Flatworld Crusades

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Everything posted by Flatworld Crusades

  1. Did it have a colour(s)? What movement pattern did it have?
  2. So when you say spider sense, is it a tingling or buzzing? What does it feel like?
  3. @Conrad when you transferred energy to other beings could you see the energy, or feel the energy move?
  4. @mandyjw Thanks for sharing those experiences, they are amazing. Have you found out if you have a particular connection to that place? Is this the first time in your life that you have intuited so much?
  5. Will do some contemplating and see what I come up with ?
  6. Yes, I have a belief in Karma. I do have a number of other beliefs, some do to with the higher power, some to do with me as an individual. what kind of thing are you after?
  7. Ok, so. Over the past few months I've had some pretty cool awakenings and my awareness is really beautiful. I'm having some energetic occurrences that are not to familiar to me. I'm a real energy chick so this is all very exciting. The figures pop out at random times like they are waiting for me to do something. It's like "are you ready yet".
  8. @DrewNows haha. Yes of course you're not in my lounge room on the sofa. The figures are people, the one on the left is wearing black and the on the right has pale clothing.
  9. It took me 5 years to recover from illness, and like him it's bit by bit. One idea I have and something that was very successful for me was to isolate a few of the issues my anxiety's rumination was based on at the time. It was financial issues and my car. I wrote down all the internal ruminating that I would go through on an issue. I'd worry about not having enough money to pay my car rego next month. I'd ignore my bank balance, bills etc so I was in the dark which made the anxiety worse. So I found some discipline and went through every financial paper I could find, sorted bills to be paid, what month they were due etc. so I created myself a budget & found I had ample money to pay the rego. This took away a lot anxiety, so I did this for every other issue my anxiety took control of. Others than phobias, most anxiety issues have practical actions you can take to reduce the impact of the worry. Anxiety involves a lot of laziness, self-indulgence and doubt which work to steam roll the issues to make the anxiety worse. Hope that helps ?
  10. Yeah, should be lovely. It's always nice to hang out with my kids. Back to the subject, over the past month I'd say I've been seeing figures in my peripheral vision. On both sides just above my shoulder and out a bit. Any ideas?
  11. I see what you did there. Clever! Pika, pika, Pikachu. I heard that so many times when my kids where young. We are all going tomorrow for Mothers Day. ?
  12. The movie starts here yesterday.
  13. So are you saying energise that come to you to intuit are illusions whereas energies that come from you are ? Intuition ?
  14. Great energy exchange. This is almost as exciting as seeing the new Pikachu movie?
  15. Trickey, trickey!!
  16. @Jack River but true, I did send you energy before. I had no location so I just dodgyed up that part. Haha
  17. Wow, that's like record time. Yay me!!!!? I'm using my imaginary cauldron ?
  18. Are you familiar with psychic energy? That's cool. If the energies are separate what that does mean?
  19. @DrewNows thanks ?
  20. Haha. I'll call it energy, just of an unexpected variety. ?
  21. @DrewNows What is your opinion as the difference between perception and awareness ?
  22. Well I did say you might get some energy through this thread.....maybe I'm psychic?
  23. That's very good energy too?
  24. @mandyjw So are the insights only connected to your old neighbourhood? Do you intentionally do this or does it just happen at chance?