Flatworld Crusades

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Everything posted by Flatworld Crusades

  1. It depends on your situation with the other person. You can certainly straight out ask, however depending on their spiritual beliefs asking for permission for your energy to access theirs could weird them out. I'd suggest something really simple like " ...do you want to share that with me". Often a hand on their arm is more subconscious but will work. If you don't like the feel of their energy (remember people with issues can have some seriously awful energy), stay outside and use your intuitive skills to help. Don't sacrifice your aura and energy.
  2. Can I ask you a practical question? Is it causing you issues in your daily life? So are you displaying fear, anger etc or other in behaviours that your not happy with?
  3. I'm new here so I'm not sure if I will connect with this topic from your perspective, but i do have something to say. Whenever there is a discussion about empaths the topic of managing the emotional asapect of both the gift and the interaction comes up. One thing is very rarely discussed is managing your own energy and aura to give you a better quality of life. There are some issues with energetically accessing an individual to sense their emotions. The over riding issue is that in most cases the Empath hasn't asked for permission. What happens is the individual being accessed will often unconsciously send back negative energy because you didn't have permission to come in. You must ask permission to enter another individuals aura and energy. Another point is that to my experience empaths don't learn how to use security and protection of their energy. To stop overloading you need to stop other energy especially negative energy entering your aura. So protect yourself