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Everything posted by Alfonsoo

  1. @Jay Ray I would prefer to keep the conversation here so others can see, they might find it helpful
  2. @Jay Ray Alright, so I made an agreement with the person. I will show the them a piece of information like a spiral dynamics article, or a transexual explaining how they feel, or similarities between religions and the person will give me information from their perspective like the bible and passages interpreted as is, blue propaganda, etc. This way I get to really understand their world view and I get them to start exploring or at least acknowledge there are different and similar world views to -insert religion- (in this case catholic). And they might start to appreciate how they’re just one worldview, and how they were raised could have change their entire belief system etc. And i feel this way love practiced, as i’m not judging or telling them they are wrong but trying tu understand them.
  3. @Nahm would trying to change them be fruitless? how? Of course I don’t want change them just because our psyche doesn’t align, but I genuinely believe the can grow even though they might not see it. Instead of truth I would say Infinity, God, selflessness, lack of ego, Love, maybe freedom.
  4. @Nahm i would reframe it like this: if someone is so deceived that believe that what the Bible and christianity preaches is what should be done and the highest level of achievement and consciousness is being as Bible God said. (and don’t question)
  5. @Nahm what do you mean? (sorry english is not my native language)
  6. @Jay Ray I’m getting into a lot of dead ends when the argument of “the Bible says so” comes up. And I don’t think saying that just because a book says doesn’t mean it’s true would help the situation. I think they need to realize that by themselves but how to help them get there
  7. @Leo Gura but how can they get to that if their attachment to religion and blue values is the very thing keeping them away from growing? They’re rejecting the one thing that will get them unstuck. And they probably don’t want and will avoid being helped. Maybe even consider the helping a threat.
  8. @Jay Ray Thanks a LOT, i’ll definitely try this, but you think this would be effective with someone who is extremely and deeply in love with their christianity. i’m not talking about the usual believer that goes to church on sundays and that’s as far their religion goes (the rest being general blue values). This person is way too deep in the religion. Knows the bible backwards, wants to talk about god all the time, is quite active in church activities (you know what I mean) HOWEVER, the person seems to have some green spiral parts. The person is not racist and all that, seems to be on the more loving and open minded about some stuff (like homosexuality, and nonbelievers, etc) but specifically about the religion (christ, will, spirit, the history and all that), the devotion is very deep.
  9. I’m starting to see a girl who is very religious (catholic) and ass you guessed i’m not, quite the opposite actually. I’m quite liberal and accepting. I’m pro choice (which she’s not) i’ve got friend all around the sexuality spectrum etc. I fear we are going to clash. I think i have no trouble accepting her (being devotes and all that) I’m willing to work around and try to figure out middle ground your our differences but i don’t know if she will.
  10. Isn’t it worth it at least as an exercise for Love (with capital L). Maybe i’m just trying to give my self excuses but i’m sure there’s some teaching I can learn out of it. I guess
  11. I’ll give you a little bit of context: I’m male, 19, divorced parents since very little (probably when I was 5). I stayed with my mother, my father disappeared form our lives (he still alive though). My mother she has Avery dominant personality but as in that kind of imposing personality that comes from lack of confidence, resulting in an abusive behavior. She is very explosive and gets angry impossibly easy. Always shouting and fighting with cashiers, employees, or really anyone who does something she doesn’t agree with. From conversations we’ve had about her childhoods and not so young past, she feels neglected by her parents and really felt out of control as my grandparents had a favorite child and it wasn’t her. She was a perfect example of a middle child. She has a cousin which my grandparent really cares for and I feel my mother gets very jealous, it is a very touchy subject. The struggle for acceptance, plus the divorce many other smaller problems made her have a really troubled and mistrusting personality. I feel like she lashes out and takes out this on people, specially me (because she knows she can’t fight to much with stranger cause they can fight back). She is extremely manipulating with me and always emotionally blackmailing me, at the same time she is overly overprotective and doesn’t trust me at all, even though I’ve been quite a good son (you’ve gonna have to trust me on this one) I know I’m no perfect son, but who is anyways. I consider my self on the more responsible spectrum of kids my age. For me this has resulted in a very insecure person. Through out the years (after I started to realize how my mothers way of rising me affected me) I started to seek help online (no personal coaching though) and I believe I did a pretty job of fixing my insecurities. Now I have a girlfriend and a couple of very close friends, many more that aren’t so close, I’m very healthy physically and mentally. I like studying subjects like spirituality, health, music, cooking, physics etc. (Basically I’m a healthy normal person now) however the abuse continues (and continues to get worse as she grows old and even more intolerant). And us trapped at home because of the COVID really took problems next level. I’m only looking forward to moving out for college to escape her. The main two reasons I want to study away is to get away from her and cause schools aren’t really that good here. And it’s sat thinking about how I need to distance my self to keep her from hurting me. I don’t think there’s been a single day we didn’t fight (this is serious). Ind I’m fed up with let her step over me but I need help figuring out a way to manage this situation maturely and effectively. Now, you’ve gotta consider I’m still financially attached to her (things work differently in my country regarding this, kids rely on parents for money until much later) and I know first things first I have to solve that to cut her off, but meanwhile what can I do? very important, there never was physical abuse from either parent . Maybe there was I’m my mind is blocking it if but I doubt it. To my knowledge there was none.
  12. What happens to the body after Maha Samadhi? Is there a documented case? How would an autopsy show the cause of death? Is it like deleting system 32 in a computer? Does your brain just stop sending signals? Do you become a mindless machine but biologically still alive?
