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About Yali

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  1. Casual sex vs relationships - your opinions?
    Casual sex vs relationships - your opinions?
    Your sweet little angel is sucking some dude's dick in the car while you are daydreaming of being her BF.

  2. Is inner game everything? And are these claims realistic?
    Is inner game everything? And are these claims realistic?
    One of my wings has been doing game for 10+ years and slept with 500+ girls.
    He says compliance ladder game can be so effective it can be it's own style of game. Personally he doesn't use it that much.
    Do I recommend you adopt that as your sole strategy? No.
    Will it get you laid a lot? Probably.
    You have to be extremely pushy for that compliance ladder to work. And still, girls will give you plenty of last minute resistance because you're basically herding them along down your sex funnel without building much connection. Yes, you can get results by being extremely persistent and manipulative. I would equate it with high pressure sales tactics. Which is why John Anthony has a rape charge. His style of game is extremely pushy and sociopathic. I don't want you guys going down that road.
    But still, learning to lead is an important aspect of game.

  3. How to get let in clubs solo
    How to get let in clubs solo
    As I said many times, it's not about the sex. It's about developing oneself into a strong man and building skills and charisma.
    A good escort in Vegas will cost $1000+. And she will not be as hot or nice as a girl you develop a genuine connection with.
    It's not just a night of sex. These girls can be converted to a girlfriend, wife, whatever.
    Think of what it does to a guy's self-esteem if the only way he knows how to get sex is through prostitutes.
    How would you feel if the only guys who wanted to fuck you, you had to pay them? You would want to kill yourself.
    Most nights I get into the best clubs for free. If pay cover I see it as an investment into a life-long skill set. A good self-help or biz seminar might cost $2000-$5000. Investing $10,000 into building game is a great investment for a guy.

  4. Why does isolation mess up prisoners but not monks?
    Why does isolation mess up prisoners but not monks?
    Why does rape mess people up but not sex?

  5. 19 year old man approaching older women
    19 year old man approaching older women
    Women are not attracted by logical facts! Age is a logical fact. It doesn't matter. Just make her feel good and she will get attracted.

  6. What do women find attractive in men?
    What do women find attractive in men?
    Female attraction basically boils down to status and power within the tribe.
    All the other signals are proxies for tribal position.
    If you have zero social standing, you get laid the least.

  7. Best resources to learn about Spiral Dynamics?
    Best resources to learn about Spiral Dynamics?
    You've been given all the theory. If you really want to learn it you have to actually grow through the Spiral stages yourself. That's where the real learning of it is.

  8. I did my first cold approach and it traumatised me
    I did my first cold approach and it traumatised me
    Of course your first approaches will be awful.
    Dude, the embarrassment is all in your head. She forgot about you 60 seconds after you left and on one else knows. She will never think of you again.
    This line/frame is too needy and clingy.
    A better frame would be: "Good, you can dance for me."
    Or if this was a nighttime conversation you could make it more sexual and flirty by saying something like: "I hope at least 1 of those years they taught you how to give a good lap dance ;)"
    And rather then telling her she must be really good, you flip it around and say, "You must really suck then".
    Just think of communicating with girls as opposite-land. Everything is the opposite of what it seems. Often times saying the opposite of your gut instinct is the best move.
    If she tells you she's a dancer, take the opportunity to misinterpret that she is a stripper and tease her on it.
    And when she says, "I'm not a stripper!" you could tell her something like, "I will teach you and then your dancing will pay for our mortgage ;)"
    You have to learn to flirt.
    - - - - -
    But don't worry about it. For a first approach you did fine. Learning to flirt will take 1000s of approaches.

  9. How to get let in clubs solo
    How to get let in clubs solo
    Dude, you don't get it. The reputation is what draws the girls in! Hot girls love sex.
    When they come to Vegas they don't feel judged. So they let loose.
    I've gamed in Dallas, Austin, LA, Phoenix. Some of those are great. Austin is fantastic. LA is killer for day game. Phoenix has lots of hot girls. Dallas is challenging, very social circley.
    Wings tell me Miami is amazing. Incredible quality of girls.
    There is no place in the world better for hardcore game than Vegas. Dating is better elsewhere.

