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Everything posted by dinone

  1. Just don't blindly follow any teaching so you don't end in their own maze chasing their "cheese". Find the way out of your own maze. Leo's teaching is great source of understanding covering some great life topics. Google, read books, find a real life friends to talk about stuff you are interested....
  2. Why not just drink matcha green tea. One serving of matcha tea is the equivalent of 10 cups of regularly green tea.
  3. @outlandish Thanks for sharing. At the link provided.
  4. Only 62,670 views on youtube for this really important video.
  5. That is good recipe for self-destruct kid.
  6. Contemplation is useful for self-reflecting. Asking questions like who am I really? What do I want in life?.....
  7. I believe that belief is everything, whether you believe or not. From the first time you open your eyes till the end when you close them.
  8. Yes. Watch his earlier videos. Key is just more understanding. Nothing more.
  9. Why are you triggered with other persons beliefs? You have a belief that his stories are beliefs?
  10. Interesting to read all of your perspectives.
  11. In practice: Put hand into fire- direct experience You just added new belief that hand burns when touch fire. Can you trust it?
  12. It's just his personal experience, now a belief.
  13. That is strange. Sometimes i have moment of feeling that I've lived that moment before, but from that moment life went into different direction.
  14. Good advice. Be careful.
  15. That is they reflection of how unsure they feel about themselves.
  16. This is more black and white thinking. People are more and less insecure. Depend of they situation and experience.
  17. So why do you doubt you self?
  18. Patience guys. Still uploading..... see...