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Everything posted by OctagonOctopus

  1. I suggest you do nothing Just watch. Watch thoughts. Watch feelings. Watch everything, and be nothing.
  2. Does it seem like everything is breathing? One could be becoming aware of energy flowing.
  3. Mainly being conscious of it, being aware of when one is doing/ saying things out of victim mentality. Do you have specific examples of one being in victim mentality?
  4. Can you close all communication with him?
  5. @Leonid The more you experience it the easier it will be to accept. Its like going to the gym, the more you go the more you accept the pain of working out. Of course if you don't feel you are ready to go back then wait, there is no rush. How do you ever expect to gain that awareness if you never do the analysis?
  6. Surrender, surrender, surrender. Give in to it all, give in to the substance, let it consume you, and watch what happens. Meditation and reading are for sure good ideas, also psycho-analyzing yourself and inquiring into questions about your true nature.
  7. I have actually died and came back, my heart stopped beating declared dead 3 times in succession. There really is no such thing as death, because death is finite, Consciousness is infinite, eternal, there is no such things as unconsciousness either as unconsciousness is inside Consciousness. Once merging back with Void Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence starts creating, abstracting (The best word I can think to describe it) , everything that it wills. I believe this is the reason that people come back with stories, the come down back to finite existence where everything starts abstracting is very wild can take one to an infinite set of possible scenarios, anything one could possibly imagine could happen could happen.
  8. After a NDE one ends up with an expirence of, well the unexplainable. All understanding collapses. Now I think what ends up happening is people will project their beliefs onto that expirence in an attempt to understand it.
  9. @Skanzi Fear of suffering is definitely a difficult one to transcend. Right before death all depends on if one goes kicking and screaming or walks straight in. @LastThursday Mmm, every moment deconstructed, every moment constructed.
  10. Agreed, it was a very good listen
  11. Every moment watch and be, watch your ego struggle to get what it wants as you just be. Go do some self-inquiry ask oneself "Why is it that this part of me want to go back to these habits?", start a conversation with the part of you that wants to return to these habits. Sit with the feelings one is going threw, experience them.
  12. Earwax building up in your earphones? I have never heard of the video until now, but I do this anyways because I live in a noisy place.
  13. @traveler Yes, becuase there is a part of your ego mind disputing with another part of your ego mind. So talk to each of them, be the mediator, the one observing the dispute.
  14. I wouldn't look at it in the sense of it being "wrong" or "right". The more important question is why does one want to do it. The reason could be something that needs to be dealt with internally rather then externally, which is usually the case. Do some psychoanalysis on oneself.
  15. As am I, I am heating up a sauna right now and im going stay in there until my body can't take it anymore. 
  16. Existence is everywhere and everything, always now, if one has uncovered one's love for existence one will always be with love, as long as one stays at now.
  17. Eh well pasta is mostly empty carbs you aren't really getting much nutrition at all from it, although better then all the unhealthy sugars, fats and salts in junk food. Get a notebook and use is for healthy recipes for you to create. Then do research into nutrition, and incorporate what you learn into your meals. You are going to have to do your own research if you want good results because everyone's body is different. Smoothies are a good place to start, very quick and easy. Then slowly start mixing healthy meals in to your day, so that you acquire an appreciation for the taste of healthy food.
  18. Awesome, I wanna see Canada jump on the musho legalization wagon soon. So many of them grow near where I live, I just collect them for 'research purposes'
  19. What is serious? Don't be so harsh on yourself bring some love into your being! Much love to you!
  20. Allow it, be aware of it, accept it, continue reading. If a thought comes up that is not easy to do that to then I would write it down somewhere to inquire into it later to see what is bothering one about it
  21. @arlin No, I think its awesome, like a theme song to my life. It will eventually go away on its own anyways. Just be aware of it, accept it, and allow it to be. Do anything other then sit around thinking about "How can I get rid of this?"
  22. I have had the same song stuck in the background of my mind non-stop for 5 days now, I just accept it for what it is and enjoy the tunes The way I look at it my mind is just expressing its love for the song
  23. @ColdFacts How does it make the information 'wrong'? When one takes a psychedelic it allows you to see all of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings from a different perspective. What makes this perspective 'wrong'?