  10. Power dynamics within dating/relationships
    Power dynamics within dating/relationships
    Actually they literally are special because they are like 0.1% of the population.
    Don't fool yourself that a really hot girl doesn't have massive social value. She does, and everyone knows it, except maybe for you.

  11. How to get let in clubs solo
    How to get let in clubs solo
    $150 cover for Vegas club is not unusual on Fri/Sat with a good DJ.
    DJs here are worldclass.
    Sometimes the cover will be $250+ for top-notch DJ like Calvin Harris. I saw Calvin Harris last week. Steve Aoki last night was $180.
    Cover for Drake was $500.
    Most nights I get in free as a local or with girls. Lesser DJs are usually $60-80.
    Clubs in Vegas are the best in the world. So many hot girls it's like paradise, and many of them are looking for dick same-night. Easiest place in the world to pull. Girls here are wild and insanely hot by the hundreds.
    Drinks here cost $25 plus tip. Tables cost $3k-$10k
    Vegas also has killer street game on the Strip and during summer time we have day clubs, which are identical to the nightclubs but all the girls are in bikinis.
    You can game in Vegas 24/7 during the summer: dayclub, steet, nightclub. Repeat. Vegas will burn you out fast. I have a wing who pulled 25 days in a row. It's insane how much sex happens in this town. Crazy threesomes and other wild stuff. People cannot fathom it.

  12. Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    There's only one way to learn. You will never know until you try.
    Kissing her is not optional. And it will only get harder the longer you wait. The easiest time to kiss is half-way into the date. Then it is least awkward. As you are walking with her, just stop her cold, face up to her, look in her eyes, run your finger down her cheek, and kiss her lightly. It's way easier than it seems. Practice visualizing it a few dozen times in your mind.
    And don't you fucking dare bring flowers. Make the date as casual as possible. No formalities.

  13. How to get let in clubs solo
    How to get let in clubs solo
    I've never seen a problem getting into a club solo. You just pay cover.
    Not sure how clubs are in your area. All the clubs I've been to charge guys cover and they don't care about group size.
    I would try to frame it as them joining you. If you get on the guest list using a promoter you can say, "Hey, ladies. I'm on the VIP guest list. Would you like to join me?"
    Or just chat them up real good so they like your company. Then say, "Hey, let's walk in together as we're chatting." Try to approach girls not in line but further away. You can even find girls who were not planning to go to the club and invite them to join you. This is ideal.
    I've done this frequently in Vegas.

  14. Best Tips for Apartment Hunting?
    Best Tips for Apartment Hunting?
    First off, congrats on the moving plans. Where you live is actually super important for building the life you want to live. 
    I’ve lived in a few flats in the center of the city, lived with parents, rented a house, lived alone and with roomies. Here are some tips.
    I would recommend getting on Facebook or social media and finding a room in a flat with roommates you can tell you have a lot in common with. Don’t rent a room in a house with a grandma or people you clearly don’t have the same type of lifestyle as. If you want to meet women try to find other male roommates who seem like they like to party or hang out. It’s a great way to meet new people in your new city and make friends. Don’t make the mistake of renting a room with people who aren’t into the same stuff as you or just totally different altogether.
    Also this way you can get a better place to stay as well. It’s gonna be expensive renting a one bedroom in the center of the city. It will be cheaper if you have roommates. Once you feel you are established in the city you can look for your own flat. 
    also finally
    1) good price 
    2) good location 
    3) good quality 
    you can only pick 2 

  15. Is doing pickup with other people and coaches a game changer compared to doing solo
    Is doing pickup with other people and coaches a game changer compared to doing solo
    I did one RSD bootcamp. While I did get a lot of practical experience that weekend, looking back I don't think it was worth it.
    The best thing I ever did for my game was get a group of committed friends who were also into game. And then just approach relentlessly, day after day, for months on end.
    I'm not saying there aren't benefits to getting a coach. Undoubtedly it has helped a lot of guys. It just wasn't my path. My path was me and a bunch of my friends all sucking and figuring it out together over time.
    Also, when you have friends who are good at game, then you have a real solid foundation to start building a big social circle. That's when game really goes into easy mode.

