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Everything posted by OctagonOctopus

  1. Sit down, Shut up, Have a good laugh The birdsongs trail unwavering surrender.
  2. There actually isn’t a contradiction there, they are both the same thing, what you do is let go of the all judgements about the feeling and feel it for what it is. Then you could start invoking the feeling you want to feel once the judgement of the negative feeling are cleared up.
  3. @JayT79 I would defiantly recommend that book, it help me let go of a lot of useless baggage. It help you understand how to grow your letting go muscles.
  4. Defantly an important realization. Shadow work is emobdiment work, constantly observe your actions & judgements well thinking about the things you learn about. Watch yourself fall into every trap even thought you know about it, realize all the suffering comes entirely from tieing yourself into knots & let them go. Loving presence is a very good practice. Nuture yourself.
  5. Keep giving that inner child as much love as possible in as many ways as possible. Healing is here and now, bring the child here, hug them, gift them the present of the present.
  6. The self talk and tension in the body are usually connected. I find when I let go of one the other goes. Doing any kind of physical exercise and trying to surrender to being relaxed as possible well doing it can slowly burn away the tension. As well as just constantly letting go of the tension well going threw the day. It is a skill that takes time to develop, but such a worthwhile skill to. I would defiantly recommend going to a therapist if it is a plausible option, just make sure you find one you vibe with.
  7. If you truly deeply fully embodied the realization that you are nothing, you wouldn’t care about anything, but there is something you care about that is making you feel you are worthless, broken, & don’t deserve love. What is that? Dig deep, find the limiting belief that has its claws in you. Surrender it, because, it is, nothing.
  8. If there isn’t no one there, then there isn’t anyone to suffer, pure stillness, it is so beautiful. Surrendering is so easy, the ego keeps trying to make up stories about how to do it, but it isn’t a doing, it is being. You don’t need to do anything, you don’t need to be anyone, you don’t need anything. Let all be as it is. Everything happens by itself
  9. I love to write poetry dedicated to souls who are lost. It helps me find myself, and also really helps with connecting different terms together when I try to not to use the same word twice. I feel much more aligned after spewing out some poems.
  10. @Artsu Eventually one will let go off all these perspectives. You obviously realize the double bind that perspectives put you in. Why stay in the constant tug of war? There really are no perspectives just consciousness playing with itself, which has no other, no opposition.
  11. No! Presence is the truth, it is what is. If one is clouded by the distortions of ego then one is overlaying a worldview and thinking that things are a certain way, in this way it might seem that presence is a perspective, but this isn’t true presence. Things aren’t any way. What is is what is.
  12. The way I see it all perspectives are just maps. It doesn’t ever end you could keep having a meta meta perspective to every meta perspective. Eventually you get stuck it some kind of infinite perspective loop. Only way to escape the loop is presence. The only thing that isn’t a map is being.
  13. @Artsu Generations and generations of children going threw school not being taught how relationships work has been taking a massive toll on collective consciousness, so many people have no clue how to deal with conflict. I would say that passion and career should be deeply linked. The education system is very heartless right now. If the system focused on students passions rather then trying to calculate them, then student would be way more receptive to learning. All subjects bleed into each other so a student can begin to see things in such a way that connects what is being learned back to that students passions, creating a positive feed back loop. More student would see the value of learning, and would have a much clearer path for themselves.
  14. @modmyth Yeah that always confused me growing up, also in school they would made us take this test that would tell us what kind of job the numbers thought we would be good at. I was like naaaahhhh I ain’t gonna listen to a dam computer about my future, or anyone for that matter. It is quite ridiculous how most education system seem to believe they can calculate a students trajectory rather then being like “Hey! What are you passionate about so I can help you move towards that!”
  15. I feel like his perspective is useful, in order to really get gains from taking a psychedelic one should be intimately focused on a practice & then the intention of where they are trying to go with the practice, psychs are enhancers. This is why it is really important for people to do consciousness work without psychs first, and then jump in the rocket-ship. Astronauts need to train before they go to space. I feel some people get really really REALLY lost when they just take a psych without a solid intention. The ego is sticky and can make one believe they are “Raising their consciousness” when really they are just running away from some form of suffering, or trying to build a belief system about the states they reach on them.
  16. I think contemplating about coral is only really gonna end in metaphysical circle jerk, with collective consciousness is still in rejection of green I believe it would be more worth while thinking about how we can get everyone to accept green.
  17. The few times I tried N,N-DMT I didn’t really get visuals. I mostly got this overwhelming feeling that everything is my body, and that everything is a a vision of unified consciousness. It was funny because I was expecting to go meet these DMT beings that I hear about, but nope it just wanted to show me that we are those DMT being, and we are all already in an astral realm
  18. @OBEler You can use a distraction to ground oneself back into presence, then start moving towards that instead of whatever hell vortex one was in.
  19. @zeroISinfinity I Love the spilling, it is deeper connection, deep unity, expands a little bit every day, is wonderful.
  20. Self-love is realizing that it isn't and never was Love vs Suffering it is Love + Suffering. What is coping? Fuck coping coping is bullshit, trusting your intuition is love, feel deeper you pussy. Become a vortex for suffering, pull it all in and feel it, love it, that is self-love! Drop your baggage at the door and Ill throw it into the fire! Love the bugs, hear them buzz, for that is the sound of life.
  21. @fridjonk Even the rapest and the terroist can drop their bags and surrender, but they have been blinded, we must love them or they will be lost forever! God has ask me to love raping a child before, I understand where you are comming from. Ego gets sick repused, threw up for days, was purging the self-hatred, was puring the hatred of infinity. It does go deeper it always does, Love is infinite, always more love can be grown. Suffering has taught me well, but Love is a greater teacher.
  22. @zeroISinfinity If you believe yourself to be the one who has a perspective then yes suffering is possible. If you are connected to pure awareness/ Love then suffering is gone. Although ego keeps trying to divid itself from Love, ego must learn to surrender itself to Love. Drop all the bags, drop all the thought stories, feel deep, free fall into Love.
  23. @zeroISinfinity Yep suffering is impossible, throw it into the fire of Love. What is felt will melt, suffering is ice, turns to water in the fire! Suffering becomes flow.
  24. Notice that guilt is a loop, you feel guilty about feeling guilty. Observe yourself feeling guilty, study the guilty. It is a survival mechonism the mind developed to protect you from something. Find out what that something is. That stern person that will face these feelings is already within you, find that zone and then face the feelings, anything other then feelings deeper is running away from what is true, what is now. Are you upset that you aren't contributing in some way or is your dad's girlfriend? Where is this thought comming from? You or her?
  25. I completely agree with what you are saying here. I have many friends who don't get insights from psychs. It is bealive it is essential that people do spirtual practices well on psychs to get the gains (Meditation, Contemplation, etc). I think it has to do a lot with expirence chasing, and the circle of chasing pleasure and running away from pain. Rather then having a genuine desire to accepting the truth of what is. Intent is so important. You get different results from meditation depending on what your intent is. It helps a lot if someone is already an expirenced meditator and has some kind of connection to pure awareness. There is nothing wrong with getting high, As long as you ask yourself why? For the garden dies if left un-loved.