Porphyry Fedotov

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About Porphyry Fedotov

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  • Birthday 06/11/1989

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  1. I used to have a similar experience in my early twenties. I regularly felt powerful vibrations which were shaking my whole body when I was falling asleep, it was conducive to my lucid dream practice. Also, Robert Monroe mentioned a similar experience with vibrations in his book. I don't know what it was tho.
  2. So, Israel is at it again committing mass terrorism...
  3. 103 pages thread and nobody mentioned Bruno Manser, who was pretty famous in the 90s for advocating Indigenous Peoples' rights around the world, Penan in particular, he was also protesting against deforestation in Borneo. The dude was badass, he had been living in the jungles with Penan for 5 years, conducting guerrilla actions targeting logging operations in Sarawak. He ended up disappearing deep in the jungles, even his body hasn't been found to this day. Too idealistic, as all green people.
  4. Adventures Through The Mind (The host for sure would agree to have a conversation with Leo, the podcast is mostly centered around psychedelics) Under the Tree with Amira Arora & Aryaan Arora (description speaks for itself - “Under The Tree” umbrellas conversations with monks, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the world about happiness, love, meditation, & success. The show is hosted by Amira Arora & Aryaan Arora, twins with a single vision - to spread spiritual knowledge in a pragmatic and applicable way. ) Beerbiceps (this dude hosts a lot of spiritual teachers, from Robert Svoboda to Rajarshi Nandy) And these which were already mentioned I think to suit Leo perfectly: BuddhaAtTheGasPump Guru Viking Simulation
  5. yeah, for sure there is something inherently mystical to throat singing, especially when it combined with drums
  6. WelI it's cool that Ilya Yashin, Kara-Murza and other bright and sincere political activists from Russia left the prison. On the other hand, it's akin to negative selection when the best people are forced to leave our country. How on earth are we going to transition to a normal state when all green folk on Spiral are either killed or exiled from Russia?
  7. From what I understand, political leaders reflect the values and developmental level of most of the nation. The majority of Americans don't share blue-stage values at all. How on earth would they tolerate a Christian fascist dictator? Even if (or when lol) Trump gets reelected and starts reenacting this strategy his rule won't last. People will rise up or something
  8. I live alone and it's amazing, not gonna lie. I also combine it with travelling. For example, I moved to Kazakhstan from Russia two years ago and travelled all over the country. It was mind-opening and akin to a psychedelic experience. Now I'm in India, as a solo traveller, I work remotely and my job funds my travels. My inspirations are Ikkyu, Li Po, Ryokan you name it. Wandering sufis, zen hermits, Daoist poets who also treasured solitude and appreciated travels. Freedom and independence for me are the most important perks of living alone
  9. I'm curious, in which ways do psychedelics strain your body? Like how do you feel after the trips? I know that every situation is unique, you included. Personally, even after the most difficult heroic dose-tier trips, I feel refreshed, reset and full of energy and motivation.
  10. The US supports Israel because it strategically benefits the US, it's as simple as that. Israel is akin to a huge American military base in the Middle East which it can use to push its interests. Look at another ally of the US - Saudi Arabia and the atrocities they're committing towards Yemenites. That's geopolitics for ya. Human Rights organisations (Amnesty International etc) have been speaking out about Apartheid in Israel, ethnic cleansings and displacement of natives in illegally occupied Palestine for decades. What collective West have been doing about it? Nothing The West doesn't care about human rights violations and war crimes as long as it gains something from it.
  11. I just leave it here. The whole concept of raw and primal diets is ahistoric. Anatomically modern humans have never stuck to eating strictly raw food diet. The fire was tamed way before our species arrived at the scene, like about 1 - 2 millions years ago. So we evolved eating cooked food. Also, I don't understand this fixation on raw milk. I drank a lot of this stuff when I was a kid, like fresh unpasteurized cow milk - in my opinion, it's only superior to the regular one tastewise. It's super delicious. And that's it.
  12. Well if you don't trust Aljazeera for some reason, try reading The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé or The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance by Rashid Khalidi. Both are pretty solid books on the matter. (I didn't notice the previous post. Anyway, it's a pretty good book)
  13. Danioover9000, why are you putting so much emphasis on declining birthrates in the first world countries? It isn't a problem at all. Google what demographic transition is btw, it's a natural inevitability. Overall, the total population of the Earth keeps growing, so mass immigration is one of the solutions. Secondly, with mass automatization, you don't need a lot of people anyway. All this talking about falling birthrates makes it look like people are supposed to have kids. People are supposed to do whatever floats their boat, metaphorically speaking. If they wanna have kids - amazing, if not - perfect as well.