any of the new ones. They are too long. Interferes with my Netflix consumption. Love the forum though, and I'll always have time for Leo's "take responsibility and stop being a victim" ethos. I love that side of him.
  6. I'm not sure if we are all clear on what embodiment is? Can you clarify? I'm not trolling you. It's interesting. My understanding is that it means to make something more concrete, observable and measurable? Surely Leo would be unable to do this even if he wanted to? This whole nondual concept cannot be proven one way or another. You either believe it or not. I assumed that with Leo's teachings you take it on faith that he is right or you dismiss it as you see fit. Up to you. He always says if you don't resonate then look elsewhere. He actually let's people like me run around on the forum from a pure self help side. I'm grateful for that. His teachings cannot be proved one way or another surely? Well there is the whole 'direct experience' term, but that is flawed as well because all direct experience has to be interpreted by the mind first anyway. Direct experience is grossly affected by self bias. Lots of his ideas and beliefs cannot be measured. There is no test to see if he is right. I also don't think we can expect him to flood his videos with warnings. Warning of what? That we might not like it? That we will have nightmares that we don't exist?
  7. Yes okay. You are speaking for yourself. Totally respect that. I realise that you are not respresenting anyone or speaking on behalf of people and just conveying your own personal opinion. You know what they say about opinions... we all have one
  8. Have you tried the jokes part of the forum? You will get your needs met there maybe?
  9. I get that. You've already summed it up though to a degree. He cannot be objective if he is passionate and motivated by what he teaches. Unless we view objectiveness on a scale. He could be somewhat objective but not totally. If someone is sharing what they think is Truth and what works, being totally objective is probably not a priority for them. I guess you would need to remove all personal bias to be totally objective. Impossible (virtually) in my opinion. Not disagreeing with you. Some good points your raise. You are right, most things can be dangerous to various degrees. Going to church can be dangerous, reading content on here could be dangerous. A lot of it would depend on the underlying vulnerabilities of the "consumer". I'm not suggesting you are arguing different here, but I for one, do not attribute any responsibility to Leo for safeguarding people's vulnerabilities. Now, if he went out of his way to exploit and put people at risk, that's different. But I've never seen a shred of evidence for that. There are other seemingly responsible moderators (in my opinion they are all good, compassionate people) that can also help guide people if they come off track and/or are disturbed by any of Leo's content, plus there is the whole mental health subforum. These factors don't reduce the risk to ZERO, but what will?
  10. I always wondered there that quote came from. I think I first heard it via either Wayne Dyer or Les Brown.
  11. Okay, I read your post again Do you think Leo should embody warnings throughout the whole video presentation? You allude to this, but is that what YOU would like? Are you suggesting that a video full of warnings would hit someone's subconscious to a degree that danger would somehow be avoided? Do you think there is danger within his content?
  12. I'd be really interested to hear more about this, either on this thread or elsewhere. Do you have a journal? Also, I'm glad suicide is not currently high on your agenda. I hope it stays that way for you.
  13. You write about "not going to change anything", what is the change you refer to? What is the context to the change talk?
  14. I have developed three questions to ask myself when my peace of mind has been disturbed. I got this idea from a mixture of Osho, Don Miguel Ruiz, Albert Ellis and Alcoholics Anonymous. Osho refers to following "the law" in his book The Buddha Said. Osho writes that when we feel like shit it is because we have gone against the law and we need to reflect on how we have gone against the law. He says don't be in conflict with the law if you want to be happy. So, if I am upset or otherwise agitated I come back to these three questions. Every time, at least one of them applies to my upset, and my upset is a warning sign that I have gone against the law. 1. Am I sure? 2. Have I taken something personally? 3. Are my demands out of touch with reality?
  15. Imposter Syndrome. It afflicts us all at one time or another.
  16. You are talking in riddles my friend. Not sure if it's a language barrier for you or you intend to write this way?
  17. Not disagreeing with the sentiments of your post. I agree, it's worth trying to experience something directly than to rely on hearsay. However, this talk of direct experience, as if it is the Gold Standard. Direct experience has to be processed by the mind first. Your so called "direct experience" will have been modified in an instant to reflect your individual beliefs and expectations. Direct experience is subject to huge in-built bias that you cannot escape. It doesn't make direct experience worthless or not valuable, but equally, something isn't of high value just because it's "direct" experience.
  18. In this journal, I will post word for word some of my favourite passages from my favourite books. These are things that resonate with me on a massive scale, that I try to action and implement in my life. So far in this journal I've posted the following Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Dancing With Life – Phillip Moffitt And here is The Buddha Said - Osho • In terms of your needs, attachments and clinging, you simply don’t cooperate anymore. One must drop out of the relationship • Whenever there is a need to respond, the first thing, Buddha says, is to become mindful, become aware. Remember your centre. Before there for a few moments before you do anything. You remain tranquil and silent, simply alert – watching the situation as if you were absolutely out of it, aloof, a watcher on the hills • Learning is not just collecting knowledge, it is not just collecting information. Learning must change you. It is spiritual surgery. Much is rotten in you and must be renounced. You must cut off relationships with many things, with many attitudes, with many prejudices • Help people, show compassion and love. Let it flow because it will be coming back. Don’t be bothered whether or not this will pay off right now. It pays, and it pays tremendously • Anger is so easy; so mechanical. You need not have any awareness for it. Buddha says, try: When somebody insults you, remain calm and quiet. Don’t miss this opportunity. This is an opportunity to get out of your mechanical world, this is an opportunity to become more conscious. The person is giving you a beautiful chance to grow. Don’t miss it • The Buddha said: Meekness is most powerful. Jesus says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. The statement looks absurd, because....... the meek? • When Buddha says meekness is most powerful, he means one who does not exist as an ego is meek. One who does not exist as an ego cannot be conquered, cannot be defeated, and cannot be destroyed. He has gone beyond. “Nobody can defeat me, because I have accepted defeat already” • Buddha says you are not lacking in anything. In fact, you are possessing too many things which are not needed. You must drop things
  19. WE ARE ALL DREAMERS As we all try to move toward our goals, be it self-actualisation, enlightment, awakening or whatever you want to call it. Rest assured, no one is right, and no one is wrong according to Don Miguel Ruiz and I really resonate with all his stuff. What do you think of this from his book "The Mastery Of Love". Your whole life is nothing but a dream. You live in a fantasy where everything you know about yourself is only true for you. Your truth is not the truth for anyone else. Every human being has a personal dream of life, and that dream is completely different from anyone else’s dream. We dream according to all the beliefs that we have. Dreams are never the same for any two people. Every dreamer is going to dream their own way. Might be useful to reflect on this the next time you are debating, arguing, or trying to prove yourself right and someone else wrong.
  20. Main thing is to just relax into it. Try not to over pursue or try and force anything. It's not a video game or the January Sales where you have to buy now or risk missing out on a great deal. No one is keeping score. Just show up, be nice, and don't take anything personally. Most women have been over exposed to creepy and desperate males. I think it's worth having this in mind. Just don't come across that way and then you are already half way there.
  21. Some of you on this dating section put yourself under a massive amount of pressure! You write like you are a 50 year old virgin who has asked out 3000 women and they've all said no! You are only 18. Instead of forcing the issue you can just live your life, work on yourself, be a good person, and the right woman/partner will come into your life at some point. Some times on this section of the forum it reminds me of the film 28 days later, with those zombies running around super high intense looking for victims Anyway best wishes with it. Crack on my friend.