  13. how did we got from infinity to being with a limited perspective and finite. I conceptually know that we/I are actually infinite, but then why am I here with a limited perspective and not fully blown inifinity
  14. @Leo Gura well yeah of course, but for the sake of the question, even if it’s metaphysically incorrect to say it like that but for another person who is in the materialistic to find someone who just did this, how it would look? sorry if I still don’t get it, and the answers the same.
  15. I did 100 ug of LSD the other day, or at leas i thought, ended up being way stronger than expected. Tripped under slightly irresponsible conditions: did it at night home alone and kind of rushed decision because i had such a good time my last trip (with some coveted mild anxiety), i had nothing to do and thought i might just as well do some LSD (how reckless of me) . And i kind of wanted to impress and convince a friend to try LSD by reporting to her next morning and telling her how it went (TRIP REPORT STARTS HERE) long story short, I ended up in a bad trip, according to my estimates, right around the climax. I was in a loop: I was lying in my bed (not paralyzed but idk why i didn’t try moving) and a little winged demon would come and stab (didn’t hurt though, idk why but it was still horrifying) and for some reason it came to my mind that the only what to make it stop was to stop DISTRACTING my self and face it head on (i had to let it go, let it kill me, probably leading to ego death). How ever I had my phone next to me and whenever I went to my phone to distract my self from the suffering it briefly stopped and the demon would disappear, but suddenly come right back and keep on stabbing me. And this would repeat its self and I think the message here is fairly clear. And for some reason I would feel bad I wasn’t complying. Feeling bad like letting a bad thing happen to a friend kind of feel. Now, I managed to get through the trip like this. And even though that trip was a tough teacher I plunged into ego backlash. My diet got terrible. the little spiritual practice i did stopped, I even reduced my content consumption from @Leo Gura. How ever I did notice that on the following months I got a LOT more open minded and got in touch with understanding my and other’s feelings. I consider i’m still on this downward spiral of ego backlash (it’s been almost 6 months). How ever i feel it’s coming to an end, i suddenly feel the willingness to meditate again and the sudden self inquiry thoughts started popping up again. I hadn’t done proper spiritual preparation before the trip. Now more than ever i understand the dangers and potential of psychedelics. When the trip ended I really felt safe, like at the end of a horror movie when the sun starts rising and finally there’s some light and you know the killers dead. The other part of this post is that i got really curious about thought loops after that. I found a REDIT post asking for someone to describe a thought loop and an answer really got my attention. After explaining how they worked the person then said that he recommend to do whatever you can to distract you off the loop (video games, tv, etc) exactly the opposite of what I felt i had to do to escape. It seem very interesting. I left a screen shot of the post. Also, I found the nature of the bad trip loop scary similar to the Hell depicted in the Lucifer show (Season 2 Ep. 13) which shows sinners looping through whatever sin they felt guilty of and the only way out was to no longer feel guilty. Which I imaging is forgiving your self, acceptance , self love. In my case I felt guilty of distracting my self, letting my self indulge in the addictions of life knowing I have to let them go and that I should be doing way more spiritual work. Im not asking for anything here, I’m just letting this off my chest but feel free to give some insight, especially on: if all bad trips (or most) have this loop like nature?, can I expect more experiences like this, digging out guilt? How can I “practice letting go” to allow the ego death. How does (lack of) SELF-LOVE plays a role in this bad trip?
  16. @Leo Gura I did notice music works wonderfully for molding my mood, thus the tone of the trip, however, wouldn’t going outside, music, a bath etc. still be a distraction? Maybe it’s my lack of experience and maybe loops like this aren’t that big of a deal. But the level at which i’m currently at they seem like a big obstacle and some research and a hunch of my self tell that behind that loop is some knowledge/ mystical experience and i don’t really feel like i should avoid it. But pushing through seems ridiculously painful and difficult.
  17. @Marten how do i get ready or know if i’m ready?
  18. @AlwaysBeNice It does feel like sometimes i’m in a real life, sober endless loop of distraction (technology filed, just like my bad trip), of course without the intensity and extreme nature of an actual trip. How ever I can’t find my self a way out. Of course I know what I have to do (the spiritual practices) but I just can’t break loose of the addiction (and maybe laziness).
  19. Could you make some sort of guide or tips for manifesting. And could you give an example for things from different fields. ex: how to manifest a relationship, how to manifest a stable financial situation, how to manifest a car, how to manifest the end of coronavirus (idk). Just some examples that are not necessarily money or physical stuff.
  20. @allislove Last thing: when i write stuff down how specific do I need to be. The acne example is a bit to simple but, for example, if I’m trying to manifest a partner (girlfriend,etc) do I need to write how she looks, her personality etc. Or just write “I have a girlfriend”.?
  21. @allislove Also, I read somewhere that once you’ve got your objective, you need to start taking actions you think are going to get you towards the goal. Like you said about the clean diet for acne. Also i read that if you let people know your trying to manifest it will interfere, idk if that’s true or will it only be try if i believe it.
  22. @allislove By resistance you mean something like this?: Let’s say I have acne, so i write in my dream board “i have clear skin” but I deep down “know/think” I don’t have clear and actually have acne. That train of thoughts is what you would call resistance? Does meditation help get through this negative thoughts, which claim to be the truth?
  23. What can I do? Should something be done or can I even do something? What’s a conscious way of approaching a situation like this.