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Everything posted by OctagonOctopus

  1. Used to listen to this one a lot, throbbing gristle definatly had an influence on my music. Oneohtrix Point Never's ablum Replica is a good one The band that really made me want to create my own stuff though was Boards of Canada Music has such a profound influence on culture, it is fancinating to contemplate about all the different types & the kinds of people that listen it. You could start making music to spread any kind of message you want, and if it is something that touches the people, you will move mountains.
  2. @Nahm Love your website, you are doing a great job with it!
  3. @SamC Narcasism isn't part of the personality types in my opinion, narcasism is ego. Yeah, perhaps some stages are easier then others to get threw depending on personality type. I think there are many different reasons why each person is on the forum, to find ways out of suffering, to understand things deeper, to find healing, to search for the truth, to uncover their passions, to help others find themselves, to be part of a comunity, etc.
  4. @SamC Not saying that personality doesn't influence worldview at all, of course it does. What I am saying is that spiral stages don't have set personalities that are at that stage, I think any personality type can be at any stage.
  5. @Onelove Spend time really feeling the emotions, to understand them, to be able to flow with them. What is this emotion showing me? What is under it? What beliefs are connected to this emotion? How can I channel this into something useful, beautiful, or constructive?
  6. That is typically what happens when someone isn't into you, they don't have any obligations to you. They are probably out there meeting more people, like what you would want to be doing if you wanna find someone who really is into you. They were not into you, & that is ok. Would you want to be in a relationship with someone who is not into you? No, of course not. So get out there, go meet lots of people. I would spend some time deconstucting the beliefs that you are not worthy or are ugly. Why do you belives this? Where did this belief form? What is its function?
  7. I don't think personality and spiral stages are related in this way. Personality is more like how the person who you are likes to express themselves. Spiral stages are more about how worldviews grow over time, you take on and integrate more perspectives the higher your spiral stage is.
  8. @Onelove Yeah that makes sense. Rather then letting the emotion do you, you honestly communicate how you actually feel, or find a way to allow the energy to go into something constructive, to be expressed as something beautiful.
  9. @Nahm I do agree that expression is the way, but I also feel sometimes people fall too far one one side where they just let their emotions burst out at the expense of others. Like someone is angery so they scream at me instead of healthly expressing their anger in a constructive way. I feel this way is actually suppressing the emotion, by trying to release it into the other rather then feeling it for yourself. I guess what I am trying to say is that, expression is the way to healing, but the way in which you express the emotion, they way in which you channel it into something shows how healthy your relationship to emotions is, yes?
  10. @Vision I feel it is more so the other way around awakening makes development easier, awakening gets you to realize what is true, & development is a lot easier when you are in line with what is true. You are painting a picture called you, and it is perfectly what it is, to change it is alright & to not change it is alright. Not being attached to needing to change or needing to stay the same makes everything a lot more enjoyable. Developing yourself can also make awakening easier as well, as there might be less neurotic stuff going on, but it is harder to develop a self when you believe you are a self.
  11. There is probably multiple charges trying to go in multiple different directions, like this part of me wants to go work out, this part of me wants to go read a book, this part of me wants to go paint a picture. Maybe sit down and try to visualize & write down all the things you want to see yourself doing, so it is more right in front of you. Then organize how you are gonna do those things.
  12. I feel it would be useful to contemplate about a balence between energy & focus. I get like this sometimes where there is way too much energy not enough focus, or the other way around. When I feel I have too much energy I find it is good to do some concentration practices until an insight comes about where this energy is trying to move to. What does this energy want to create?
  13. Awesome to see someone following their heart I found Leo's videos from trying to figure out how to ground psychadellic trips as well.
  14. A wonderful read, thanks for sharing!
  15. The present moment, greatest teacher ever
  16. I understand, this is why I perfer having concerstation one on one with people and don't really perfer to be in large groups. It takes me a bit longer to process what others say as well, I would expirence the needle like feeling when things were not processed, then shutdown mode. It is useful to learn to put a current thought on hold if it is important to what is going on & say to the other something that communicates that you need space for a sec. Mindfulness is very useful in this case, especially if you are attached to processing something that isn't even useful to what is going on. You don't need to process everything, some things you can just let go by. I would look into this fear of unprocessed inputs, give it some love.
  17. @Persipnei You will probably find there is an emotional charge connected with the shutdown mode, it can be hard to feel as shutdown mode is like blocking it all out. Try to question what is under the emotional charge, even if its vauge. I used to expirence this a lot when I was younger, it was a lot to do with a belief like "I can't handle this" "I am not capable" when in fact I actually can.
  18. What is updog? Been pondering this one all my life, Ill never grasp it
  19. @AuthenticSelf Yes, not saying you don't, just the real You is not attached to it. Nothing is always here and now, infinite bliss is here and now, there is nothing to end. There is no where to go, there is not a difference between life & death. There isn't an after there is only Now. There is nothing outside Now.
  20. @AuthenticSelf Because an enlightened one is conscious that they are already dead, no-self. The point is to face death NOW, to face the truth that the ego is a fabrication that you are creating. You are not "inside a physical body", You are boundless. The Truth will not serve you, you must aline yourself with the Truth and allow it to guide you.
  21. @AuthenticSelf If you still belive there is a you that has to surive, you have not grasped the Truth. It seems you are thinking of enlightenment as an on-off switch type of thing, which it isn't. You could have had an enlightenment expirence, but it gets deeper. It is Infinite, let nothing less then total liberation from ego stop you.
  22. Contemplate about your insights, question what you realized, & see if you can observe what you realized in the present moment at all. It is not really a problem that you come down from the state, it is just impermance at work. After you come back, now is the real work, how to connect the insights everyday existence. From this, your baseline level of conciousness will begin to rise. I had some trips that it took me years to understand what I was tapping into, what the insights ment, how it connceted to existence. But man is it worth it.
  23. Let the thoughts go by, as the wind on your face. You can't grab the wind, & neither can you push it away. Notice. Thoughts come, thoughts go. When contemplating you are asking a question and then noticing what is going on in direct expirence in the context of the question. You can use meditation as a tool for noticing what is in direct expirence when comtemplating, as you let the thoughts float by so you can have a clear mind to investigate reality, as the contents of thoughts are not ever what is true. In relationships I find mindfulness is very useful as it helps to decern between concepts about what you think about the person & what they are actaully saying or doing. Which technique do you use? What is a session of meditation like for you now? Just notice.
  24. The stream floats by, it seems, trying to grab the water, it just slips threw my fingers.
  25. @Chimera I understand, I have been there. It is important to realize Truth doesn't have anything to do with proof, it has to do with being directly aware with what is so right now. Learning concepts from others can be useful, but real understanding comes from expirencing it for yourself, uncovering it for yourself. Concepts are maps, they may be accurate or not, how do you know unless you see for yourself? Notice the emotional charge accoiated with the thinking when you get into an overthinking state, and ask yourself "What is behind this?" sit with it with patience and loving care & realizations will come. Usually it is some belief about how you think things are. Question the belief, wonder where it came from, what its function is, why you are attached to it. Are you directly aware that reality is an illusion, or is this just a belief for you? Is it true that you shouldn't worry when in fact you are worrying?