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About Dimi

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  • Birthday 07/03/1988

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  1. My attempt: The only "choice" you have as that individual (as your question is refering to that level) is to surrender or not to Yourself (giving yourself up, egodeath, reborn, whatever you want to call it). In the Absolute sense, free will is an illusion like all the rest is, keep it simple, it's an infinitude of You's (Godly You's, not human you's)
  2. Hi there, for me, personally it is more about the question of: is it safe to consume any of the (even good rated) sites that sell it on the regular web? I am aware that dark web is anyway "at your own risk" but always did my due diligence and never had 1 issue/problem whatsoever, now I am in the dark when it comes to this one here (MALT), is it really "OK" to buy it on regular sites and maybe, how can you test it before consuming it? Appreciate any feedback on this subject.
  3. I think you should do it, just look for what is the boundary of legally safe for you and the forum and stay below that. For example, I want to try MALT but I have no clue about research chemicals and what are scams or not and can't seem to find this one on black markets example. Do what feels good to do Leo.
  4. Go for it! Create what you think you want and only than you will be able to draw any conclusion about it Best of wishes ❤️?
  5. Has this been released and have I "missed" it or is it yet to be released? ♥️ EDIT: Might be 5-OH-DMT aka Bufotenin ?: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/10257 Or any of these chemical substances with quite the same structure but slightly different: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=CID1832 structure&tab=similarity
  6. They both come from wanting You think something (this or that) will complete you while it is not like that, how you feel can be a conscious choice, not determined by "outside" results or situations but from within You can be as blissed out with a family as you would being successful, you might have tendencies and so on which are OK, above all, question yourself why what you have and what you are now isn't enough? What makes you want something else? The content doesn't really matter, if you base essential choices on content you will be "stuck" in/with content and there is an infinite amount of content You should define more principal/core targets instead of content, this should be more in feeling than in thought although everyone is different so you are going to need to analyze that for yourself. What I mean with "principal/core targets" and content is exactly what Leo explains in this video:
  7. You might not always have that "Aha" or "That's it" moment when thinking** about such things. You just gave a specific plan yourself, so why don't you go for it, make some small analyses/business plan for it so you are more specific for yourself and set goals (regardless of obstacles and so on you might come up with), what is it really you want to achieve with it, this must be a clear answer. If you have that answer, just try it, try something, don't think it, do it **thinking might never satisfy you, keep that in mind so that this doesn't become the reason you don't do or try anything Best of luck with everything!
  8. Depends on who you are and how long you are doing it as well as how you are doing it Shambhavi will align/activate certain dimensions of your energies, period. You will be more "grounded" which gives you a better "platform" to navigate the waves you create The question is why are you asking this? ❤️?
  9. This is my wife's cousin actually (not joking)
  10. Thank you for the info! I will dig some deeper and see what I will try first