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Everything posted by OctagonOctopus

  1. Believing you are enlightened and no longer need to practice developing yourself is one of the ways a zen devil comes about. Developing yourself must become a way of life more so then just a practice.
  2. @now is forever I love you friend!
  3. @Yellow_Girl @SFRL Martial arts cultivate body awareness. I have found this to be extremely valuable in trying to located hidden tension in the body. Tension in your body and mental tension are very deeply related. Sparring can be a spirtual practice as well. If you want to do well, you must be here and now.
  4. Interesting, I took this test 5 years ago and got ISTP. Just took it again now and got INFP.
  5. Always 0 never born never die
  6. Nothing could be any other way then it is. All of us are intangled in webs of ideology and ego, most of us get lost in it, embodying this it becomes impossible to blame anyone for anything they do.
  7. I have a big sense of this, but also a big sense of "I have to help everyone else realize this".
  8. I swear Shrek references follow me everywhere, and someone started watching Shrek near me after I looked at this. Such a weird synchronicity
  9. I agree, what is could be no other way.
  10. "Now you know the secret now you must die!"
  11. Do some martial arts, you won't worry as much about people possibly "wanting to hurt you" Also a good school will teach you what someones body language could be like if they are actually thinking of hurting you.
  12. Do you have a meditation habit? Also trying to detach from something and attaching to something is actually the same process. You have to sit and be aware of all of these things without judging them or making stories about them.
  13. Let him cry, there is nothing you can do he will learn eventually. Defiantly too young for a logical conversation about it, hahaha. Although I too am concerned about how the younger generations are constantly distracting themselves with constant stimulation, its the reason there is such an influx of ADHD/ ADD diagnoses. So maybe try to find other things so that you can play with him?
  14. IF I am self-deceived THEN...
  15. Have you tried taking a look at your diet? There are diets that focus on healing your body from stress and damage to the body related to stress. I would focus on that before trying to take psychedelics, or any drug for this issue. Also supplements will only be useful if you have a proper diet backing them up.
  16. Fun question, if you had one full day where you had absolutely nothing that needed to be done, how would you schedule it?
  17. Taking around 0.2 to 0.5 g for me instantly puts me into a flow state. Deeper more creative ideas, if there are any underlying emotions/ thoughts going on it helps me notice them easier, everything is more fluid and moves by itself. I usually meditate for an hour and then take them.
  18. Remain aware that that is just thoughts in your head about them and that really you know nothing about them or whats going on in their mind.
  19. I think it depends on how you do it. Everyday or frequently, no I think its gonna hold you back more then help you. Treat it like a psychedelic, consuming it once or twice a month at most. I think defiantly for a stage orange it can help move into stage green. That is just my thoughts on it, some people thrive doing it everyday, but I think for most it gets them trapped in a sort of nest.
  20. It all really depends on the type of person he is I suppose. Maybe get your friend to watch some videos or read about trip-sitting? Basically he should think of you like a child he is watching over, let you play and be, but don't let you do anything dangerous.
  21. Good luck on your mission space cadet!
  22. USE A TEST KIT AND TEST IF THE LSD IS REAL!!! I don't know about you but I am certainly not gonna trust some guy who told me to take opium to get down from the trip. Store it in tinfoil far away from light. Do it in a place that you have control over, so your own home. Do it when you are in a good mood, psychedelics will greatly enhance all emotions. Also do you know anyone that has experience with psychedelics that can be there for you when you take it? Smoking weed and cigarettes are nothing compared to LSD.
  23. I agree, minimalism, no desires, no needs, just living in this moment, being one with nature. That is the way to go. You are leading by example.