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About OctagonOctopus

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  • Birthday January 23

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  1. It isn't a matter of deciding what exists or doesn't exist, everything exists, that is God's Will, Unbiased Love. It is more what you channel yourself towards. The trying to escape, the trying to fix, are things that keep you away from the Infinite Potential that you are underneath all of the thoughts. Be what you are, let the thoughts pass away & what is really there? There is a beauty in trauma, it is hard to see, or to stomach, but it is there, and once it is seen one feels the deepest compassion. Trauma builds character when one finds their way threw it, some fall yes, but the ones who truely heal shake the world with their love. They let Unconditional Love into their heart, the most powerful thing to channel into. The light of healing through Love is within you always, most people are just too afraid to truely open themselves up to it. The task of bringing the deepest Love to the deepest pain is a great one, but one that is priceless once one fully feels the joy of Being.
  2. Yeah, too much of a focus on surrendering the mind and not enough focus on being with ones own curiosity. Must be a balence between the two. I feel to get the most out of a trip one must follow their curiosity, but curiosity must be grounded in actuality, direct expirence, otherwise people can get sucked into mental masterbation, & perpetuate nonsense. Thus why I feel meditation & other introspective foundational practices should be solidified before one does deep trips. So one understands how to channel towards presence, remain calm, relaxed.
  3. Didn't load at all for me for awhile today.
  4. @Leo Gura A lot of them probably didn't have as an integral of a world view as you do. I feel what happens a lot of the time is people get stuck with following one school of thought on spirtuality, end up getting traped in the dogmas of that way of thinking. They never got the correct map to lead them to the territory they were trying to get to. This is not necessarily the fault of the practice of meditation, but the way they are looking at the practice. You have integrated teachings from many different sources, thus it was easier for you to open yourself up to the many facets of God, & integrate them together. I'm sure a lot of these meditators have awakened to certain facets, but haven't integrated many facets together. Also I feel a lot of meditators are more trying to go with the flow of Nature, & don't care as much about understanding God on an intellectual level.
  5. @Consilience Good message for the community. I have always felt that psychedelics are ment to be like an amplifier for spirtual practice, & certainly not the whole practice. I really don't get the constant psychedelics vs meditation conversation. To me it doesn't make much sense to compare them against each other. Some people seem to get the impression they don't need to do any spirtual practice if they take psychedelics, but that is recipe for becoming very ungrounded. Especially if they don't have some understanding of the distinction between direct expirence & conceptual expirence. Tripping can become a circle jerk of perpetuating your favorite worldview. I feel it comes down to using psychedelics to reach deep when it is needed, but ultimately finding a practice to ground yourself in. Gain insight into how to deepen your practice, ground it more into Truth & Love. Thus deepening your ability to harness the power of psychedelics, which then deepening your practice again, creating a positive feedback loop. Psychedelics without meditation to me, is like trying to use rocket fuel without a spaceship.
  6. @Javfly33 Love is what you really are, at the deepest level. Love is imagining everything because it loves everything. It is the completely unbiased creative force that is the Universe, that is You. It is the reason, the meaning, the purpose of All.
  7. I love micheal, he is such a goofy dude, been watching him pretty much since his channel started. It has been interesting watching how he changed after taking psychedelics. This video really shows the change compared to his older videos It was cool hearing him go threw different paradoxes, he did a great job with this one. Made me laugh a bunch of times.
  8. You need to give yourself the validation & love you feel you need. That is really the only way out if the neediness for approval. Emotional numbness is usually something you have to sit with for a bit, looking deep into it until you feel what the dynamic is underneath of it, so you can let it go, or satisfy the need yourself in your own way.
  9. Vision. Have faith in the greatest vision you have for yourself, let it grow as you grow towards it. Keep your vision in your heart, so in those times where you notice yourself getting hooked by thought you remember where you are going, you remember the things that motivate you, the things you would give your life to. Have faith in the Infinite Potential that you are.
  10. @Leo Gura I was launging a bit when he was suggesting changing "Infinity" to "all encompassing" its infinity of course it's all encompassing! It was a great podcast, nice to see you talk with another human asking you questions. Curt is a good interviewer, he really seemed to want to get to the truth of the way you see things.
  11. @Vivaldo It is just Us as the Infinite Soul, all souls are like partitions in the Infinite Soul. Yet there is no separation, no place where one begins and another ends, just a seamless feild of Divine Consciousness. It is just You as Infinity, it is just You incarnated into every soul in the universe. You will be missed by those who love you, they are all You incarnated in different ways.
  12. Life isn't a problem that has to be solved. It is an ever transforming, never ending art piece that you as the Creator are designing every moment. Let go of thinking that life is a problem, that way of thinking will never serve you, and start creating. Move towards discovering who you really are and who you want to be.
  13. @PlayOnWords You'll be scrambling to find the words to describe it, and everytime you try to describe it, it will slip threw your fingers. An empty mind cleared of thoughts, and a heart wide open to what is so. So empty that there is not even a thing that is empty, so open that reality melts into your core.
  14. The way I look at it is that I am working out so that I have a decent body structure in order to allow me to relax deeper in my introspective activities. It is harder to relax if you got small muscles, they wont be able to keep the structure of your body aligned as well. But if you got too hard with it you end up building muscles that are chronically tight. So I mostly just do light weights from time to time. Light weights with lots of reps has been shown to be better for building structurally sound relaxed muscles.
  15. @Brandon Nankivell A lot of processing of trauma and realizations happens when you dream. You can really notice this if you do any body based types of therapy, when you have a release into more relaxation it is usually followed by some dream that was related to processing the trauma tension. I would start keeping a dream journal if you haven't. You will probably get a lot of interesting stuff out of it. It can be really interesting & illuminating to try and figure out what conciousness was doing when you were in the dream state.