Flatworld Crusades

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Everything posted by Flatworld Crusades

  1. Thanks for your response. So if the hologram is over and above your aura it may mean that another entity is involved in producing a different energetic form, the hologram.
  2. My Brilliance
  3. @ivankiss hey, can I ask about the Hologram? Do you think it may be your Aura? The aura swirls rapidly when your evolving.
  4. It's simply a matter of awareness of world events. Not to mention respect for women.
  5. Both of these groups of women have and do suffer extraordinary atrocities, and quite a lot of them sexual abuse. To objectify them further is cruel and ignorant.
  6. That's perilously close to being offensive and sexist.
  7. @Serotoninluv I absolutely agree with you. It was just nasty.
  8. A recent awakening for me was just this. I was staring at the bedroom ceiling after having an afternoon nap and this realisation washed over me. I was half asleep and speechless.
  9. I detest those kinds of demanding statements too, and they never even give you a reason for the statement and if they do its generally discriminatory stuff. My personal experience is that self-esteem can absolutely be repaired and it can go on and be healthier than what is was before. I can't talk for the whole population but I've seen quite a number in my family and friends who have improved their self-esteem as well.
  10. I agree that there must be many people who have enlightened in a different way to your experience and to that of other members of the forum. However I disagree they show no signs of enlightenment. I think you will find there lives great compassion, kindness, love, generosity etc in their souls. They simply have a different vocab to you and their spiritual practices would be varied. I also disagree about enlightened individuals not giving a fuck about anything. Living to their values they would encounter many situations involving others, however being enlightened or even highly aware they simply choose to not get involved at times or know where their place and responsibility is, so once again they choose the right path for themselves.
  11. @Surfingthewave fear of success, that sucks. I've never dealt with that. Good luck. Yep, I really did benefit from the approach, although it took quite some time.
  12. @Surfingthewave a couple of years ago I studied myself, my actions, my gestures and my thought patterns in an attempt to heal anxiety. One activity I did was to get a white board and write down all the actions I was seeing myself do or not do that prolonged anxiety based triggers. So for example, why don't I go the gym regularly: answer lack of discipline. So here are top words that I collected. Worry, laziness, self indulgence, arrogance, catastrophisation, lack of fortitude, no perserverence. All leading to avoidance. i did I the work I needed to stop being someone completely different to who I believed I was, got up early and hit the gym etc etc.
  13. Thank you. I feel very fortunate and blessed by the Universe. ?
  14. @Truth Addict @non_nothing A good energetic clearing would be useful especially it is haunted. Id Google productive workspaces and see what they say. I can't really give you direct advice as I just told you what my experience was. I'm not a expert
  15. Ok, so she didn't get me to clean my space up, it was more about ,the physical position of furniture, the rugs or mats on the floor, the desktop and how it was laid out, prints on them walls, plants etc
  16. Totally. I have similar issues, and when read these types of posts it puts me off to go any further with the thread. The thing that really annoys me is the one-line drop in - something like "you know you don't exist, so this problem isn't real". At that's all they write, no explaination of the sentence, no assistance with what it might mean in the context of the thread. It's just a judgement.
  17. I recently had a similar type problem. I got some advice from a town planner about how I could make my study more inviting and condusive to productive work. You could probably google it, but she saw the room and then recommend quite a few changes and additions and it worked really well and I can work for hours in there now.
  18. I hope I can help you. While I healed my mental illnesses by spirituality I didn't specifically use meditation. I suffered from a life crushing combination of bipolar 1, psychosis, and anxiety over about a 10 year period. I have in the past few months been diagnosed as being in total remission of all mental illnesses. Clearly I'm very happy about this. Id love to help you if think I have something to say you're interested in hearing.
  19. Hi. I see that "energy" is referenced quite often in this forum. I'm a real fan of energy and I'm quite curious how we all use our energy. i just read that someone said they could read another persons energy through the words they had typed, and people often talk about energy healing. As an example are you an Empath, healer, psychic, energy worker or reiki practitioner. how do you move your energy around? can you see your energy? Colours? Auras? can you affect the energy of other people? Etc
  20. Small things, small choices take us to whe we want to be
  21. Oh no way, they look far too good!