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Everything posted by OctagonOctopus

  1. The story that you should or shouldn't do anything is not true. But what if you replaced it with could? You could love and accept what is, if you want. I would do it as otherwise is suffering. The more you can love the more you just feel great unconditionally. Why would you not want that? Could you be happy if you never achieved great things? You see, if you let go of the belief that you have to achieve great things, then you can be happy regardless of if things go the way you want or not. You realize you could achieve anything you set your mind to, and you love what is, no matter the outcome. If you highest desire is being here in the Love of Now, then you can just flow with life. Doing whatever the heart wants.
  2. @SaaraSabina That's great I loved making my own kefir, it is fun experimenting with different ingredients. It took a couple months for me to notice any changes with it, helped my digestive problems a lot.
  3. @SaaraSabina Did you do anything to rebuild the bacteria in your gut after taking the antibiotics? I remember that being something that changed my mood significantly. I have been threw times where it feel like being consumed by disassociation and pain. It is important to be kind to yourself, tell yourself it is ok. The truama feelings need to be eased into with caring attention, understanding how it connects to the all the thoughts and the feelings in the body. Going to see someone who specializes in some kind of body therapy, like massage, would probably be a good idea for you. Having someone work on your body at a feeling level helps rejuvenate stagnant traumatic energy. Would still recommend going to talk to someone, sometimes you can even find a practice that does both.
  4. @SaaraSabina I would suggest going to see some kind of therapist. Especially if you feel you keep getting paralyzed by trauma. Perhaps do some light activities that don't increase heart rate a lot? Wim Hof breathing I found very useful for dealing with feeling paralyzed with trauma. I think it is good that you are doing that. When did this depersonalization start? What seems to bring it on?
  5. I find getting out and doing some kind of physical activity can be really important for dealing with depersonalization. Get out of the mind for a bit and use your body.
  6. Allow the source of pure Love to run threw you, purifying all of your being. Realize deeper and deeper how the fabric of reality is that Love, and that it is your inner most self.
  7. Gaia's a powerful deity to be in connection with. I am happy you have a relationship with her. The channelings become more pure the more you let a spirit's love work threw you. They can bring you deeper spiritual healing as you offer to serve the Absolute Love they serve.
  8. He has some good wisdom about trauma and love. I always thought the yugas thing was silly. Seems like he is worried about us collectively dreaming up the end to civilization.
  9. @SageModeAustin Awesome, getting to know your low times really makes you appreaciate the now doesn't it? Life can shake ya, but that more you push threw those time the stronger you will be for it, and the more you understand what an in sync life really looks like.
  10. @Zeroguy I thought about that, not sure how to yet.
  11. @Shin Too late! BANNED!
  12. How are you feeling now since then?
  13. Hey guys! Love this community, and I hope to be of help to anyone who needs.
  14. This is a beautiful thread, many poetic words of wisdom The sun shines, we all grow with its light. There may be night, but tomorrow will be bright. Hope all of your wonderful lives are going well!
  15. Why did you ever think there was a problem in the first place? Is it a problem that you that you think you are a problem/ have problems? You are exactly as you are, perfectly, no? And you always are, always have been. See straight threw the thoughts, directly to the beauty of what is that cannot be put into words.
  16. You are still giving your past expirences negative meaning. All expirence has beauty in it. All of it is perfect manifestations of Infinity. You won't die, you are the Infinite Dream machine. Enjoy the being that you are now. Your regrets become beautiful lessons when you understand them with love.
  17. Whatever Love wants to do, whatever Love sees can be loved more. Whatever the fire in your heart tells you to move towards. You are creating it, you are deciding what adventure you go on. Trust your passions, grow your passions.
  18. @BipolarGrowth Exactly. The ability to discern conciousness from beliefs is so important. Otherwise you are just looping around in maps about what you think is going on, not what is actually going on. Many different frames that a suicidal person might be jammed in. Most people I feel just need someone to reflect off of so they can become concious of the framing they are in.
  19. Nice video. Yeah that is the thing, feeling that now is not good enough. So many reasons minds come up with to say that now is not good enough.
  20. It can be sustained threw purification of your vessel, your Body at every layer. To be in tune with the Whole.
  21. No bubbles, just the field of pure conciousness being itself. Everyone is a manifestation of timeless infinite Love. We are all the Infinite Actor in the endless play.
  22. How does the feeling interact with every other feeling going on? How does it relate to your body as a whole? Don't answer these just make sure you are trying to integrate the sensation to the whole of your body rather then pushing it away. When there is a feeling that is stuck it needs to find it's way threw your energy system. It can be easy to get stuck in focusing way to hard on just the sensation itself and not how it is relating to everything else going on.
  23. One with the flow, so much so that there isn't even a relationship between you and reality. You love reality so much, that you are it, and it is you.
  24. @AtheisticNonduality "Love lost in time's game of chance" ?