Lonnie spencer

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About Lonnie spencer

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    Houston Texas
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  1. Gotta go through the 7 stages of grief. There's no way around it. Acceptance is the key, that's the final stage, and ultimately holds most of us up.
  2. Ever since I was young I always saw through the shallowness of hedonism whether that be money, fame, women etc. I was raised religiousy, though, not truly invested in the hypocrisy I could see there either. As I got older I found myself connected more to nihilistic ideas about the world (fight club, Hemingway, Nietzsche, point break) it was all about letting go and finding acceptance in that. Well, as Leo said it so eloquently, I hit a cul-de-sac of meaning... Depression ensued. After years of heartbreak I came out of it with the realization that life had to have purpose. With the help of you guys and Leo I finally have it boiled down to 3 questions to PURSUE a meaningful life. 1. A supernatural exists, and we should align and help others align with that view (of which I have no idea what truth it may be). 2. Nothing is supernatural so we should do our best to prevent the unnecessary suffering of self aware beings. 3. Nothing is supernatural so we should do our best to preserve the Heath of the planet. I now know that because I don't have an answer for one of these questions that I've chosen to stagnate myself in my current lifestyle (waiter, single, no passion, dabbles in experiences). Am I nuerotic for feeling this way? Does anyone understand?