  16. Leo, why do the girls I approach in the club take their friend and leave?.
    Leo, why do the girls I approach in the club take their friend and leave?.
    @mmKay It's not even enough to smile, you need a flirty, sly, sexually-suggestive smirk and brightly glowing eyes when you approach a girl, and even while you're chatting her up. Really get up in her face with your powerful sexy smile.
    Radiate passion and charisma with your face. This alone will get you laid if you nail it down solid. It's worth practicing for months on end. Really dial in your smirk and your eyes. You need to look at her very powerfully but cheekily.
    Cut that dead-pan face. Never talk to a girl that way again. You need to be hypnotizing her with your smirk and eyes. She should feel shy looking in your eyes because it's too sexually intense. But not rapist eyes, your face has to be playful. Your face must exude sex and playfulness at the same time. Work on that. If you miss the playfulness you will come off as a rapist or serial killer and she will be scared and creeped out.
    Radiate an easy-going, happy passion.

  17. How Did Jordan Peterson Become So Articulate?
    How Did Jordan Peterson Become So Articulate?
    Sounds like you have some disorder. Perhaps ADD or heavy metal toxicity.
    For me learning has always been easy. Especially when I was young. It got a bit harder as I aged and got heavy metal buildup. When I detoxed it, it got easier again.

  18. How do you get good at small talk?
    How do you get good at small talk?
    1) Change your attitude about small-talk so you aren't hating it.
    2) Observe people who are good at small-talk and notice what they talk about and how.
    Much small-talk is just talking about yourself, and talking about minor details of your life.

  19. How does DMT effect brain health?
    How does DMT effect brain health?
    MDMA is a very different animal than tryptamines. That's why I haven't done MDMA. It's not healthy long-term. I might do it a few times but that's it.

  20. How Did Jordan Peterson Become So Articulate?
    How Did Jordan Peterson Become So Articulate?
    Most university professors are very articulate. Not particularly a rarity.

  21. I bet game is broken at stage coral
    I bet game is broken at stage coral
    I would guess that most professional men spend 95% of their time in a logic state. Which is why they can't get laid.

  22. I bet game is broken at stage coral
    I bet game is broken at stage coral
    The mind tends to function in different modes or states. Logical state is one thing, spiritual state is another thing, and emotional party state is very different from that.
    You have to learn to set aside the logical state and the spiritual state and just go into a sort of animalistic dumb party state, where you party and dance like a drunk fool (minus the drinking). That can be tricky to do if you spend 95% of your time in the logical and spiritual states.

  23. Pickup feels fake and low conscious
    Pickup feels fake and low conscious
    The hottest girls are usually the lowest consciousness simply because their life is so easy that developing consciousness wasn't necessary.
    People whose lives are too easy or privileged end up spoiled.
    Even good looking guys will often have shit game because they are too spoiled to actually do the hard work necessary to develop game. I would never have developed game if I had girls throwing themselves at me.
    And this is why women don't need game. Because it's so easy to get laid as a woman that getting laid isn't even a thing women think about. That's how easy it is. To a woman the idea that getting laid could be a problem hardly even makes sense.

  24. Do guys care less about looks as they become more consciouse?
    Do guys care less about looks as they become more consciouse?
    Obviously less important but just to have sex with you she needs to feel that you are above her. This effect is achieved with some screening of her. She shouldn't feel that you will sleep with just anyone. This doesn't make her feel special.
    Women sleep with high value men. High value men have lots of options and therefore high standards, and therefore they don't put up with a girl's bullshit when she acts up. When you have zero options you will bend over backwards for girls, they will feel this and lose attraction for you.
    The most attractive quality in a man is detachment.

  25. Pickup feels fake and low conscious
    Pickup feels fake and low conscious
    Most people underestimate how much their relationships are driven by survival.
    Before you can transcend survival you must first face it truthfully.
    Well, if you're so conscious you should understand that the world does not revolve around you.
    You are talking about you. I am giving advice to thousands of men who will be interacting with women who are not you.
    I am not going to cater my videos around you. I was targeting men who suck so bad with women you have no idea how much work they have to do to turn that around. I targeted such men because that's what I have massive experience with and it is a serious social problem.
    Cold approach and getting laid is just an entry point for deep relationships, intimacy, and love -- which I will teach in the future.
    You are taking cold approach as mutually exclusive with relationships, which is silly.
    The skills a man needs to attract a wife are identical to that of attracting a drunk club slut who's looking to snort coke off a dude's dick.